
Managing a Successful Business Project


Added on  2023-01-19

24 Pages4283 Words56 Views
Managing a Successful Business Project_1

Table of Contents
P1. Research aims and objectives................................................................................................3
P2. Project management plan.......................................................................................................4
P3. Gantt chart and work breakdown structure............................................................................5
P4. Small scale research...............................................................................................................7
P5. Data analyses and interpretation..........................................................................................10
P6. Communicate appropriate recommendations......................................................................20
TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................21
P7. Performance review.............................................................................................................21
Managing a Successful Business Project_2

Diversity and equality are highly relevant and are based on the concept of ensuring that
every employee has the same access to career development opportunities and promotion without
any bias or discrimination being exercised against them within the workplace. The diversity and
inclusion strategy of a business should place equal value on all people within the company, by
placing a positive value on the differences. A diverse and inclusive work environment places
value on individual background, knowledge, skills and experiences and focuses these differences
on the creation of a positive, productive and effective internal and external working environment.
P1. Research aims and objectives
Many companies are developing diversity and equality strategies to build forward-thinking
businesses that look beyond any legal guidance to promote equality and diversity and improve
corporate productivity, business development opportunities and competitiveness. Sainsburry the
implementation of other diversity and the equality is giving more development and increase in
productivity of organization so that the employee have the development of mutual understanding
which makes the company more effective in having proper understanding of different pros and
cons of the cultural differences.
To study the impact of diversity and equality in order to gain competitive advantage in global
market- A Case On Sainsburry.
To evaluate the impact of diversity and equality on employee performance of Sainsburry.
To determine the effectiveness of different strategies of diversity in corporates
To study different challenges faced in implementation of equality and diversity in
corporate structure.
Research Questions
What is the impact of diversity and equality on employee performance of Sainsburry?
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What is the effectiveness of different strategies of diversity in corporates organization?
Which challenges are faced in implementation of equality and diversity in corporate structure?
P2. Project management plan.
According to Jason Martyus, the term project management plans is concerned with the
formal documentation which contains various components or stages of the plan beginning with
the initiating stage, planning, executing, monitoring, controlling and closing (Trevino and
Nelson, 2016). The primary intention of developing project management plan is to determine the
desired project aims and objectives and the manner in which such goals can be achieved. This
type of document provides a standard of what can be attained by the project. There are different
aspects or elements of project management plan which needs to be taken into consideration and
they are discussed below:
Cost: The term cost is related to the estimated amount which will be needed to complete
the entire research (Tidd and Bessant, 2018). This is considered as one of the most
crucial aspect because without cost, no research can be conducted successfully. In this,
the researcher will need cost to meet daily expenses like travelling and this is estimated at
£100. While to complete the whole research, the estimated amount will be £500.
Scope: The term scope is related to the range of wider base where it depicts the future
perspective of the research (Storey, Basterretxea and Salaman, 2014). This is useful in
determining the desired list of a particular project goals, deliverables, features, functions,
tasks, deadline, etc. of the project. This is very important aspect of project management
plan because it has a huge influence on schedule or cost of the project. It will led the
company to the greater heights and success in near future.
Quality: The term quality is the combination of different processes and activities which
are used in figuring and accomplishing the quality of the deliverables of project
(Spender, 2014). The researcher is concerned with maintaining the quality by staying
true, fair and honest with the information which is to be collected and used for the
research. While the research quality is related to providing satisfaction to the customers,
concentrating on continuous improvement, etc.
Time: The term time is related to determining the suitable time frame which will be
required to complete the research aims and objectives (Slawsky and Zafar, 2017). It is
Managing a Successful Business Project_4

also an important aspect because every research is held for temporary period of time and
when the desired objectives are attained then the research is said to be finished after
drawing relevant conclusions. So therefore, the time required by the researcher in order to
collect data is 4 weeks while total time needed to complete the research is estimated at 12
Resources: The resources are valuable components which are required at different levels
of research in order to complete the research successfully. Therefore, the resources which
will be required by the researcher are skilled workforces, funds, technologies, etc. while
resources needed to complete the overall research is money, ability to gather data, draw
conclusions (Sikdar and Payyazhi, 2014).
Communication: It is the way through which conversation between various people in and
outside the organisation will take place (Seville, Van Opstal and Vargo, 2015). Every
research requires proper communication so that suitable results can be developed. The
communication tools which will be needed by researcher are telephone, internet lines,
etc. while to complete the research, the organisation will need to organise seminars,
meetings, presentation in order to communicate effectively and efficiently.
Risk: The risk factor is concerned with unanticipated threats that can create barrier in
completion of research (Schaltegger and Wagner, 2017). Such risk are required to be
controlled and maintained. The risk which is associated with the research is lack of
fairness, loss of privacy and confidentiality. Whereas, the risk associated with the
organisation is poor workforce, lack of enough funds, etc.
P3. Gantt chart and work breakdown structure.
Gantt Chart: The Gantt Chart is the pictorial representation in a form of bar graph. This
was created and developed by Henry Gantt. This is very helpful tool because it shows the start
and finish date. It represents different set of activities where each activity contains proper time
frame and this helps the researcher in proper conduct of various activities within the deadlines.
These Gantt charts can be printed, displayed and created easily (Polonsky and Waller, 2018).
There is a detailed combinations of thinking which assist in ensuring that the schedule is
workable and right people or workforce are assigned to perform a respective task. Furthermore, it
helps the researcher in clear understanding of task relationships where the chances of
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misunderstanding is less. Apart from this, by preparing this, there will proper allocation of
available resources which can be used effectively and efficiently as per the requirements.
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