
Organisational Behaviour: Influence of Culture, Politics, and Power


Added on  2023-01-06

12 Pages4071 Words81 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional Development
Organisational Behaviour: Influence of Culture, Politics, and Power_1

Table of Contents
TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1
P1. Analyse how an organisation’s culture, politics and power can influence individual and
team behaviour and performance................................................................................................1
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................4
P2. Evaluate how content and process theories of motivation and motivational techniques
enable effective achievement of goals........................................................................................4
TASK 3............................................................................................................................................6
P3. Demonstrate an understanding of what makes an effective team, as opposed to an
ineffective team...........................................................................................................................6
TASK 4............................................................................................................................................8
P4. Apply concepts and philosophies of OB...............................................................................8
Organisational Behaviour: Influence of Culture, Politics, and Power_2

Organisational behaviour depicts the overall analysis of the personality and behaviour of
an individual. It refers to the significant combination of various managerial actions that include
significant identification of the personality of individuals. It also carry forward prominent
research which is useful in analysing the basic objectives and requirements of employees
(Chumg and et. al., 2016). Moreover, it focus on the basic interaction of employees and represent
the values and behaviour of individuals. This report is based on British Airways which is an
airline company situated in UK and also the second largest airline company in UK. It is listed on
the London Stock Exchange as it is the first passenger airline in terms of generating more than
$1 billion on the single air route in a year. This report tends to cover the overall description of
power, culture and politics considering the behaviour of company and employees and consider
various motivational theories that is helpful in order to motivate employees and also make sure
that they get desired outcome. Lastly, it tends to describe the several theories and models in
terms of effective team development and management.
P1. Analyse how an organisation’s culture, politics and power can influence individual and team
behaviour and performance
Organisational culture:
The culture of company relies on the effective values and attitude of employees. In terms
of this, every company carries their own culture which is helpful in order to analyse the overall
personality and behaviour of employees. In terms of British Airways, the culture of organisation
is described with the help of Hofstede model: Power distance index: This component depicts the equality and power factor which is
undertaken from the perspective of subordinates and it also from the lower level. For this,
high power represent the culture in which both power and equality level is low and it
represent the respect towards the authority of company (Griffin and et. al., 2020).
Moreover, the lower power represent the effective motivation towards the prominent
structure of company and also focus on equal distribution of power between employees.
In terms of British Airways, if they tends to opt low power then it put positive impact on
the overall performance of individuals and enhance the productivity.
Organisational Behaviour: Influence of Culture, Politics, and Power_3

Collectivism vs. Individualism: As per this factor, individualism tends to put emphasis on
gaining the personal objectives and goals of person and undertake the self reputation. On
the other hand, collectivism represent the huge significance in order to achieve the the
prominent targets and objectives. In terms of British Airways, they need to undertake
collectivism as per this, the perspective for the whole group in order to motivate
employees. Uncertainty Avoidance Index: It depicts the uncertainty that arises due to the doubtful
situation. For this, high uncertainty represent the lower level of survival in the risky
situation whereas, lower risk represent high survival of employees as it is quite effortless
in order to evaluate the prominent rules and regulations (Kitchin, 2017). In terms of
British Airways, low uncertainty is helpful for employees in terms of making their
survival smooth within the complex situation. Femininity vs. Masculinity: It represent the effective priority of societal culture
considering the accomplishment of equality among the company and behaviour of
employees. In terms of Masculinity, it depicts the effective features of gender roles in bid
to develop the achievement of objectives whereas femininity represent the features of
unequal gender roles and quality of life. In terms of British Airways, it is useful for
company as it tends to consider effective laws and regulations of employment. Short term vs. Long term orientation: It represent the viewpoint of overall society
considering the long and short term orientation depict the future and also avoid the short
term success regarding the accomplishment of long term growth. Meanwhile, short term
success focus on future which represent the short orientation and put emphasis on the
rapid result. In terms of British Airways, organisation need to undertake the effective
orientation considering the prominent requirement of overall situation and expected
Organisational power:
It represent the prominent ability that tends to impact the significant behaviour of
individual by controlling them effectively. In regard of this, power is useful in order to make
prominent changes in the activities of subordinates and also impact the expected result and
objectives of company (Balwant, 2018). In terms of British Airways, few kinds of power is
discussed as:
Organisational Behaviour: Influence of Culture, Politics, and Power_4

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