
Healthcare and Public Policy Analysis


Added on  2020-02-17

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Healthcare and Public Policy Analysis_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................3TASK 1............................................................................................................................................31.1 Concepts of health, disability, illness and behaviour ............................................................31.2 Assessment about how perception have been changed..........................................................41.3 Impact of past and present legislation ...................................................................................4TASK 2............................................................................................................................................52.1 Different care needs of individuals........................................................................................52.3 Evaluation of services ...........................................................................................................7TASK 3............................................................................................................................................73.1 Approaches and interventions that are available for supporting individuals with specificneeds ...........................................................................................................................................73.2 Effectiveness of intervention strategies ................................................................................93.3 Potential impact of emerging developments .......................................................................10TASK 4 .........................................................................................................................................114.1 Different concepts of challenging behaviour ......................................................................114.2 Potential impact of challenging behaviour .........................................................................114.3 Strategies for working with challenging behaviour associated with specific needs ...........13CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................14REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................152
Healthcare and Public Policy Analysis_2

INTRODUCTION Government has formed various policies that are mandatory to be followed so that effective careshould be rendered. Perception about specific needs have changes and people are taking moreinitiatives for providing care to disable people who have specific needs. Present report discusesabout the specific needs of people going through disability and illness. Concept of health andbehaviour is also explained. Impact of various interventions made by health care homes is alsoillustrated. TASK 11.1 Concepts of health, disability, illness and behaviour In social care there are various concept and styles related to health of people. Heath isdefined as state of human body which is completely balanced in terms of mental, physical andemotional with no presence of any disease and fragility (Drummond and et.al, 2015) Health is ofthree types physical health, metal health and emotional health. Physical health is state where allparts of human body are performing their work properly and perfectly. In physical health allparts of body should be there and should be in natural position. Mental health is state wherehuman body is capable of sensing, feeling, perceiving, judging and recalling. Mental healthincludes metal aptitude which should be average more than average. Human should have theability to get thing as they are and do not include any assumptions. Whereas emotional health isability of brain how to response and react on particular situation. Disability is termed as a condition in which affects daily life activities of human .It iscondition which impairs ability of person to perform tasks and actions. Disability can be mental,physical and intellectual. The most common type of disability is physical disability in whichsome part of body do not work properly (Klionsky and et.al, 2016). Some people suffers throughsensory divisibility in which human body is unable to sense and hear. Illness is situation in which body suffers from some disease which can internal orexternal. It is a condition in which human body becomes fragile and get infectious. Behaviour isdefined as actions and activities of individual with another person. It is ability of person how totalk and communicate in surroundings in which he/she lives.3
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1.2 Assessment about how perception have been changedPerception of people regarding specific needs is changing in this advanced and newworld. Values and beliefs of individual have changed drastically over time. According to case study given Peter is an old man and is suffering from mental illness. Cerebralpalsy has lowered down his hearing ability. Intellectual capability of him is very strong and hehandles various activities in theatre group (Williams and et.al, 2014). It is clear from the studythat government policies are supporting people in their safeguard during disability.Perception of people towards person with specific need have been changing. In past these peoplewho have specific needs were neglected form society. Society use to treat them as an object offear. The attitude of people was dominating and due to this people with specific needs wereunable to participate and contribute in society. These people have to rely on charitable trusts fortheir welfare. Now a day’s attitude of people towards disabled people is changing and they aregetting respect form society. People with specific needs have rights to participate in society.Some rules and legislation have been made by government for these people. Government andpublic authorities are giving attention to Peter. Due to that even suffering from mental disorderhe is able to perform his daily life activities properly. Accommodation provided by authorities todisabled people is supporting them very well. Rule and regulations for the safeguard of disabledpeople is helping people to survive in that condition. Governments making polices to supportperson who are suffering from any type of disability.1.3 Impact of past and present legislation (M1)Various policies and legislation made by government for the safeguard of disabled peoplehas impacted specific needs of individual. Heath and social care organization are gettingfacilities from government to fulfil specific need of individual patient properly. There aredifferent acts and policies made by government of UK for disabled people which is helping Peterand his family to survive. Some acts are as follows: Health and social care act 2012: This act provides rule that must be imitated by social careorganization in order to provide best services to patients. It provides various guidelines to socialcare sector that should be used for monitoring regulating the health of individual patient. This actdescribes that health care homes should make their proceeding smooth and fair for people. It4
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provide regulation to give primary care services to patient and his family (Gordon and et.al,2014).National Health Service act 2006: This act is made for proper fund allocation to social carehomes and organization. This cat provide guidelines to give all required facilities to health carehome for appropriate functioning of them. This is concerned with monetary support to socialcare.Social policy made by government is also supporting and ensuring specific need ofpeople legislation and social policies are blessing society for people with specific needs. Societyand culture is playing significant role in progress of social care organization. Citing example ofPeter it can be concluded that family of Peter is able to live in society due to changed behaviourand perception. The legislations that have been stated before have severe impact over the services whichare made available to individuals with specific needs. In case of Peter, the absence of any sort oflegislation could have resulted in inappropriate treatment and negligent behaviour from theindividual that is providing respective services. Social policies like the National Health ServiceAct (2006) and The Health and Social Care Act (2012) help in devising a disciplinary behaviouramongst both service providers and users. It can be inferred that social policies and legislationsdeveloped by the government help in ensuring best delivery of services for the person that hasconditions of specific needs. 5
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TASK 22.1 Different care needs of individuals(M2)CARE NEED OF ANIS Communication: Due to speechimpairment, Anis is not able tospeak properly and he requirescommunication support from hisfamily. He requires a moralsupport from his family membersin understanding his problems.People around him should try tounderstand his words by hisfacial expressions so that hewould be able to speak about hisproblems. All the people aroundhim should support him inspeaking. People should try tounderstand what he is trying tosay and do not make fun of himwhile he is speaking. Support in daily activities: Asdescribed in the case study hisright part of the body isparalysed and he is unable to dohis daily work properly. Anisrequires support in his dailywork and activities like goingfrom one place to another. Herequires a wheel chair to go fromone place to another so that hecan do his work appropriately.To perform daily activities likewearing clothes, eating food heneeds support of one person.Language Needs: Anis hadexperienced paralysis which lefthim slightly disoriented in termsof speech and language. Thisbarrier of speaking can beaddressed only when languageneeds of the person are fulfilled.Hence, Anis requires vocalexpert who could guide and helpAnis to overcome his languageneeds. Care needs of Nilam:Needs support in managinghousehold work: Nilam isrecently diagnosed withhypothyroid disease. Due to thatshe is unable in managing herhousehold activities. She need anassistance of person who canhelp her in performing herhousehold work like dusting,vacuuming, food preparing etc. 6
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