
Comparison of Marketing Mix Strategies of UNICEF UK and Cancer Research UK


Added on  2022-12-28

21 Pages5179 Words95 Views
The 7Ps Marketing Mix .................................................................................3
Product ........................................................................................................4
Price .............................................................................................................5
Place ............................................................................................................6
Promotion ....................................................................................................7
People ..........................................................................................................8
Physical Evidence ........................................................................................9
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Process ........................................................................................................9
Strategic Marketing ...................................................................................10
Purpose ......................................................................................................10
Action Plan .................................................................................................10
Product ......................................................................................................11
Price ...........................................................................................................11
Place ..........................................................................................................11
Promotion ..................................................................................................11
People ........................................................................................................12
Physical Evidence ......................................................................................12
7Ps Marketing Mix ....................................................................................13
References .................................................................................................14
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LO2: Compare Ways ‘UNICEF UK’ and ‘Cancer Research UK’ Use
Elements of the Marketing Mix (7Ps)
The success of most organizations is based on the ability to apply the 7Ps marketing mix in
a specific manner. It is always important to create a level of influence through which every
component in the marketing mix would be realizable in the long run of its operations. Good
planning of the specific marketing mix and practices ensures the success of the premise can be
derived from the specific way of communication. The only way to be able to administer the
required systems in the overall performance is through the use of the required measures at each
point in time. Understanding the specific goal of influence, it is only possible to create one of the
most powerful means through which communication would be attained. Marketing is meant to
offer a better way of defining the course of action in products and services publicity. Optimal
communication in an organization is required in the realization of a better avenue through which
every scope of communication ensures there is success in consumer communication. The most
important way to interact with the overall means of commitment is all about the development of
a modest way through which publicity is attained. Both UNICEF UK and Cancer Research UK
have elaborate marketing mix that helps them in the creation of brand awareness in the particular
avenues of services delivery as an NGO making it possible to realize the best achievements in the
marketing processes.
The 7Ps Marketing Mix
The utilization of the 7Ps in the marketing process is one of the most powerful ways
through which every concept of products and services communication would be realized most
powerfully. Application 7Ps is a strategy that ensures all corners of marketing will be attained
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with the lowest effort possible (Faisal, 2016). The central point of marketing is to attain the best
product and service delivery strategy at every point in time. The core measures that are
incorporated in the marketing are all set to define the most powerful way to penetrate the market
in a more specific way without failure.
The development of the most appropriate products and services gives the point of
differentiation. The correct type of product development in any organization gives the required
level of differentiation hence making it possible to understand what is required in the market
segment of operation in the services and product provision. The ability of a firm to establish the
most appropriate products and services makes it possible to address the specific issues that
customers and consumers would like resolved in the best way possible (Faisal, 2016). It is
necessary to come up with the most relevant ways to define the satisfaction of the required needs
in the sector.
UNICEF UK has the strategy of using its partners in the development of specific products
and services that suit the vulnerable societies in most cases. The use of partners in the provision
of products that are suiting the areas of operation (Ansell, Barker & Smith, 2017). The
organization has been able to offer its services to the vulnerable in the community. The
product's importance is emphasized through the use of brand equity in the particular levels of
interaction. It is important to understand that UNICEF brand equity is an element the company
utilizes in its product development over the years that in one way offers a product lifestyle that is
longer than what would be defined in the long run of the operation.
Cancer Research UK on the other hand works solely to offer treatment and management
services to its potential clients through an elevated product lifestyle creation (Cancer Research
Comparison of Marketing Mix Strategies of UNICEF UK and Cancer Research UK_4

UK, 2020). The development of the products is done in a manner that it will be possible to
ascertain the scope of product provision as an organization. The organization attaches much
importance to the products it offers to potential clients in the healthcare sector.
UNICEF UK uses a competitive pricing plan that only suits the organization as a non-
profits organization. The development of a pricing plan that specifically suits the NGO operating
environment is one of the strategies through which the systems of interest are created in the
particular orientation in the process. It is important to develop an avenue that is specific and in
line with the creation of a better way of communication that is specific to offering service to
almost zero-rated costs (Faisal, 2016). The pricing strategies and techniques that the NGO uses
are only applicable to the organization making it a differentiated process for the organization. It
is possible to attain operational stability through the set infrastructure in the long run. The
concept Unicef uses is to differentiate itself through a low pricing tactic to meet the minimal
costs in operation as an NGO.
Cancer Research UK has a different pricing strategy that is aimed at offering better prices
for its products and services. It is important to adopt the key measures that are set in place in the
development of the set standards in cancer therapy and treatment forums. It will be important to
offer the most powerful way through which competitive pricing is attained to help advance the
most unique prices in the market (Cancer Research UK, 2020). Over the years the organization
has been able to do price differentiation as a way to help instrument the core measures in the
optimization of the required adaptations in every level of influence. The pricing plan is in line
with the concept of making profits and innovative ways of making advances in research. Creating
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the most relevant pricing plan offers one of the most required goals of commitment as a company
and organization at the same time.
UNICEF has one of the most extensive supply chains in the world. The development of
international partners in offering services is one of the core measures the company has brought in
place in the management of the channels and logistics. The biggest issues at any point in time are
all about the connection between the set standards through which all the required processes
would be optimized most powerfully. The organization has been able to define the best way to
optimize operations (Unicef UK, 2020). The concept of managing how products and services
reach the end destination is one of the most competitive ways the organization is attaining its
success at the global level. The development of the most convenient way of delivering services
and products through the use of international partners gives UNICEF UK to stand out in the same
premise as its competitors in the same avenues of operations. The introduction of the necessary
measures of conveying the standards of communication ensures there is a more specific level of
commitment that is attainable through the incorporation of the set schemes of communication in
every platform of involvement.
Cancer Research Centre UK on the other hand has its distribution channels defined the fact
that its operations are contained in a specific region through accessible physical locations. The
channels of distribution are not much elaborate as it is compared to the UNICEF organization.
The organization however has attained an elaborate way of defining its research systems through
the utilization of the online procedures of communication. It is easy to have access to the
products and services the firm is offering through the use of online platforms. It is important to
note the core levels of communication offers a modest way that in one way or the other offers the
required levels of influence in everything the processes of required in the process (Faisal, 2016).
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