
Annotated Bibliography on the Influence of Visual Merchandising on the Unplanned Shopping


Added on  2023-06-04

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Annotated Bibliography on the Influence of Visual Merchandising on the Unplanned Shopping
Annotated Bibliography on the Influence of Visual Merchandising on the Unplanned Shopping_1

Consumers are said to be rational decision makers in a business where there self-interests
come first. Their consumption and purchase behavior is influenced by different characteristics of
the circumstances as well as situations surrounding their shopping trips. Developing knowledge
on what attracts consumers or influences their purchase decision is critical for marketing
purposes as well as for the development of effective product design strategies. Everything that a
customer sees concerning a product, whether it is interior or exterior impacts them either
positively or negatively. Just as many business retailers through merchandising can help
consumers identify the right products, it is also likely that product design may influence
consumer purchase behavior. The annotated bibliography in this study an evaluation of reflective
texts in helping us understands the influence of Visual Merchandising on unplanned shopping.
Thomas, A. K., Louise, R., & Vipinkumar, V. P. (2018). Impact of Visual Merchandising, on
Impulse Buying Behavior of Retail Customers. International Journal for Research in Applied
Science and Engineering Technology, 6(2), 474-491.
Thomas, Louise, and Vipinkumar developed a study that was aimed at examining the
relationship between customer impulse buying behavior and the common external factors which
trigger impulse buying. The authors define visual merchandising as the effective presentation of
goods or products that impact customer purchasing behavior. According to their arguments,
intelligent store design for products as well as the layout and other visualizing merchandizing
factors affect consumer purchase behavior. Understanding consumer consumption behavior is
critical to product development and design. What the visual presentation of a product depends on
its design and the appearance of a product in the eyes of consumer plays a more significant role
in attracting them and making a purchase decision. The authors classified consumer purchase
behavior into two categories including planned behavior and unplanned behavior. Consumer
Annotated Bibliography on the Influence of Visual Merchandising on the Unplanned Shopping_2

planned behavior occurs after a period to analysis and decides on a particular product to
purchase. In this case, it is difficult to influence the consumer because his or her decision to buy
a product takes into consideration some factors. The secondary category is the unplanned
behavior where the authors argue that consumers make a purchase without any advanced
planning and mostly involves impulse buying.
In their journal, they further discuss four different types of visual merchandising and their
impact on unplanned shopping or impulse buying and includes; Window display, in-store form
display, floor selling as well as promotional signage. This helps us in understanding that every
product design display is critical to influencing consumer purchase behavior. The authors
provide that visual merchandising as a means to communicate the value of a company or store
fashion and quality image to prospective customers. Therefore, the authors argue that each
company or store, they always seek to build and enhance its image and concept through
visualization presentations for their target or prospective customers. Creating an attractive
product design will, therefore, be the priority in the development of visual merchandising.
Product design helps in developing an image that captures the immediate interests of the
consumers and influences their motives and purchase behavior of individuals.
The findings of their study showed a positive relationship or correlation between window
display and consumer purchase. However, how a product looks at the window display depends
on the design of the product. Therefore, the authors should have explained why retailers pay
more attention to the design features of their products and brands to improve their sales through
customer impulse buying. A good product design, with amazing features and characteristics that
reflect the internal needs of the consumers, will always impact customers positively. In my
opinion, the authors have provided an argument that impulse buying or unplanned shopping
Annotated Bibliography on the Influence of Visual Merchandising on the Unplanned Shopping_3

behavior by customers was related to their feelings of delight, enthusiasm as well as joy as a
result of the first impression created by the product. Their findings also established a positive
correlation between customers buying behavior or unplanned shopping and Mannequin display
as well as with creative floor display and promotional offerings at the entrance. These types of
visual merchandising tools, therefore, influence the consumer purchase behavior leading to
impulse buying.
Hefer, Y., & Cant, M. C. (2013). Visual Merchandising Displays' Effect On Consumers: A
Valuable Asset Or An Unnecessary Burden For Apparel Retailers. The International Business
& Economics Research Journal (Online), 12(10), 1217.
In their journal of international business and economics, Hefer and Michael have
investigated the effects of visual merchandising on consumer behavior. The study was influenced
on the understanding that most consumers believe that they only purchase goods or products
when they go shopping without the realization that they are buying the shopping experience in
the store. In their study about consumer behavior, the authors have established that it is
influenced by a limited extent of the visual merchandise display that informs or directs the
consumers about a product to make a choice. The understanding of shopping experience and how
it contributes to or influences unplanned shopping is a critical marketing tool for any business.
However, according to these authors, the experience of shopping in a given store is profoundly
affected or determined by visual merchandising used in the store.
Consumer behavior is also influenced by their individual preferences and the quality of
the displays. For any product design, it is critical that it takes into consideration the various
consumer tastes and preferences when designing or branding the product as this will enhance its
Annotated Bibliography on the Influence of Visual Merchandising on the Unplanned Shopping_4

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