
Critical Evaluation of the Channel Expansion


Added on  2021-08-06

48 Pages10198 Words98 Views
Professional Diploma in Marketing
Managing Marketing
September 2010
CIM Membership No: 13150575
Word Count : 6553 (Excluding appendix, background and rationale for the Marketing
Critical Evaluation of the Channel Expansion_1

Managing Marketing
CIM NO: 13150575
To : Director of Marketing – PC House Limited
From: Jay D. McCullen, Manager – Marketing, B2C division, PCHL
Subject : Weighing Up the past to improve the future
Date : 2010.08.25
Executive Summary
With emerge of global economical crisis major economies of the globe have been negatively affected and
have formed a negative impact on consumer behaviors and market growth immensely. Therefore in terms
of corporate environment function undergo so many crisis and project in order to determine the survival
of the company during the respective period. And majorly marketing division has been subjected to cost
reduction, minimization of investment on marketing related activities. This report mainly addresses the
critical evaluation of the Channel Expansion project which was executed in the middle of such a difficult
era in order to identify what contributed to the effectiveness, success or failure of the activity.
And the report capitalizes on the areas of resource utilization, team development, information flow and
KPIs of the project obtaining a vertical understanding on each of the aspect and identifying strength and
weakness depicted. And finally have provided recommendation projecting the future substantial grounds
of the company.
Critical Evaluation of the Channel Expansion_2

Managing Marketing
CIM NO: 13150575
1.1 Background and context 7
1.0 Defining the market 7
1.1 PC House Limited 7
1.2 Marketing Department of PCHL 7
1.3 The global Economical Slowdown 8
1.1.1 Selection of marketing activity and the rationale for the selection 8
1.3.1 Marketing activity subjected 8
1.1.2 Rationale 8
2Critically assessing the human, financial and physical
resourcing requirements for the channel expansion

2.1 Human resource 9
2.2 Financial requirements 9
2.1.1 Critical evaluation of financial requirements 11
2.3 Physical requirement 12
2.4 Overall evaluation analysis and justification 13
3 Team management 14
3.1 Team building 14
3.1.1 Identification of the team members & structure of the team 14
3.1.1 Belbin’s team roles 15
3.1.2 Formation and managing the team 16
3.2 Potential areas of conflict and solutions provided 18
3.3 Team and individual performance 20
3.1.2 Evaluation of qualitative factors of the project team. 20
3.1.3 Evaluation of quantitative factors of the project team 20
3.3.3. Individual performance evaluation 22
3.2 Summary 23
3.2.1 Team performance 23
3.2.2 Individual performance 23
4 Evaluating the quality of different information sources required to
deliver the marketing activity 24
3.3 Information required to facilitate the marketing activity
Channel Expansion 25
5 Undertaking a full review of the budgetary process of PCHL 26
5.1 Defining the budget 26
5.2 Budget procedure in the context of the PCHL 26
5.2.1 Flow the budgetary process in the context of PCHL 26
5.3 Final budget 27
5.4 The monitoring, evaluating and controlling on the financial performance
of the channel expansion activity 27
5.4.1 Projected KPI performance level Vs acquired performance level 28
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Managing Marketing
CIM NO: 13150575
4.0 Cost benefit analysis 29
4.1 Cost benefit analysis for PCHL channel expansion 29
4.2 Evaluating the contribution of the marketing activity to the work
of marketing department 30
4.2.1 Marketing department of Retail Division, PCHL 30
4.2.2 Evaluating the contribution of the marketing activity to the work of
marketing department 30
4.3 Evaluating the contribution of the marketing activity to the work the Company 31
5.0 Critically evaluating the success or failure of the marketing activity 32
5.1 Critical evaluation of the success or the failure of the activity 32
5.2 Identification of key challenges and issues faced in implementing the marketing
activity 33
6.0 Identifying available options to improve performance management and
key recommendation for their introduction 35
6.1 Identifying available options to improve performance management 35
6.2 Key recommendations 35
Appendix I company Background 38
Appendix II Operational; Structure PCHL 40
Appendix III CIM declaration 42

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Managing Marketing
CIM NO: 13150575
No. Pg
Table 01 Human resource requirement ................ 10
Table 02 Financial Requirement ................ 11
Table 03 Physical requirement ................ 12
Table 04 Overall Evaluation ................ 13
Table 05 Belbin's team roles ................ 15
Table 06 Potential areas of conflicts ................ 19
Table 07 Team Performance Evaluation ................ 20
Table 08 Evaluation of quantitative factors ................ 21
Table 09 Individual performance evaluation ................ 23
Table 10 Information required facilitating the marketing activity................ 24
Table 11 Type information required & Accuracy of the judgment made ................ 25
Table 12 Final Budget ................ 27
Table 13 Evaluating Budget variance ................ 28
Table 14 The budget variance ................ 28
Table 15 Cost benefit analysis ................ 29
Table 16 Evaluating the contribution of the marketing activity to the work
of marketing department
................ 30
Table 17 Critical evaluation of the success or the failure of the activity................ 33
Table 18 Identifying available options to improve performance
management ................ 35
No. Pg
Figure 01 Structure of the team ............ 14
Figure 02 Tuckman's team development model ............ 16
Figure 03 Level of Potential Vs Solutions provided ............ 19
Critical Evaluation of the Channel Expansion_5

Managing Marketing
CIM NO: 13150575
PCHL PC House Limited
UVP Unique value propositions
KPI Key performance Indicators
CBA Cost Benefit analysis
SLR Sri Lankan Rupees
FDI Foreign direct investments
IT Information Technology
B2B Business to Business
B2C Business to Consumer
ROI Return on Investments
HR human Resource
RSM Regional Sales Manager
BDE Business Development Executives
CAGR Compound Annual Growth Rate
SOM Share of Mind
VC Variable cost
FC Fixed cost
Critical Evaluation of the Channel Expansion_6

Managing Marketing
CIM NO: 13150575
1.4 Defining the market
Looking at the industry base facts and figures it is revealed that the legal size of the local hardware
industry tones up to US$ 214 mn accountable for 71% of the total annual IT expenditure. And
projected to grow in 16% CAGR by 2014. Has been identified as one of the fastest growing markets
in the south Asian region.
Source: www.BMI.com/ Report Q1, Sri Lankan IT Industry
1.5 PC House Limited
PC House limited (PCHL) is a SBU of PCH Holdings which can be defined as a IT hardware reseller
and one the pioneering corporate venture in the Sri Lankan IT hardware industry . With a well
established sales operation across the isle covering both regional and metropolitan borders with 26
well equipped sales branches, a skilled technical team and ample storage facilities. PCHL operates
keeping both B2B & B2C focuses in the heart of the operation. And also boasts as the first ever IT
company which is listed in the CSE.
Source: Company catalogue
1.6 Marketing Department of PCHL
Marketing department posses a hybrid structure of both geographical & market structure facilitating
both B2B ( Corporate) & B2C ( Retail) operations and also ensuring support in terms of
geographical borders as the retail division is categorized in to two sub divisions Metropolitan
operation(13 Metropolitan branches) & regional operation ( 13 regional branches).
(Please refer appendix I for the elaborated version of organizational structure of the PCHL marketing
This report mainly capitalizes on critically analyzing the process that was applied to the subjected
marketing activity with the constraints on the marketing expenditure which has resulted due to the
global economical slowdown
1.7 The global Economical Slowdown
The global economical slowdown can be defined as negative economical decline in the global
economy due to which a negative economical situation has been created. And this formed
unfavorable grounds for the business to strive where most of the business finds hard to survive. And
Critical Evaluation of the Channel Expansion_7

Managing Marketing
CIM NO: 13150575
few icons of the industry could not survive. And situations such as tight credit policies, higher tax
ratios, lower purchasing powers, which are unfavorable for the business has become apparent.
5.6 Selection of marketing activity and the rationale for the selection
1.3.2 Marketing activity subjected
Channel expansion project of PCHL which was executed by establishing new sales branches in
the Northern Province and braches were located in the selected main administrative cities of the
northern region. Which are,
a) Jaffna
b) Killinochchi
c) Vauvniya
d) Mannar
With emergence of the economical crisis consumer preference grew more cost sensitive with in
the regional territories & majorly with in the metro limits where PCHL was already operating.
And the metro B2C operation was considered one of the steering sources of growth that PCHL
possessed. Therefore with the heart of the corporate growth getting adversely effected by the
fierce competition, lower basket value and often price wars, the need of establishing a new source
of growth came in to the corporate concerns. So with the potential perceived in the northern
market and the grater vacuum for PCHL to establish UVPS determining the advantage of being
the first it was decided to expand operation in to the northern market.
Critical Evaluation of the Channel Expansion_8

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