
Virtual Child Development Research Paper 2022


Added on  2022-09-26

8 Pages2184 Words34 Views
Running Head: Virtual Child Development 1
Virtual child development
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Virtual Child Development	Research Paper 2022_1

Virtual child Development 2
Virtual child development
In my life, I have virtually raised two girls at different stages of development. I have raised
Kevin from childhood to adulthood and, at the moment, raising Ryuby only for adulthood. From
these two girls, I have learned a lot of social, cognitive, and physical changes. As a person grows
from childhood to adulthood, there are a variety of changes one encounters from one stage to
another. Growth and development is a continuous stage that happens all the time, which has been
linked to various developmental theories. According to Press (2015), growth and development
milestones underwent by children involve a lot of social, emotional, physical, psychological, and
behavioral changes that parents should check on as their children grow. The development types
were evident in Kevin at 0 to 2 years, 2 to 5, 6 to 11, and 12 to 18 years.
This paper shall be based on the cognitive theory framework, where the notable changes in my
virtual children shall be discussed. From this theoretical framework, children go through four
stages of development (Piaget & Inhelder, 2019). Children can acquire knowledge in various
ways and can as well understand the intelligence of nature. Toddlers go through the
Sensorimotor, the Preoperational, the Concrete, and the formal operational stages as they grow
(Piaget &Inhelder, 2019). from 0 to 2 years, Kevin underwent notable physical, social/emotional,
and intellectual development which every child goes through as they grow (Tisdall, 2019). In
cognitive development-wise, Kevin took an active role in the process of learning by making
various observations from people and the environment. For example, her curiosity began when at
four months when she could focus her eyes on me or anyone else coming close to her. She could
do it by closely looking at me or anyone else coming closer with an insinuation that they were
learning something.
Virtual Child Development	Research Paper 2022_2

Virtual child Development 3
From 0 to 2 years, I was fascinated by how Kevin displayed various actions such as grasping,
listening, sucking objects, and still looking at things and people keenly. For example, playing
music made her calm and could sleep without any disturbances. Her characteristics of knowing
the world was evident through various movements and sensations she displayed. She could
manipulate objects and acquire different experiences via reflexes, senses, and motor responses.
She could as well imitate actions from others, such as laughing back reaction. She learned how to
crawl and walk in this period and also could utter simple words, especially the ones she heard
from us, which was a great deal of language development. She also began to attach terms and
names to objects, for example, shoes and signal to me what she needs via signs, especially by
pointing at what was of interest. She could as well resist taking anything handed to her if at all, it
did not interest her. When she needed my attention, Kevin could try out different actions or
sounds. Her knowledge seemed limited to her perceptions and motor activities, proving that
behaviors of children are limited to simple motor responses that are brought about by sensory
stimuli (Butterworth University of Sussex, 2013) and ("Motor skills of prepubertal children,"
At 2 to 5 years, Kevin's language developed significantly. Her thinking became better, and she
could think about things in very concrete terms. She could represent the objects she knew by
using pictures and started thinking symbolically. She could believe in my perspective at this age
and became very curious when she came close to something she has ever heard of. Playing
became the order of the day, and she developed various skills to show it. For example, she began
symbolic play and could as well manipulate the play symbols. She could use a broom to
represent a horse, and she could perform role play very well. The fascinating thing is that she
took her role too well, especially when playing with the other kids, the 'mommy' 'daddy,' 'doctor,'
Virtual Child Development	Research Paper 2022_3

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