
Hospitality Marketing Essentials


Added on  2023-01-05

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Hospitality Marketing Essentials
Hospitality Marketing Essentials_1

Table of Contents
TASK 1..........................................................................................................................................................3
Describe the key roles and responsibilities of marketing function in the organization. ..........................3
P2 Roles and responsibilities of marketing relates to the wider organizational context. ........................4
TASK 2 .......................................................................................................................................................6
Evaluate the ways in which different organizations apply the marketing mix to the marketing planning
process in order achieve the business objective......................................................................................6
TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................................8
Produce a basic marketing plan which help the organization in accomplishing its business objectives.. 8
Hospitality Marketing Essentials_2

Hospitality industry main focus is on providing great services to its customer and make
them feel delighted (Anggani and Suherlan, 2020) . Marketing is one the essential tool which is
use by every organization as it helps in increasing the sales and revenue of company with use of
effective marketing and advertising techniques. With the organization the marketing strategies
are formulated after considering the external and internal business environment and current
marketing trends. In context of hospitality industry their primary motive is to offer quality
services and provide comfortable and save environment to its customers. The organization
chosen for this report is The Imperial London Hotel Limited. The company was established in
year 1837 and is the heart of central London. The company focus on providing lively
environment and great experience to its customers. The topics covered in the report are roles and
responsibilities of the marketing function and how they relate to the wider organizational
context. Marketing Mix of organization which helps in achieving business objective and
marketing plan of the organization.
Describe the key roles and responsibilities of marketing function in the organization.
Marketing has a crucial role in the management of hotel as it is responsible for making
people aware about the services and features of the company. In Imperial London , marketing
function ensures that the services of the hotel is appropriately placed in the market and is
focusing on meeting the needs and requirement of its customers. The marketing department is
involve in the activities related to branding and publicity of the services in the marketplace and
focus on attracting the customers towards services of company. Moreover they are developing
various strategies which helps in achieving the target market and using different theories and
principles in order to remain competitive in marketplace (Brown, Buhalis and Beer, 2020). In
context of The Imperial London the marketing roles and responsibilities are explained below-
Requirements of Customers- The role of marketing function within the organization is
to identify and analyze the needs of customers. It is prime responsibility to identify the
needs, desires, habits, taste and preferences of customers. According to data acquired the
marketing department of Imperial London analyze what customers are demanding.
Customer relationship managment- The marketing function is to anticipate the
requirements of customers which provide great advantage to the organization and helps
the management in meeting the needs and wants of customers.
Customer satisfaction- The main role of the marketing function is to satisfy the needs
and wants of customers. They identify the services which have potential to satisfy the
needs of customers and provide value to customers.
Hospitality Marketing Essentials_3

Profit motive- Marketing function with the organization is responsible to find out new
and innovative methods to attract the customers towards the services of company. They
focus on providing value to its customers which contributes in increasing the overall sales
and profit volume of the organization.
Main characteristics of marketing services of hospitality companies are as follow-
No physical existence- The services which are provide by hospitality sector has no
physical evidence that is intangible in nature. For example the room services provided by
the company don't has any proof I.e it is based on the experience of customers.
Differentiated services- The services in the hotel industry are provided by human only
and it is highly influenced by the mood, freshness, time , etc.
The role of marketing in context of Imperial London is to implement the analysis strategy
according to different situations. Thus it helps in accomplishing the corporate level goals and
objectives of company. The marketing function of company is focusing on growing the market
share by identifying the growth areas and also enhancing the demand for its services and
facilities (Brown, 2017).
P2 Roles and responsibilities of marketing relates to the wider organizational context.
The primary focus of The Imperial London is to function in coordination and cooperation
with other functional departments and formulate business strategy together which helps in
achieving desire results. The marketing process includes various activities and actions in the
process of production , promotion and consumption of products and services. Marketing process
of The Imperial London, focus on building and developing an effective market plan which is
capable of meeting the changing needs and taste of customers. Moreover they are also focusing
on formulating plans which comply with the rules and laws of the land. They have designed their
rooms in most desirable way in order to meet the diverse taste of customers. In this changing
market environment the marketing function of The Imperial London is focusing on the analyzing
and evaluating the changes in the needs and wants of customers and accordingly redesigning and
changing its products and services.
The interrelationship between marketing and other functional departments is describe
Marketing and Finance- Marketing strategies and the plans are required to be
formulated as per the set budget. These strategies and plans involves profit and cost
margin of the products, services, brand and many more. The finance department in
Imperial London is responsible to provide a define budget to the marketing department so
that they can conduct the marketing campaigns in set budget. Moreover the finance
department provide support and guidance to marketing department in cost related matters
and provide cost for carrying different marketing activities. In context of The Imperial
Hospitality Marketing Essentials_4

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