
Impact of Power, Culture, and Politics on Organizational Behaviour


Added on  2023-01-19

17 Pages5104 Words36 Views
Unit 12: Organisational Behaviour
Impact of Power, Culture, and Politics on Organizational Behaviour_1

Table of Contents
L O1.................................................................................................................................................3
P1) The impact of power, culture and politics on behaviour of group and individual ...............3
M1) Critical analysis of impact of politics, power and culture on team and individual
P2) Evaluating motivational theories...........................................................................................6
M2) Critically evaluate the influence on behaviour of others through motivational theories.....8
D1) Critically analyse the relationship between power, culture, politics and motivation...........9
P3) What makes an effective team opposite to team which is ineffective...................................9
M3) Analysis of group and team development theories............................................................11
P4) Concepts of behaviour in a specific business situation.......................................................13
M4) Positive and negative impact of concept of OB,................................................................13
D2) Critically analyse importance of team development theories and philosophies.................14
Impact of Power, Culture, and Politics on Organizational Behaviour_2

Organisational behaviour refers to the study of behaviour of human beings in
organizational settings, the interface between organization and human behaviour and the
organization itself. It can also be defined as the use of knowledge regarding how groups and
individuals act within the business where they work (Chumg and et.al, 2016). The Report is
based on IKEA. It was founded in year 1943 by Ingvar Kamprad. The company belongs to retail
industry. Headquarter of the company is located in Netherlands. It offers products such as
homeware, ready to assemble furniture etc. It offers the products worldwide. The firm is known
for operational details, cost controls and continuous development of the products etc. The Report
will outline the impact of power, politics and culture on behaviour of others, the ways to
motivate teams and individuals to attain a particular goal. It will also describe the understanding
of how to cooperate with others and applying the concepts of organisation behaviour to business
L O1
P1) The impact of power, culture and politics on behaviour of group and individual .
Organizational Culture -
Culture of organisation involves experience, expectations, values and philosophies that
guide the behaviour of members and it is expressed in the inner working, future expectations of
the individuals that are performing work in the organization. The management of IKEA uses
Handy's model to evaluate impact of culture on members (Majumdar, 2018).
Handy's model of organisational culture :
The model was developed by Roger Harrison and Charles Handy. There are four basic
types of culture in the business. These are as follows-
Power culture-
Under this type of culture, power remains only with few individuals that influence the
whole company. There are only few rules and regulations. Employees of the business are judged
by things they achieve and not by the way in which they perform those things (Ocasio, 2017).
Role culture-
Impact of Power, Culture, and Politics on Organizational Behaviour_3

This type of culture depends upon rules and regulations. Under this, power is determined
by position of person in organizational structure. This culture is based on tall organisational
Task culture-
This type of culture is developed when business have to resolve a particular problem or
have to complete a specific project. The power of members is derived from knowledge as long as
group requires expertise (Lesch and et.al, 2016).
Person culture-
In this type of culture, people see themselves as unique in the organization. This type of
culture is common in firms of accountants and lawyers etc.
IKEA is following Task culture in the organization. This type of culture helps to
influence the behaviour of employees as well as group. It encourages all the people to share
common vision at the workplace. Further, it helps to encourage workers to performa better. It
helps team to achieve organizational goals.
Organizational Power -
It can be defined as the the ability to influence the behaviour of employees by controlling
the resources. It is beneficial for the businesses in which manager assigns different tasks to
different workers and make them to do tasks. IKEA will adopt French and Raven's model to
identify various types of power (Sagi, 2015).
The model helps the organization to quickly respond towards the change, Under this
performance is judged on basis of results. The model is heavily dependent upon the skills of
people working in company. Size is a problem for power culture.
French and Raven's Model of Power-
Coercive power-
This form of power uses threat of force to achieve compliance from another. The force
may be of different types like social, physical, mental, political or through economical means.
Coercive power is based upon the idea of coercion.
Reward power -
This type of power is based on the right of person to offer or deny emotional, social or
spiritual rewards for performing what is expected of them. For example- a retiree is praised for
lengthy services.
Impact of Power, Culture, and Politics on Organizational Behaviour_4

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