
Managing A Successful Business Project


Added on  2023-01-19

23 Pages5170 Words85 Views
Managing A Successful
Business Project
Managing A Successful Business Project_1

Table of Contents
TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1
P1 Aims and objective of the project..........................................................................................1
P2 A Project Management Plan..................................................................................................2
P3 Work break down structure and Gantt chart to provide time frames.....................................4
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................6
P4 Qualitative and Quantitative research methods for meeting project aims and objectives.....6
TASK 3............................................................................................................................................9
P5) Presentation of findings and data using appropriate tools and techniques...........................9
P6) Recommendation................................................................................................................19
TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................19
P7) Reflection...........................................................................................................................19
Managing A Successful Business Project_2

Equality is about assuring of individuals or group of people are not treated differently on
the basis of characteristic, areas of race, disability, sexual orientation etc. Diversity is about to
provide respect and values of people to reduce differences after motivating of staff members and
their culture (Bouncken and Reuschl, 2018). Both terms are applying at the work place due to
motivate of people for work and developing effective work force. Due to increase integration
between different countries and culture management become more critical as extra efforts to
arrange equity as well as diversity. To conduct research on the business project selected
organisation, Aviva Plc which is a British multinational insurance company. It was established in
2000 by Adrian Montague. It is providing different types of services such as life insurance,
pension and general insurance. The headquarter of the organisation situated in St. Helen London,
EC3 United kingdom. This report consist of aims & objectives, conduct research that supports to
equality and diversity at the work place. On the basis of information interpret data and provide
recommendations. A reflection will be provided to support sustainable organisational
P1 Aims and objective of the project
The aim of the project to provide detailed information of the project that helps to fulfil
the objectives and expectations of the project. These aims based on the vision and mission of the
organisation that used to measure the success and failure of the project. Aim as well as objective
essential for the project and research that support to interact with the staff members and several
teams in one direction to accomplish the desired outcomes on time (Brennan, 2018).
For further assessment selected organisation Aviva Plc, which is providing financial
services to the people. It is a British multinational insurance company which is dealing into life
insurance, general insurance and pension. The company has been listed into London stock
exchange as well as into FTSE 100 index. The company operation business activities across 16
countries but mainly focus on the Europe, Asia, China and South East market for getting growth.
Being multinational organisation there are working different types of employees which belongs
from different culture, background and nations that created many problems at the work place.
For this required to manage equality and diversity among the employees regarding to work and
Managing A Successful Business Project_3

develop a positive atmosphere to providing same opportunity and chances to all the staff
members that free from all prejudice and discrimination to accomplish the greatest level of their
performance and potential (Bryson, 2018).
The aim of the project defines the main reason or purpose to conduct further research and
study should be clearly defined. The main aim of the research “To develop and apply effective
strategies to face the challenges of equality and diversity at the work place”
The objectives of the project define the reason to conduct research on particular topic.
According to that set objective of the organisation that achieve in certain period of time with the
effective use of available resources (Hajro, Gibson and Pudelko, 2017). There are defined main
objectives of the business such as:
To determine the knowledge and understand the concept of equality and diversity at work
To identify the challenges and issues that face by organisation due to equality and
To apply the effective strategies to resolved them
To determine the positive results of equality and diversity to create a effective man power
Research Question
What is concept of diversity and equality at the work place?
What problems and challenges face by company due to arise out of equality and
What strategies can be created and applied in the organisation to resolve the challenges of
equality and diversity?
What are the affirmative results of equality and diversity at a work place?
P2 A Project Management Plan
Project management plan is a written and formal document which is used by organisation
to manage or control a project effectively. Plan are helpful for any organisation that helps to deal
with difficulties and shows a right path to make decisions. In research, project management
plans is important that gives proper guidance or direction to management for taking further step.
Managing A Successful Business Project_4

In project management plan different factors are considered such as cost, communication,
resources, risk, scope, benefits, time and quality that helps to accomplish the business objectives.
The description of factors which are used in project management plan are as defined:
Cost: In this factor organisation involves the cost of research which is required to make
a successful project management plan in order to manage all business activities. To launch any
new project it is important for organisation to estimate a budget for their research and complete it
efficiently. The aim of Aviva Plc is to know the effect of equality and diversity by selecting
skilled and competent workforce that helps perform all business functions. Therefore, cost for
implementing the project within selected organisation is 55000 pounds approximately.
Task to perform Expenditure
Research and development analysis 12000
Travel 5000
Salary to researcher 20000
Miscellaneous expenses 8000
Implementation cost 10000
Total 55000
Scope: This project has a wide scope as it covers various information that will helps to
manage all business activities with the help of equality and diversity at workplace. This project
will helps to improve the performance of employees as they get equal treatment and growth of
business organisation.
Time: This is related with time period in which a project will be completed. The project
of Aviva Plc company such as analysing effect of equality and diversity at workforce will be
completed approximately 6 month because it will take time to understand about employees and
their wants (Honeyman and Jana, 2019).
Quality: It refers as data and quality of research that is done by research in order to
manage business activities by influencing workforce. It is directly related with efficiency and
sustainability of research. In context to Aviva Plc, researcher consider all relevant and accurate
data that helps to give positive response and change the mindset for improving performance.
Managing A Successful Business Project_5

Resource: Human, capital, labour, land are important resources for organisation that
helps to complete the project efficiently. In context to Aviva Plc, human resources, funds, labour
and researcher are resources who will help to complete the research or assigned project.
Communication: This is also important for research to complete the project by
communicating with all. It states that, manager and researcher should guide their employees and
support them to perform in better way. The good communication chain is helpful for Aviva Plc
that motivates employees to work hard in order to accomplish business objectives. It can be in
the form of emails, chat, messages, call and face to face that helps to collect the information and
make right decisions.
Risk and resources: In this factor, researcher analysis the obstacles while preparing
management plan and generating relationship between employees band team. In context to
Aviva, risks are identified by management in order to completing the project and reducing
P3 Work break down structure and Gantt chart to provide time frames
Work break down structure: It is a method that apply by the organisation to complex
project divide into different steps. WBS is created by the business to set a common
understanding of the project scope (Minbaeva, 2018)(Northouse, 2017).. It is an essential tool for
time management that provides several facilities to manage team by properly classifying the role
and responsibilities of people. The particular structure mainly based on the hierarchical
decomposition of work that categorise into different groups and task to proper emphasis can be
given to every task. The break down structure utilise by the manager or researcher in order to
recognise the different risk and related risk with the timely completion of the project as it
facilitates better and effective decomposition of work into different teams. Trough the structure
provides a more optimistic project that set and budget that should be adopted by the team
members to complete project on time and accomplish all the set targets. WBS mainly use for
estimate of the projects and effective allocation of time and cost for all the particular tasks and
activities of the project.
Managing A Successful Business Project_6

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