
Managing the visitor attraction in UK5


Added on  2020-07-22

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Leadership ManagementEnvironmental SciencePolitical Science
Visitor AttractionManagement
Managing the visitor attraction in UK5_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................11.1 The overlap of visitor attractions in relation to specific types of attraction..........................11.2 Significance of various visitor attractions ............................................................................2TASK 2............................................................................................................................................32.1 Needs and motivations of different type of visitors..............................................................32.2 Effects of tourism on visitor attraction in UK......................................................................52.3 Impact of various theories in motivation of tourist on management ...................................6TASK 3............................................................................................................................................83.1 Processes and potential problems involved in development of visitor attraction.................8TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................174.1 Visitors management strategies...........................................................................................174.2 Sustainable management techniques..................................................................................18CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................19REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................20
Managing the visitor attraction in UK5_2

INTRODUCTION Visitor attraction management is defined as making a place attractive which is frequentlyvisited by tourist. This term is used in industry of tourism. The main purpose of managingvisitor attraction is to draw attention of tourist as well as local people of the area. Visitorattraction is used for promoting tourism in the place. Development of tourism support indevelopment of the region and locality. It also helps in developing the biodiversity and naturalresources of the area. In present report London Eye's is chosen as visitor attraction. Presentreport describes about overlap of tourist attraction with respect to particular place of attraction.Evaluation of significance of various visitor attraction has been done. Requirements andmotivation of distinct type of visitors is done in the report. Further more, various theories of andtheir impact on tourist motivation has been described. More over, processes and potentialproblem in the development of visitor attraction is illustrated. Visitor management strategiesand techniques has been explained. TASK 11.1 The overlap of visitor attractions in relation to specific types of attractionManagement of visitor attraction is very significant component in the tourism sector. Inthis industry which provides tourist to visit different places when they makes plan for trips.When people goers out for trip their main reason behind this is the attraction of the place( Bebbington, Unerman, and O'Dwyer, eds., 2014). Attractiveness of any destination must lastlong rather than temporary.Any picture presentation as lasting attraction will tend to attracttourist by alowing them to access for delightfulness. Amusement, providing content andcuriosity for the place and it may involve some places for adoration also . Every destination should be open to all and it should not have any restriction in accessingplace. As a consultant of national tourism agency visit Britain its is required that specificlocation in England should not have any prohibitions. Any location in the country must be openfor outside people as well as for local residents (Crouch, 2012.). Attraction of the place should bemaintained by single authority and it should not be allotted to various department. Singledepartment responsibility will help in making the place better and it will also support in makingrevenue from visiting of tourist. Department of visitor attraction will also help in generatingemployment opportunities. Scope of visitor attraction management is to make visitors to visitThorpe park, London Eye, Eden etc. 1
Managing the visitor attraction in UK5_3

Overlap of visitor attraction was made with the aim of getting tourist attention to somespecific place (Downs and Gregory, 2014). The purpose of this does not mean to get popularityamong local public. For understanding the concept example of London eye's can be taken. Theplace is big Ferris wheel which is located at bank of river Thames. When this place was made noone knew that it would become so popular. Every year many tourist come to visit this place inLondon. This place is one of the most famous tourist destination in the country. Approximately4 million visitor come to this location. There are various visitor attraction such as MadameTussaud's Railways which are historic, Themed parks, piers. To understand overlap of tourists for example St. Paul's cathedral is one the most visitedplace by tourist. The place has noteworthy property and remarkable things to be visited. Thisplace is highly visited every year. The place is popular for its art work and tricky mosaics. Theinside of St. Paul's Cathedral is just is very alluring and attractive that every visitor who comesto the place fills with amusement and joy (Dupeyras and MacCallum, 2013). Tourist can explorevarious memorials of popularly known and notable national heroes. They can also discover thetombs and vaults . There is another attraction for people visiting place is the whispering verandawhich is flamboyant and curative. They can also visit to Golden Gallery that has glorious bird's-eye scene of London.1.2 Significance of various visitor attractions Every tourist destination in each country has some importance. Significance of varioustourist detonations in London is as follows: Seal life of London Aquarium: This place is located at ground floor of country hall. It issituated at bank of river Thames. This marine museum comprises of 500 speciesinvolving sharks, piranhas, non style clown fishes in sea life. This pace is one of thefrequently visited place in the country (Evans and et.al., 2012). Tourist and visitors getenjoyment ans bliss on visiting this place. Visitors always get best experience which isworth memorising and cherishing. It also gives United Kingdom the centre for sea lifemanagement and its preservation of marine taxon.Tower of London : This place in United Kingdom is historic and counted in one of theroyal palaces of the city (Getz, 2013). In this tower weapons and instruments used inwars are preserved. The castle is very amusing and powerful that it attracts number oftourist every year. The tower has interesting history related to with it which also allures2
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tourist towards it. There are some various other places also which are: Jewels of Crown,Science Museum , Arsenal , House of Jewels , zoological garden and many more. Towerof London is situated in central London at bank of river Thames. Coca cola London eye: It is one of the most famous tourist destination in UK. It hassignificance in providing breathtaking scenes to people. The scenes are from 32 capsulesof which 10 tonnes of artifact of each person and can carry around 25 people at a time(Ghimire, 2013). Coca cola London eye is centre of attraction in this city. This placerepresents a scene which is 360 degree and conceals the popular locations in UK. Inrecent year this place has got the rank of most visited spot. Westminster Abbey: This place is a large church which is situated in Westminster city. Itis remarkable religious place in the city. The building of the church is 700 years old.This church attract million of tourist every year. It is the most popular old church in UK.This place is considered as most embracing and Gothic Abbey place of worship inWestminster town of UK. British Museum: This British Museum is popular worldwide. It showcases the art ofman from past time to contemporary era worldwide. The repository has variousrepulsions like Stone of Rosetta, Egypt mummies conservation and Sculptures ofPantheon .St Paul's Cathedral: This tourist destination has noticeable property while reckoningskyline of London (Getzner and et. al., 2014). The place has many domes which areworldwide popular. St. Paul's Cathedral is very alluring and attractive that every visitorwho comes to the place fills with amusement and joy. It is favourite among people due toits art work and complicated mosaics. Travellers can discover various memorials ofpopularly known and notable national heroes. They can also discover the tombs andvaults . There is another attraction for people visiting place is the whispering gallerywhich is flamboyant and curative. They can also visit to Golden Gallery that has gloriousbird's-eye scene of London (Ghimire, 2013.).TASK 22.1 Needs and motivations of different type of visitorsMotivation plays a vital role in tourism sector. When tourist visits a place and they do notget things according to their requirements then it turn into dissatisfaction and unhappiness. It is3
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required that travellers needs and expectations should be fulfilled so that they get motivation tovisit the place again and again (Hall, 2013). Motivation of tourist helps in influencing holidaypackages. As a tourism consultant of national tourism agency attracting visitors managementcan include type of visitors which can support in promoting services and products to consumers.Market segmentation: In the market segmentation of visitor attraction tourist companycan improve its efficiency of service by segmenting market. Market segmentation willhelp in providing better services to customer (Hudson and Thal, 2013.). Each market willhave its own characteristics. It is and effective way to enhance performance of of touristmarket by applying suitable marketing strategy. This will also help in increasingproductivity. Consumer focused segmented market also support in motivating customers. Geographic segmentation: This section divides customers on the grounds of regions,cities and towns. The organisation of visitor attraction management can decide to marketits product and services in specific areas. This segmentation is done by considering thefactors like visitors place of origin (Hudson and Thal, 2013.). This factor is significantbecause of tourist of distinct places are bring up with distinct cultures. These touristsrepresents distinct characteristics of behaviour. It is the most simple kind ofsegmentation. Demographic segmentation: This kind of segmentation is done on the basis of genders,age, ethnicity , financial status, religious beliefs, education and marital status. Psychographic Segmentation: In this type of segmentation psyche of the visitors is takeninto account. Information about tourists is gathered like their choices, interests, behaviourand opinions. Psychological needs includes desire and thirst of anything wanted. Safety and security of touristthat involves security to live as for everyone their refuge has the uppermost precedence. Socialneeds of tourist includes love, care and affinity (John and Susan, 2015). Respect which isappreciation , the reason to recognized and valued by local people. For motivating tourist thereis there is model of Pearce which has layer of motivation in the form of pyramidRelaxation behavior (rest <> active )information (stronger emotions )cultural needs ( family, friends)self regard ( self development )4
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