
Unit 12 - Organisational Behaviour


Added on  2023-01-13

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Leadership ManagementProfessional Development
Unit 12 - Organisational Behaviour_1

Table of Contents
MAIN BODY ..................................................................................................................................3
P1 Analysis of how organisational power, politics and culture can impact on individual and
team behaviour and performance...........................................................................................3
P2 Evaluation of how process and content theories of motivation and techniques of motivation
help in effective achievement of goals in an organisational context......................................6
P3 Demonstrate an understanding of what makes an effective team, as opposed to an
ineffective team......................................................................................................................9
P4 Apply concepts and philosophies of OB within an organisational context and a given
business situation..................................................................................................................11
Unit 12 - Organisational Behaviour_2

Organisational behaviour can be define as a study of human behaviour in overall
organisational settings. It is basically a implementation as well as study of knowledge regarding
how individuals act in the organisation. The main objective of organisational behaviour is to
investigate individuals behaviour in their organisational role (Borkowski, 2016). It generally
focus on both individual performance and group activities within a particular organisation. This
assignment is based on Marks & Spencer which is a major British multinational retailer which
was established in the years around 1884. In this study, impact of culture, politics and power of
organisation on individuals and team behaviour and performance will be analysed. Furthermore,
evaluation of how to motivate individuals for achieving organisational goals will be discussed.
An understanding of how to co-operate with others effectively will be cover. At last,
implementation of philosophies as well as concepts of organisational behaviour in a particular
business situation will be evidenced.
P1 Analysis of how organisational power, politics and culture can impact on individual and team
behaviour and performance.
Different factors of an organisation can impact on behaviour and performance of team as
well as individuals. Analysing such factors that has a major effect on team behaviour and
individuals is mandatory. In each and every organisation, such factors that influence team
behaviour and staff members are power, politics and culture. Thus, their individual impact on
team behaviour and employees are discussed here.
Organisational culture can be define as collective values and behaviour that give rise to
occurrence of unique psychological and social environment of a business. It is basically a system
of shared beliefs, assumptions and values that administer the behaviour of individuals in an
organisation (Vasu and et.al.,2017). M&S organisational culture is composed of various shared
beliefs and values of their employees. Such shared opinions and values have an impact on staff
members of the organisation and precept how they act and perform their individual duties. For
analysing the impact of organisational culture on team behaviour and individuals, Handy's model
can be implemented.
Unit 12 - Organisational Behaviour_3

Handy's model of organisational culture
Charles Handy has stated four different types of organisational culture such as role
culture, power culture, task and person culture.
Power culture: In organisations that holds a power culture, generally has a strict
environment where power is in the hands of some of the individuals whose impacts basically
spreads within the whole organisation. Rules and regulations are there in this kind of culture
(Chen and et. al.,2016). Staff members are judged by their overall achievements and being
ignored by how they are performing the tasks. It is a strong culture but eventually influence on
team behaviour negatively so that it turns to be toxic for an organisation.
Role culture: Organisations with this type of culture are totally dependent on rules.
Employees are cleared about their roles and responsibilities and has a highly regulated culture.
Power in organisations with role culture is examined by individual position in overall
organisational structure. This type of power influence the decision process of team as it becomes
very slow and employees are not motivated to take any kind of risks.
Task culture: When teams in an organisation formed for addressing particular problems
or projects it results in occurrence of task culture in the organisation. It is a job oriented culture
which influence the task outcomes positively by effective team work in an organisation. Power
in this culture often shifts relying on current status of the project and mix of team members.
Person culture: Organisations with person culture have individuals who see themselves
as superior and unique to the organisation. It consist of individuals with similar background,
training and expertise (Carnevale, 2018). In this culture, the power is dependent on every group
of individuals which can influence the team behaviour by developing conflicts which is
favourable to attain task outcomes.
With the help of analysing all the four factors of organisational culture, it can be
identified that roles culture is best suited for M&S where roles and responsibilities are
particularly allocated to each staff member. It will also help in to enhance the performance of
Organisational politics can be define as behaviours use by the employees for enhancing
the chances of attaining positive results for achieving target goals and objectives of the
organisation. It consist of unofficial, informal efforts that impacts the business of an
Unit 12 - Organisational Behaviour_4

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