
Urban Tourism in Cambridge: Resident Perspectives and Impacts


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Urban Tourism Field Report
Urban Tourism in Cambridge: Resident Perspectives and Impacts_1

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction....................................................................................................................3
Aim and Objectives.....................................................................................................................3
Research question........................................................................................................................4
City case study.............................................................................................................................4
Brief outline of the whole report.................................................................................................4
Chapter 2: Literature Review...........................................................................................................6
2.1 Defining urban tourism..............................................................................................................6
2.2 The demand and supply of urban tourism.................................................................................6
2.3 Current debates..........................................................................................................................7
2.4 City type that Cambridge fits in (tourist-historic city) and related features of tourism in this
type of city.......................................................................................................................................8
Chapter 3: Methodology..................................................................................................................9
Research Approach......................................................................................................................9
Data Collection and sampling......................................................................................................9
Data Analysis...............................................................................................................................9
Justification of research methodology.........................................................................................9
Chapter 4: Results and Discussions...............................................................................................11
Results and Quantitative analysis..............................................................................................11
Chapter 5: Conclusions..................................................................................................................27
Sample Survey Questionnaire....................................................................................................31
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Chapter 1: Introduction
The concept of urban tourism can be defined as collection of tourism activities associated with a
particular city, which serves as the primary tourist destination. Urban tourism is one of the oldest
forms of tourism existing as the history of ancient cities is quite rich. With varying purposes of
tourism such as business or leisure, visitors used to come to visit cities and indulge in various
tourism activities offered by the city. Urban tourism offers varying types tourism services and
activities creating tourism demands, which makes this type of tourism considerably complex, and
demanding. Urban tourism first started developing surrounding the historical cities and later
spread to the modern metro cities and other places in which urbanization has taken place. Within
the context of tourism industry, urban tourism is significantly important as it contributes highly
to the revenue generation. For instance, the historical city of Cambridge is one of the most
attractive urban tourism destinations in England generating high revenue for the British tourism
industry. Cambridge city is famous for its scenic beauty presented by the river Cam and the
famous and prestigious Cambridge University, which was established in 1209
(Visitcambridge.org, 2018). This rich historical attraction and the lesser explored resident
perspective on the impact of urban tourism on the city has developed the background purpose of
the present research study. The purpose and the research topic thus stand as exploring the
perspectives of the impact of tourism activity on the Cambridge City.
Aim and Objectives
The research background has helped in developing the aims and objectives of the research,
which are important for developing an appropriate research methodology. The background
suggests that Cambridge is one of the highly attractive urban tourism destinations however, the
resident’s perspective still remains limitedly understood. Therefore, the aim of the present
research report is “Exploring the perspectives of the residents of the city of Cambridge about
the impact of tourism activity by conducting a questionnaire survey during the field trip at
Cambridge city.” Following are the research objectives:
Urban Tourism in Cambridge: Resident Perspectives and Impacts_3

1. To Investigate the perspective of the residents of Cambridge City regarding the impact of
tourism activities in Cambridge City
2. To evaluate the perspective of the residents of Cambridge City regarding the impact of
tourism activities in Cambridge City
3. To reach justifiable conclusions from the results of the study
Research question
What is the resident’s perspective regarding the impact of urban tourism activities on on
the historical city of Cambridge?
Research sub questions
What are the central reasons of inspirations for travelers to visit the Cambridge city?
Distinguish the central tourism attractions of the Cambridge city?
What are influences of urban tourism on Cambridge City?
What are the responses of the residents of Cambridge city towards the developing
tourism action in the city?
City case study
Tourism is one of the fastest growing industries around the world and in UK with an amazing
pace and performance. This industry is one of the major contributors of economic growth of
Britain contributing £583 million on an average every year to the total industrial revenue.
Cambridge city alone experience 5.3 billion tourists every year attracting attention to the
changing tourism trends and the huge impact of the tourism and tourist activities on the city and
the lives of the local residents of the city. The tourism industry also accounts for the 17% of the
local employment generation for Cambridge city. The city holds a number of prominent visitor’s
attractions including the historical architecture in the forms of various museums and churches the
castle of Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. Notable museums include Fitzwilliam, Sedgwick
Museum of Earth Sciences, Duxford Imperial War Museum. The historical university of
Cambridge and the river Cam are also one of the favorite tourist attractions. The well-established
tourism industry calls for the need to explore the impact of urban tourism on the city of
Cambridge according the residents’ point of view.
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Brief outline of the whole report
The report includes an exploration of the resident’s perspectives on the various impacts of
tourism activity on the city of Cambridge using a survey done during the field trip at the city.
The result and discussions helps the researcher in developing conclusions that achieved the
research objectives successfully.
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Chapter 2: Literature Review
2.1 Defining urban tourism
The term urban tourism denotes the tourism in urban areas. According to Miller et al., (2015), the
urban tourism is comparatively an ancient form of tourism. The people of Mesopotamia and
Babylon used to visit several places for business purpose. Urbanization is a prime force
contributing to the development of cities and towns, where people live, shop and work.
Therefore, the renowned critic Spirou (2011) has commented that the cities and towns provide
the context for a diverse range of cultural, social and economic activities. The urban tourism
interlinked with the gastronomy tourism, shopping tourism, cultural tourism and others. The
nature of urban tourism is to grow the business, adventure, fashion and employment in the
particular city. The urban tourism contributes to positioning the towns, cities and megacities in
the global networks. The understanding of the term urban tourism incorporates with residents,
temporary or permanent, who consume the city along with the tourists. The enhancement of the
positive image of the city is often integral to the development of urban tourism. Since the end of
nineteenth century, the urban tourism has rapidly developed and witnessed a radical change in
the influx of the international as well as domestic tourist. AlSayyad (2013) commented that the
developed infrastructure and socio-cultural elements are responsible for this remarkable growth.
The urban tourism brings the economic growth and elastics the scope of employment in the
particular place or city. The tourist’s quest for knowledge and the trend to escape from the busy
schedule are increasing the tourists’ influx in urban areas.
2.2 The demand and supply of urban tourism
The demand and supply chain of urban tourism is the fuel to run the tourism service in cities and
towns. The demand and supply are interdependent with each other. The famous scholar Mordue
(2017) stated that the appropriate identification of the demand graph is necessary to estimate the
supply rate. The demand of the tourism refers to the individual number of visit to any particular
place in a specific period of time. On the other hand, Preston (2011) stated that the supply refers
to the identification of the responses in accordance with the market demand. The end of the
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demand and supply chain requires meeting the demand quality and quantity of the current
market. The supply of tourism facilities in the urban areas is involving the inventories like spatial
distribution of entertainment complexes, accommodation and other tourist services, in
accordance with the demand graph. The heritage buildings, monuments, natural parks of the city
are also included into the supplier list of urban tourism. In this context, the demand generated by
the urban tourisms is to examine how many tourist visit the urban places, why they choose to
visit the place and the patterns of their behavior. Several local authorities in East and West
Europe are pump priming tourism development in order to stimulating the economy of that
particular place, where culture and leisure based spending can be harnesses to generate the
employment. The current survey witnessed the revolutionary growth in the urban tourism sector.
The trend of the modern urban tourism is to get the leisurely service to spend their holidays and
vocational times (Easter Holiday, Christmas) with family and friends. In this regard, the current
survey has disclosed that the visitors number increased by 30,000 in the last two years. The
hotels and restaurants and other recreational complexes are the result of public demand. The
smooth transportation service is there to diminish the demand of current urban tourism.
2.3 Current debates
The term urban tourism is the most discussed topic in the tourism sector. The academic section is
full of several debates about this topic. The urban tourism researchers rarely draw their attention
upon the theoretical debates within the social sciences and the problems exacerbate by the lack
of engagement of the social science disciplines. The renowned critics Mackey and Gass (2015)
provided an integrated structure for the urban tourism based on the subjects cells, space and
matrix of the themes. He also stated that the macro analysis and case study analysis are essential
to discuss the theoretical debates on the concept of urban tourism. The current debates have the
tendency to publish the reason why the urban tourism is evolving and its global manifestations.
Colomb and Novy, (2016) elaborated that the diversity of urban areas refers to the size, location;
scope and history contribute to their uniqueness. The demand and supply concept of urban
tourism raised several debates among the critics. However, the demand of the tourist has
converted into the safety and security of the particular place, whereas the suppliers are putting
their special focus on delivering the problem free service to the tourists. In a word, the tourists
are running for the quality services from the suppliers. The multifunctional nature of several
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cities is the major concern of the critics if they are a part of only urban tourism or business
tourism. However, the business tourism is closely interlinked with the urban tourism. The
globalization and industrialization in various are grabbing the attention of the critics to enhance
their area of knowledge. The specialist tour operators are also creating the confusion to indentify
the type of cities and other destinations.
2.4 City type that Cambridge fits in (tourist-historic city) and related features of tourism in
this type of city
According to the famous scholars García-Hernández et al. (2017), the city of Cambridge is the
most renowned tourist historic city. However, the city is the evidence of the early Anglo Saxon
period. The exactors discovered the existence of Bronze period. The River Cam is another
historical river, which is flowing beside the city of Cambridge. Major number of tourists visits
this city in order to diminish their quest for historical knowledge. The Cambridge University is
the most renowned and historical university of the world. The Castle Mound, King’s College
chapel, Fitzwilliam Monument, Imperial war museum and several monuments present the city as
a historical one. The urban tourism of this city is interlinked with the heritage and cultural
Pinkster and Boterman, (2017) stated that the city is enriched with innumerable historical
evidences. Similarly, the botanical garden and mathematical bridge are the popular historical
place of city of Cambridge. The city of Cambridge is completely satisfies the features of a
tourist-historic-city of urban tourism. Major portion of the tourist come to visit the city, belongs
to the educational sectors. The researchers and students group visit this place for the valuable
historical essence of the city. The service quality of the tour operators is not a major issue to the
tourists. Therefore, they only look for historical knowledge. The local government of the city has
taken several initiatives to maintain the historical buildings and monuments. The report of
current survey has disclosed that most of the tourist used to spend more than two days to visit the
city for tourism. This rapid growth of the urban tourism in the city has enlarged the employment
scope for the local residents.
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