
Unit Planner for Learning in Mathematics and Science


Added on  2023-01-23

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Unit Planner for Learning in Mathematics and Science
Learner context
Strand: Number and Algebra Sub-Strand: Pattern and Algebra
Topic Focus: Pattern
Level of schooling: Year 1
School and class context:
Lower junior primary school in North Adelaide consist of 20 students from diverse
What is the learning focus?
These are the big ideas to be developed
Thinking and Working Mathematically:
These are the processes of problem solving, reasoning and
The concepts to be primarily focussed on in relation to
this particular course unit are
1. Introduction of patterns: It seeks to provide
students with a deeper insight into what actually
patterns are?
2. Process associated with development of patterns.
3. The different types of patterns.
The processes to be followed for thinking and working
mathematically are as follows:
1. Questioning
2. Identification
3. Problem solving
4. Reflection through comparison and contrasting of alternative
5. Communication development through language and
6. Reasoning skills and capability
These are the attitudinal aspects of learning
Must be confident enough in identifying the repetition within patterns.
Must exhibit high degree of engagement, motivation and persistent attitude towards taking up the role of a
Must be able to procced towards imparting education on harder patterns in algebra.
How will the students engage with this learning? (Provide here an outline of five sequential learning experience using any of the given
structures from the Maths/Science learning cycle or the 5Es model)
Prior Knowledge/Engagement Learning Experiences - Finding out about the learner: 60 minutes
The stage looks forward to determining the previous knowledge scope of students on patterns.
Step 1: As the students go ahead with recapitulating his or her previous knowledge set, the teacher must go ahead
with adopting several short activities to engage them to the concepts on patterns, repeating and growing.
Students will be asked about the size of various objects, its colour, height and texture thus given to them to test their
pattern identification skill and ability
Step2: The teachers will ask students to draw some patterns in white paper based on the objects that they are being
shown previously.
Step 3: The students will be assigned into groups of two for the purpose of analysing their knowledge scope on
patterns. In this regard, they will be provided with the task of identifying the patterns that can be made with some
given objects.
Assessment: The effectiveness of students will be observed and noted for future reference.
Personal attention to students with a loving and caring attitude.
Use of visual representations using smart aid technology for the purpose of teaching.
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Exploratory /Explore Learning Experiences – Exploring the idea: 60 minutes
Introduction: The students will be given knowledge on repeating patterns.
Step 1: The teacher will discuss with students about the different types of repeating patterns as well as their
significance in relation to the course unit on patterns. In the form of a story telling students will be introduced to the
Step2: The different types of repeated patterns like ABAB, ABCABC and ABBABB will be taught and made to
understand how they can form patterns based on critical knowledge and understanding.
Step 3: The students will be asked to write patterns in white paper based on their relative understanding level. To
ensure that the little ones are highly interested in that the teacher will announce a surprise gift for the individual who
has developed the most unique pattern.
Assessment: The students will be assessed largely on their mental ability for framing patterns. The student with the
most innovative pattern is going to be awarded with a storybook on tricks to frame unique patterns.
Focus on self-learning capability of students.
Surprise gift announced to the innovator pattern maker to enhance the interest level of students.
Exploratory /Explore Learning Experiences – Exploring the idea: 60 minutes
Introduction: The students will go ahead with repeating the pattern style belonging within the number line 1-15.
Step 1: The students’ knowledge on number system as well as how it can be used in preparing patterns will be
Step2: The students will be asked to write number patterns based on their level of understanding of alphabetic
patterns. In this regard, video representations will be used for the purpose of preparing patterns.
Step 3: The students will be asked to write patterns in the white board and share their experience with class as to
what made him or her select the numbers as well as the pattern thereby formed.
Assessment: The capability as well as confidence level of students in sharing their pattern making experience to
students will be assessed for further reference.
The study has focussed on developing close association in between teachers and students.
The students were free to ask any question to the teachers in relation to making pattern.
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Exploratory /Explore Learning Experiences – Exploring the idea: 60 minutes
Introduction: The students will go ahead learning what is growing pattern and its importance in relation to the
present scope of study.
Step 1: A theoretical lecture on growing pattern will be given with the use of several interesting videos.
Step2: The students will be made to understand the difference in between the previous pattern types learned in the
class with that of this growing pattern.
Step 3: The students will be assigned with a task to be performed individually. In this regard, there will be visual
representations which will be used for the purpose of identifying and segregating growing patterns from a large
number of patterns thereby given.
Assessment: The number of successful guesses made by the students will be used for assessing his or her credibility.
Use of visual representations.
Presentation of different types of pattern at one instant so as to enhance the capability of the students to
distinguish among them.
Discussion and consolidation of language /Explain Learning Experience(s) – Getting the idea: 60 minutes
Introduction: This stage of the learning model primarily looks forward to providing students with the scope to share
the overall understanding of the topics covered in the unit.
It primarily focusses on the experiences that the student has successfully gained from the previous explore
stage of the learning process. Therefore, the teachers and students are likely to get involved in a discussion
section wherein mutual sharing of thoughts relating to the learning process is being shared.
The question and answer discussion section must possess adequate capability in making students gain
adequate courage as well as confidence to various concepts relating to mathematical pattern and algebra
thereby covered.
Furthermore, the teachers must ensure that the students have gained immense knowledge and thereby
capable of explaining the entire lesson in their own words and based on their individual perception and
outlook along with proper justification
Elaboration / Extend Learning Experiences –Practicing the idea and applying the idea deeper and/or wider:
NB This section would include several lessons in a unit of work that extends over a couple of weeks
Introduction: The lesson will be further extended for the purpose of enhancing the knowledge scope of student on
repeating and growing pattern.
Process: The process associated with making students practice the lesson gained from the learning process and
thereby strengthen their knowledge scope must be spanned across a course unit, effectively distributed over two-
week time. The distribution of the process relating to elaboration of the knowledge scope is critical to helping
students emerge as master in the pattern and algebraic concepts covered in the course.
Week 1: The week 1 of elaboration stage of the learning process must go ahead with assigning students with several
home assignments relating to application scope of the overall knowledge gained for the purpose. The home works
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