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Interest of Australian Employers in Vocational Education Training


Added on  2023/06/12

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This essay explores the interest of Australian employers in Vocational Education Training (VET) and the challenges faced by students in this process. It identifies the influencing factors of VET and the challenges faced by students. The essay concludes that VET is important for the development of employers and the Australian education system has implemented a concerned aspect of the vocational training process.
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Topic: Interest of Australian employers in the condition of Vocational Education Training
and Challenges in the particular sector
Vocational Education and Training (VET) is one of the major priorities to educate the
technical and practical knowledge for the Australian employers. Entire Australian education is
improving as the skill-oriented works are evolving through the process. The upgrade quality of
VET system is the influencing aspect for the country and employers learn those skills for the
development of their position in that organisation as well as improved organisation position also
(Ncver 2018). In some cases students and employers are coming from low-status belongings and
lower-income, racial minority cases and immigrant students are there. For them, it is a useful
process to level up the position of the education and deliver them what is needed in the
The thesis statement of this essay is to determine the influencing factors of VET and also
identify the challenges that students have faced in this process. There are some countries where
immigrant youths groups and the individuals are also involved in this process in the mainstream
section and deliver their best in this study.
Some of the factors are influencing VET commitments and participation for employers
like quality teacher training, Physical infrastructure, Supports from the district office,
industry placement and resources.
Quality is the prime issue of this prospect and there are some technical issues that come
in that perspective to develop the teaching position in Australia. The educational structure in
Australia follows a three-layer model that includes primary education, which is associated for
primary schools after that secondary education is there for the higher secondary schools and
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tertiary education for the universities or the vocational education courses in Australia
( 2018). Public schools in Australia are worldly, although they may
proffer elective spiritual education. Private schools typically have religious affiliations. In
general, around 64% of children in Australia attend public schools and 34% attend private or
Catholic schools. In spite of your choice of school, all are synchronized by the same soaring
standard curriculum outline (Grubb 2006). Vocational training is the learning process that barely
in the type of skill a person desires to pursue, forgoing conventional academics. Some vocational
education is originated in the form of high school CTE programs that comprise academic revise
as well as a diversity of courses and employment experiences designed to initiate students to
trades ranging from edifice, trade and healthiness to art and design, agriculture and information
Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) are constantly improved in different ways.
There are lots of expenses aligned with the program and trainers from different parts of the world
come and join this teaching program also. The curriculum design and development is the rapid
change that Australian vocational education process has done in that case. As stated by McGrath
(2012, p.627) Technologies are rapidly changing at times and that is the reason vocational
training is getting important in these days. The process of standardisation and curriculum aspects
are the concern matter for programs. The learning infrastructure is improving day by day and in
case of customizing training programme, the major areas of the company need to be formulated.
Assessment and Certification is another way of maintaining the process, as after completing
VET good assessment process has been done and well-managed certification is also processed
( 2018). Workplace learning is another aspect that can be implemented
or considered as the influencing factor for employers as they training process help them to learn
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some new things and process of customer dealing is acceptable in a more formative way. In work
process resources are another concern matter in case if the academic education
( 2018). In case of vocational education, more practical and intense
education process needs to follow, in that case, fair reasonable funding, tools and amenities are
the concerning aspects of this thing and management has to take the initiative to gather those
things in a professional manner.
This is a rebirth of training processes and vocational education helps this entire process to
formulate. As mentioned by Saunders (2012, p.187) the development of assistance committee
and governmental initiation is the major boost that vocational organisations are having and that
enhance the market for education and training. Education for All (EFA) is the basic foundation
of literacy and through the literature used in the learning model; the things are quite subjective
for the employers. They need to improve their standard and that is the reason they come and join
the process of VET (Agrawal 2013). If the quality of learning or the skill development is not in
form, then they might have faced such situation also.
Some of the noteworthy challenges are also faced by VET and these are quite relevant to
stag the development. Lack of equipment is the prime concern and feasibility of all these
equipment is not possible in every time. Poor budget is a concerning issue for the training
process. There are several cases where management has not have enough fund to continue the
process, thus they take some the alternative ways of education, aligning or deliver the cheapest
way of the training process for students (Zimmermann et al, 2013). The professional
development and improvement of students do not come as expected in that case and that is the
worst feedback from employers. Some of the school managing programmes like timetabling in a
right format are essential in that case. Timetabling is a form that requires the good amount of

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knowledge that what class is suitable for these students. These classes are being delivered by the
faculties but in most of the cases inefficient timetable process is the concerning aspect and that is
the reason the quality vocational process has been done in an effective way.
Teachers require time for understanding the administration process and this is the most
challenging aspect of placement and development as they have to identify the concern reason of
training and the responsibility imposed over the teacher. The placement and collaboration with
big companies are not fruitful in some cases and for that reason; some of the employers are not
satisfied with the consequences of the course (Wardle, Steel and Adams 2012). The learning cost
is very low so this is not an issue for the employers but the difficulties of a gap from the data are
the concern for the management. There is an unclear situation persisted between the
commonwealth and state territory of government and in that case this situation impacted badly
over the VET process. As commented by Grubb (2006) there are some apprentices programs that
are rigid in their space and in some cases there is the little bit of chance of the project short
duration but the management hasn't considered the process. The ageing problem of teachers is
the concerning aspect for the employers also. In such cases, upgradation of their studies will not
be picked by the teachers and thus primitive rather contemporary way of learning and this is a
serious problem for the development of VET ( 2018). Some of the used
skill forecasting are the concerned way of management and implementation of those processes
are important is important for the development of learning process (Ncver 2018). Community
problem may consider as an issue in that case as some of the faculties has this kind problem and
in most of the cases, this may consider as the orthodox idea of the teacher. However, in some
cases, the situation is quite trembling in that case and validation process of learning rights has
been broken in that case.
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Therefore, the essay can be concluded that vocational education training is important for
the employers’ development. The process is very important for the development of employers.
Australian Government and Australian Universities offer a large number of scholarships for an
admirable process, brilliant international students with vast academics wanting to learn in
Australia. The major reason, in that case, is the concerned aspect of the vocational training
process that Australian education system has implemented.
Document Page
Agrawal, T., 2013. Vocational education and training programs (VET): An Asian
perspective. Asia-Pacific Journal of Cooperative Education, 14(1), pp.15-26. 2018 Challenges facing VET in Australia retrieved from: [Viewed on 24th April, 2018]
Grubb, W.N., 2006. Vocational education and training: Issues for a thematic review. Manuscript,
McGrath, S., 2012. Vocational education and training for development: A policy in need of a
theory?. International Journal of Educational Development, 32(5), pp.623-631.
Ncver 2018 National Centre for Vocational Education Research retrieved from:
[Viewed on 24th April, 2018]
Saunders, R., 2012. Assessment of professional development for teachers in the vocational
education and training sector: An examination of the concerns based adoption model. Australian
Journal of Education, 56(2), pp.182-204.
Wardle, J., Steel, A. and Adams, J., 2012. A review of tensions and risks in naturopathic
education and training in Australia: a need for regulation. The Journal of Alternative and
Complementary Medicine, 18(4), pp.363-370.
Zimmermann, K.F., Biavaschi, C., Eichhorst, W., Giulietti, C., Kendzia, M.J., Muravyev, A.,
Pieters, J., Rodríguez-Planas, N. and Schmidl, R., 2013. Youth unemployment and vocational
training. Foundations and Trends® in Microeconomics, 9(1–2), pp.1-157.
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