
Use of Big Data in Government Article 2022


Added on  2022-09-12

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Running Head: BIG DATA
Use of Big Data in Government
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Use of Big Data in Government Article 2022_1

I. TASK 1 - Annotated Bibliography
Article 1
CITATION Governments in the Age of Big Data and Smart Cities
SUMMARY This article discusses about the benefits that the government agencies have
obtained through the data collected from big data. The data helps local
government in improving the information’s precision, taking effective decision
and efficiency in daily operation. The article also discuss about use of open data
in the smart cities related to urban infrastructure, maps, medical data, etc. It
raises some challenges to like missing data, wrong interpretability of data, etc.
The Big data used in the smart cities are collected through crowdsourcing (Wang
& Yamazaki, 2018). Big data have been used to take decision regarding urban
planning, sustainable developments, disaster prevention and implementation of
driverless cars mostly in japan.
CRITIQUE The main goal behind the use of data is the extraction of intelligence and
knowledge from big data for implementation in decision making. This will
benefit the government to accelerate operations and overall activities of their
Article 2
CITATION Big-data applications in the government sector
SUMMARY The article clearly discuss about the application of Big data in the government
sector. However, it states the use of big data in business sector has been effective
and it is expected that the government can help its citizen to overcome the
challenges which are in national level. In order to do the same, government needs
to extend their capabilities and accept new technologies (Kim, Trimi & Chung,
2014). The application of Big data by government are analysis of data in real time,
for transparency, sustainable development, health researches, etc. The challenges
are also critical like the data security as government is involved data collection
from several countries are done, legality issues, etc.
CRITIQUE The big data is mainly the medium that manages huge data and creates value out of
it. The aim is also to provide equal and easy access to services, transparency
between governments and opportunities.
Article 3
CITATION Transferring business intelligence and big data analysis from corporations to
governments as a hybrid leading indicator.
SUMMARY The article discusses about the use of big data and BI for changing corporation to
government. The strategies of organization and technology have always
Use of Big Data in Government Article 2022_2

accelerated the economic growth with high efficiency. The technological strategy
includes the process of Big Data that observes the movements of the market and
analyses the available information (Bodislav, 2015). The idea of automated
governance is also introduced in this article. To smooth running of processes the
manual works are transferred to algorithms, which eventually deliver board
coverage of tasks, the orientation will be specific, scalable, global, etc.
CRITIQUE The government has several opportunities from big data and mainly for decision
making with the possible strategies for obtaining desirable solution. The change in
government is evident with the incorporation of BI and Big data.
Article 4
CITATION The Case for Big Data: New York City’s Kalvi HUMAN Project Aims to Use Big
Data in Resolving Big Health Questions.
SUMMARY This article shows the collective information about the human nature and the
factors that affect the well-being of them. The information about the human have
been collected from a long time and development cycles have been created with the
desired sample population, favorable devices, etc. It is given in the article that a
study have been conducted to understand the local people and several activities
were conducted to record the data (Mertz, 2016). Further a comparison have also
been conducted to observe the possible output from the study.
CRITIQUE It is clear that Big data has significant affect in the health sector too. The study that
is conducted will add certain value to the usability of Big data. Hence, it becomes
relevant to the topic that utilizing data of healthcare the public can be provided
with desirable medical assistance which enhance overall condition of the
government with active participant in the economy.
Article 5
CITATION Big data, open government and e-government: Issues, policies and
SUMMARY The utilization of big data and open data are done simultaneously and it was
initiated at USA by the Obama government. In the recent years the type and kind of
government data have evolved drastically, therefore, the need to handle them has
also changes such as using certain approaches and methodologies have been
introduced. The transparency, openness, accountability have been offered by the
new government, to which the open data and the big data are the key components
(Bertot et al., 2014). The one big challenge that have been occurred due to the
emergence of big data and open data in the government sector is the policies that
Use of Big Data in Government Article 2022_3

are related to the use of the government information.
CRITIQUE The use of open data and big data have been useful for a large part of the
government sector with effective initiative from government. However, the
challenges are also greater with strict policies regarding personal information of
public, security of government information, making of policies.
Article 6
CITATION Big and Open Linked Data (BOLD) in government: A challenge to transparency
and privacy?
SUMMARY The governmental information are most essential for the purpose of decision
making and policy making. The BOLD is highly useful for the developments of
government operations. The emerging technologies have make the society safe and
secure however, the threat to privacy is a great issue to deal with. The democratic
society and the government are the symbol for providing transparency and safety to
its citizens (Janssen, & van den Hoven, 2015). It has been stated in the article that
the access to the information can be treat to the democratic society, even the Act
FOI allows information to be available to all. Not only is the information
considered to be threat but also the way to use it.
CRITIQUE It was clear from this article that BOLD can really shape the society as well as its
orientation. The need of transparency of information in the government as well as
need of privacy is equally important and threat to the overall government.
Article 7
CITATION Big Data and security policies: Towards a framework for regulating the phases of
analytics and use of Big Data.
SUMMARY This article has discussed several aspects of big data starting from perils and
promises that Big data have made in the policies of security till changing trends,
frameworks. The definition of Big data is briefly described. The government is
needed to ensure freedom, privacy, security and several other amenities of the
people with respect to their information. The large data that are generated are
mined and linked with the sophisticated methods and programs incorporated by
government officials (Broeders et al., 2017). The future use of the Big data is also
clear as the data is increasing with substantial rate, data centric analysis, predictive
data are analyzed in real-time.
CRITIQUE The government is always concerned with betterment of its citizen by the data
obtained in large scales, the access to the vast options in the field of jurisdiction
will eventually make the government stronger at its base. The Big Data has offered
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