
Unit 6 – Managing a Successful Business Project.


Added on  2023-01-12

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Leadership ManagementProfessional Development
Unit 6 – Managing a
Successful Business
Unit 6 – Managing a Successful Business Project._1

Table of Contents
Table of Contents.............................................................................................................................2
TOPIC:- “Strategies of equality and diversity at workplace to reduce number of challenges faced
by a company”. A study on Marks and Spencer..............................................................................4
TASK 1...........................................................................................................................................4
P1 Aim and objectives............................................................................................................4
Literature Review.............................................................................................................................5
Description of the term “equality and diversity for a company.............................................5
Different challenges faced by Marks and Spencer while following an effective equality &
diversity strategy....................................................................................................................5
Knowledge how positively, equality and diversity impacts upon employees of Marks and
P2 Project management plan:.................................................................................................6
P3 Gantt chart and Work Break down Structure....................................................................8
TASK 2..........................................................................................................................................10
P4 Quantitative and qualitative............................................................................................10
TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................16
P5 Data Interpretation.......................................................................................................16
P6 Recommendations...........................................................................................................24
P7 Reflection........................................................................................................................25
APPENDIX I.................................................................................................................................27
Unit 6 – Managing a Successful Business Project._2

TOPIC: - “Strategies of parity and variety at office to reduce number of tests
faced by a company”. A study on Marks and Spencer.
Over the years, equality and diversity can be taken as an important term for every single
business at international or national level, because today’s environment consist of people that
differs from each other in many terms like race, religion, sex, age and many more other elements
(Bacouël-Jentjens and Christiansen, 2016). For efficient work at a workstation it is much needed
for companies to develop effective strategies in order to reduce various challenges that an
individual may face while working with others that feels different due to some specific reasons
like the person may belong to another religion, or he or she is of a different colour and so on.
This means to give it to different laborers in the association with work possibilities. Every
business must furnish its laborers with equivalent rights. It prompts improved client dedication
and permits staff to work effectively. In present context, organisation that has been taken into
consideration is Marks and Spencer, which was specifically going through different range of
problems in relation to it’s staff members. Therefore, it was required by the company to develop
a range of strategies in order to create a much more effective and in efficient equality and
diversified environment at workplace.
P1 Aim and objectives
Research Aim: “To identify the strategies of equality and diversity at workplace to
reduce number of challenges faced by a company”. A case study on Marks and Spencer.
Research Objectives:
To understand the equality along with diversity term in a firm.
To identify different challenges faced by Marks and Spencer while following an effective
equality & diversity strategy. To gain knowledge how positively, equality and diversity impacts upon employees of
Marks and Spencer.
Unit 6 – Managing a Successful Business Project._3

Research Questions:
What is the term “equality and diversity for a company.
To identify different challenges faced by Marks and Spencer while following an effective
equality & diversity strategy. To gain knowledge how positively, equality and diversity impacts upon employees of
Marks and Spencer.
Literature Review
Description of the term “equality and diversity for a company
As mentioned by Booth, (2016), Diversity along with equality are two qualities that are
important to viably control the workforce. In the working environment, all specialists ought to be
dealt with decently. The thought is that more laborers should feel roused and committed to
impartial treatment busy working. At the point when inconsistent treatment occurs, laborers fight
and sporadically debates will aggravate things much. That isn't solid for the business.
Organizations ought to adhere to approach rights and laws to keep up a sound working
atmosphere. It is along these lines pivotal that the lower the board or top chiefs ought not
segregate as this would raise the maladministration. The specialist's further note that the level of
profitability of laborers rises when seen similarly. Explicit organizations should give their
laborers and better's reasonable treatment and motivators than moderate clash and trouble.
Assorted variety is along these lines firmly identified with the headway of human rights and
fairness in the workforce.
Different challenges faced by Marks and Spencer while following an effective equality &
diversity strategy.
As mentioned by Gordon, (2018), there are a number of challenges that a company like
Marks and Spencer basically goes through while developing or following an effective equality
and diversity strategy related strategies and some of these are given underneath:
Ethnic and Cultural Differences is considered as one of the primal challenge, which
affected Marks and Spencer’s strategy developed to create a much effective and efficient
business environment to enhance the productivity of staff member’s of Marks and
Unit 6 – Managing a Successful Business Project._4

Differences in Language and Communication, is also said to be an issue while following
an effective policy of equality and diversity within Marks and Spencer. It is must for
manager to deliver right information to staff so that they may efficiently follow all the
strategies developed by this company.
Knowledge how positively, equality and diversity impacts upon employees of Marks and
According to Gupta, (2017), a business environment filled with equality and diversity
would help staff members of Marks and Spencer to work with each other in much effective and
in efficient manner. It will also lead them to develop appropriate relations with each other, which
will directly affect company’s productivity and profitability in a positive manner. Away with
this, employee will also improve their existing skills and gain knowledge in relation what other’s
follows like skills and other elements. Also, innovation is also something which will effectively
be brought in within the company.
P2 Project management plan:
Project management is considered as a process in which the manager focuses on executing
the business plan in order to accomplish goal and objective of business organisation. It is a
systematic method which is adopted by the manager in order to operate the business activities
and functions in an appropriate manner. In addition to this, the main purpose of formulation of
business plan is to observe all action taken by the manager in order to run the business
organisation in successful manner (Kim and Park, 2017). Apart from this, the project
management plan determine different factor which involves cost, size, time, communication tool,
risk, resources as well as quality and value of products. In context of Marks and Spencer, the
project management plan is adopted by the manager for investigation which is going to be
mentioned below:
Cost: In business organisation, there are various expenses which are incurred for the
production of products and services as well as the total expenditure incurred for conversion of
raw material into finished good is considered as a cost of business firm. Therefore, it is necessary
for manager to predict the total cost of project which incurred in future time period. It will assists
in assessing the need of fund for execution of project in better way. In addition to this, the
manager investigates the requirement of 100 Pounds in order to complete the task and activities
in an effective manner.
Unit 6 – Managing a Successful Business Project._5

Scope: This is an important element which is used for analysing the advantage of projects
in order to execute the project (Konrad, Yang and Maurer, 2016). In context of Marks and
Spencer, the manager has a proper skill and knowledge in respect of scope as well as advantages
of this project.
Time: Time plays a crucial role for the implementation of project management plan in an
effective manner. It is necessary for manager to calculate the time which is undertaken for
completing the whole project. Therefore, they assess the actual time taken from planning to final
results created after completing the project. In reference of Marks and Spencer, the manager
investigates the need of 6 months for completing the project (Özbilgin and Slutskaya 2017).
Communication tool: It is necessary for manager to have a good communication skill for
the success of project management plan. In addition to this, they influence the subordinates
through the use of oral as well written communication in order to attain success in completing
the project. The manager of Marks and Spencer adopt different communication tool such as
email, social media as well as organise meeting for communication with subordinates in proper
Quality: It is important for the manager to build the quality of goods as well as services
which is used for completing the project. In discourse to Marks & Spencer, the manager adopts
secondary research in order to gather necessary data and information as well as completing their
project in proper way (Ozeren and Aydin, 2016).
Risk: It is essential for the manager to assess the risk which is involved during completion
of project. In addition to this, they also identify those factors which are used for minimising the
risk. In this investigation, over use of information is primal reason of absence of confidential of
the company. It imposes negative impact on the reputation and goodwill of investigator as well
as they possibly will liable for any unlawful work perform in the business organisation.
Resources: Based on present investigation, it is necessary to have a various resources such
as land, labour, capital, human resources as well as financial resources in order to complete the
project in an efficient manner (Rees and Smith, 2017).
P3 Gantt chart and Work Break down Structure
Work Break down structure:
WBS is described as a process which is adopted by investigator in order to divide the
overall project into small parts. It helps in conducting the research activities and functions in an
Unit 6 – Managing a Successful Business Project._6

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