
Emotional Intelligence and Transformational Leadership in Virtual Teams


Added on  2023-06-18

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Design and CreativityPsychology
Leadership (8001LEAD)
Emotional Intelligence and Transformational Leadership in Virtual Teams_1

Mysirlaki, S & Paraskeva, F 2020, 'Emotional intelligence and transformational leadership in
virtual teams: lessons from MMOGs', Leadership & Organization Development Journal, vol.
41, no. 4, pp. 551-566.
Article 1 Commentary
Because of the pervasiveness of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), the
way many businesses operate has shifted dramatically, from formal systems to networked
corporations served by Virtual Teams (VTs). Virtual teams as "teams functioning in virtual
contexts, where group members are spatially and geographical scattered and rely on ICTs to
synchronise work." The growing popularity of virtual teams has created significant
opportunities for both corporations and employees. Products have increased structural
flexibility, continual productivity, and information sharing across geographies. According to
Zigurs, virtual groups provide us with a unique opportunity to reinvent leadership. Leaders,
according to the traditional paradigm, are expected to offer encouragement, reward, and
inspiration, primarily by their physical presence or comments, and to foster the formation of
relationships within the group. Because there is also interaction with a computer in a virtual
world, it is required to rewrite these components. The coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic in
2020 compelled many businesses around the world to ask their workers to work from home,
resulting in a surge in the number of virtual teams. The transition from face-to-face to virtual
leadership poses problems for both individuals and companies. These difficulties are
compelling researchers to learn more about the predictors of virtual team effectiveness.
Identifying the main features of an effective virtual leader has become critical in order to
better understand how VTs may function more efficiently. Despite the fact that recent
research has looked into numerous team elements of virtual groups. Because of the hard
economic conditions, the idea of building virtual teams for IT firms is becoming more
widespread. Virtual teaming is a way to save money on travel and commercial properties.
Virtual teaming is backed by a variety of technological innovations that have making virtual
teaming more appealing to employees. Recognizing the relationship between leadership and
successful remote working may have a genuine and major cultural effects, given the rapid
growth of team members. Transformational leadership has a significant on employee job
satisfaction, perception, and commitment to service mile, but there is no likelihood opposite
findings in a team - based environment; notwithstanding, the alteration through scrum
framework may cause significant workplace modifications, such that the leadership
Emotional Intelligence and Transformational Leadership in Virtual Teams_2

behaviours that lead to success will be vastly different than those in a traditional workplace.
When converting a typical workplace to a team - based environment, the interactions amongst
supervisors and subordinates, such as communication techniques and forms, assessment, and
guidance, take on a widely differing form. The quality of the leader–follower connection has
a direct impact on the quality of work performed by the follower. Transactional leaders
encourage personnel with incentives or disincentives, but the relationship is often mutually
advantageous, and both the leader and the follower earn success through results delivery. If
the leader lacks the resources to provide the appropriate incentives to reach a goal, this type
of leader is likely to struggle with inspiring employees.
Emotional Intelligence and Transformational Leadership in Virtual Teams_3

Walumbwa, FO, Christensen, AL & Hailey, F 2011, 'Authentic leadership and the knowledge
economy: Sustaining motivation and trust among knowledge workers', Organizational
Dynamics, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 110-118.
Article 2 Commentary
It is determined that Authentic leadership is a considered as appropriate management style
which is characterised by leaders who are sincere, self-aware, and open minded. By
continually expressing who are the leaders as a person and how leaders can hand their staff
members performance. It is identified that a genuine leader can inspire loyalty and trust in
their team members. Authentic leadership is the single most important indicator of job
satisfaction among the employees.
It is identified that authentic leadership is helpful to improve the sustainability level,
motivation and trust level among the employees. Apart from this automatic leader are also
provide their best contribution in the development of their team members. As per authentic
leaders, it can be said that they are self-aware and honest leaders and also considered as self-
actualized persons who are conscious of their abilities, weaknesses and feelings. They also
display their followers and work continuous to boost their performance.
Authentic leaders do not react differently in the workplace and in public, so they do not hide
their weaknesses or mistakes to avoid appearing weak. They also recognise that self-
actualization will never be a process. Organizations can simply improve the authenticity of
their leaders through authentic leadership so that they can make a significant contribution to
the organization's growth. It has been determined that true leaders are mission-oriented as
well as outcomes. Authentic leaders are better able to prioritise the aims of their organisation
on their own individual interests. They operate for the sake of completing tasks, not for the
sake of gaining power, wealth, or ego.
In the organisation, Authentic leaders work like a strong support system ans perform their
task to obtain the organisational goals. Authentic leaders are not afraid to express their
feelings, be vulnerable, and connect with their staff. This isn't to say that genuine leaders are
"soft." In truth, direct communication is necessary for effective outcomes, but only when
conducted with compassion; forthrightness without compassion is cruel.
Emotional Intelligence and Transformational Leadership in Virtual Teams_4

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