
(PDF) Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance


Added on  2021-05-31

11 Pages2894 Words59 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional Development
Running head: WAYS TO REGAIN JOB SATISFACTION1Student’s name:Student’s number:Unit identity:Date:
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WAYS TO REGAIN JOB SATISFACTION2IntroductionIt is important to develop proper policies to deal with the human resources in the organisation. The changing business environment requires an organisation to focus on developing the satisfaction of the employees. In achieving the desired level of production the management is required to motivate the employees to work effectively during the production process. Employee dissatisfaction leads to reduced morale at the workplace as they are unhappy with the working conditions. The unhappy employees tend to respond destructively to the job dissatisfaction which negatively impacts the production level of the business. The focus on developing the working conditions is essential in achieving the desired job satisfaction for the employees (Jacobs, Yu & Chavez 2016). A continuous development of a business is attained through consideration of employees needs at the workplace. The essay argues that employees actin a destructive manner when unhappy thus important for an organisation to focus on regaining employee satisfaction. Ways to regain job satisfactionThe performance appraisal is used by an organisation in determining the human resource contribution to the achievement of the desired level of production. Proper staffing strategies are required to be implemented to reduce the cases of job dissatisfaction in a business. The staffs directly impact the performance of the organisation due to the involvement in the production processes. Dissatisfied staffs act destructively in response to the working conditions which reduces the competitiveness of an organisation in the targeted market. Proper analysis of the employees' needs is used to deal with the issue of dissatisfaction in the business (Bardus et al. 2014). The management and staffs are required to focus on building a strong relationship that
(PDF) Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance_2

WAYS TO REGAIN JOB SATISFACTION3will contribute to employee satisfaction in the market. The destructiveness of the unhappy staffs makes it difficult for an organization to maximize production in the long run production process. The human resource management is expected to evaluate the flow of the market in determining the appropriate policy to implement in the organisation. Job satisfaction is required to develop the self-esteem and confidence of employees for an increased production level of the businesses (Yang et al. 2018). Self-esteem assists the staff in identifying the appropriate plan to implement in dealing with the issue of dissatisfaction in the market. Market analysis by the human resource management is used in developing a proper working environment which is better than competitors in the market. The enhanced working conditions are used to deal with the dissatisfaction of employees for the achievement of the desired level of production. Employee empowerment is used to regain employee satisfaction in business. The empowerment programs are used to reduce cases of unhappy employees who are destructive to the flow of the company. The empowerment of employees requires an organization to allow staffto have control of various operations in the business (Fernandez & Moldogaziev 2015). The programs are used in increasing the commitment of employees towards the accomplishment of personal and corporate targets of production. The staffs’ loyalty to the company is evident by working towards the achievement of desired production level in the market. According to Laschinger et al. (2014), proper evaluation of staffs needs and cultural background assist in developing plans that will increase commitment in the market. The dissatisfaction of employees has a low level of commitment in the organization which reduces the production of the business. Proper evaluation of the workplace assists in developing plans that will increase the overall performance of the employees for an increased performance in the market.
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WAYS TO REGAIN JOB SATISFACTION4 The empowerment programs are used in the decision-making process where the views ofstaffs are considered in developing strategies for the company. The involvement of employees in decision-making process assists in enhancing the production level due to a reduced level of resistance in the market. The employee provides the management with ideas that will reduce the cost of production and increase the productivity of the business (Allen, Lehmann-Willenbrock & Sands 2016). The top management is expected to consider the views of the staffs in the decision involving the production due to their extensive experience. The employees are highly involved inproduction process thus important to consider their feedback on various policies implemented bythe company. The staffs feel valued when involved in the decision-making process of the company. Staffs are able to develop plans that are beneficial to the business through the consideration of the internal and external factors affecting production. Staffs embrace change when there is increased involvement in the decision-making process making it possible to attain the desired production level. Grant (2016) states that dynamic external business environment requires the management to focus on increasing performance of employees through identifying the challenges at the workplace. The human resources management is able to make a reasonable decision through employee empowerment for an increased competitiveness of the organisation inthe targeted market. Organisational restructuring is used to regain the job satisfaction in the market for an increased market performance. The restructuring is used to continuously improve the operations of the company for an increased motivation to the employees. The changes in the market require an organisation to focus on a flexible staffing policy that will deal with issues in the market. Proper evaluation of business environment assists the company to implement a proper restructuring plan that will maximise operations in a specific industry (Turk 2017). The HRM is
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