
Building Classification and Performance Requirements


Added on  2019-10-18

12 Pages2838 Words1168 Views
1.What is the national construction code (NCC)? Ans. The NCC is an Council of Australian Governments developed to incorporate allon- site building and plumbing requirements into a single code. The NCC sets theminimum requirements for the design, construction and performance of buildingsthroughout Australia. There is a three-type part.a.Volume -1 (Pertains primarily to Class 2 to 9 buildings.)b.Volume -2 (Pertains primarily to Class 1 and 10 buildings (houses, sheds, carports,etc). c.Volume -3 (Pertains primarily to plumbing and drainage associated with all classes ofbuildings.)2.Why does Australia have building regulations?Ans. Building regulationsare minimum standards for design, construction and alterationsto virtually everybuilding. There are a number of other legislative technicalrequirements affecting the design, construction and/or Performance of buildings that practitioners may need to be aware of, including, but not necessarily limited to, the following list. Additional legislative instruments such as regulations, codes and standards may exist under the legislation listed.3.The BCA has Objectives and functional Statements written into it as well asperformance requirements and Deemed-to -satisfy Provisions. What parts of BCA aremandatory?Ans. The Following part of BCA are mandatory: -Suitability of materialsEvidence of suitabilityFire Resistance of building elementsFire Hazard PropertiesResistance to the incipient spread of fire
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4.What is an alternative solution?Ans. Alternative Solution must be assessed according to one or more of the AssessmentMethods.(a) An Alternative Solution must be assessed according to one or more of the AssessmentMethods. (b)An Alternative Solution will only comply with the BCA if the Assessment Methodsused to determine compliance with the Performance Requirements have been satisfied. (c)Identify the relevant Deemed-to-Satisfy Provision of each Section or Part that is to bethe subject of the Alternative Solution. (d)Identify the Performance Requirements from the same Sections or Parts that arerelevant to the identified Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions. (e)Identify Performance Requirements from other Sections and Parts that are relevant toany aspects of the Alternative Solution proposed or that are affected by the application of theDeemed-to-Satisfy Provisions, that are the subject of the Alternative Solution. 5.Why would you want to include an alternative solution in building design.Ans. Alternative solutionsfor compliance with the Building Code. Analternativesolutionis all or part of abuilding designthat demonstrates compliance with theBuildingCode, but differs completely or partially from the AcceptableSolutionsorVerification Methods.(a)They can be a minor variation from an Acceptable Solution or Verification Method, ora radically different design and construction approach.(b)A building owner may want something that looks different or performs better, is morecost effective, or overcomes a specific site problem.(c)Alternative solutions have been accepted for entire projects or parts of a building andhave included composting toilets, handrails, barriers, fire escape plans, water supplies,effluent disposal, eco houses and rammed-earth houses.6.BCA Volume two contains acceptable construction what does this means. Ans. Volume Two is split into three sections, the first section containing administrativeprovisions, the second the performance provisions and the third the acceptable constructionprovisions.Section 1 – General ProvisionsSection 2 – Performance ProvisionsSection 3 – Acceptable Construction
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7.What type of building work need to comply with the BCA? Ans. All building work must comply with the requirements of the Building Code ofAustralia (BCA).8.The BCA contains state or territory variations and additions. why do these existin a national building code.Ans. The Building Code of Australia is a National Building Code that applies to all states andterritories through their own building control legislation. Regulation 5 of the BuildingRegulations 1989 (WA)(CI) adopts the BCA and requires all building work to comply withthe CodeEach State’s and Territory’s legislation adopts the BCA subject to the variation or deletion ofsome of its provisions, or the addition of extra provisions. In the Housing Provisions, theseare divided into two types:A variation to the Housing Provisions — these are identified following the provision that isbeing varied.Additional requirements — these are based on contained.Is that processor for exit in a national building code. 9.Many provisions of the BCA apply to specific classifications of building . the BCAdescribes each classification, but what do these classification actually represent ?Ans The BCA classifies buildings by their use. A building may be made up of a number of classes if it has a mixed use. The BCA identifies the following building classes:Class(1a) - A single dwelling or attached dwellings (eg: a terrace, duplex, etc) where each dwelling is separated by a fire wall. Class (1b) - One or more buildings that constitute a boarding house, guest house, hostel of small scale (ie: not exceeding 12 persons or 300m2 in floor area).Class (2) - Building containing a 2 or more dwelling units (eg: flats, apartments).Class (3) - Residential building for a number of persons such as a large scale boarding house, guest house, hostel, the residential part of a hotel, motel, school, etc.
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Class (4) - A dwelling unit that is a part of a commercial use (eg: a caretakers/managers flat).Class (5) - An office building.Class (6) - Shop or other building where goods or services are retailed directly to the public.10.Name of following Australian standards?Ans. Standard number Standard name AS 1684 Building and construction information AS 2870 Footing and Slab System AS 3000 Electrical installation AS 3500 Plumbing and Drainage AS 3600 Concrete Structure AS 1530 Fire test to building material 11.Consider the following single line outline of building. how would you classifythem? Ans. (a) (note:) TH = Town house Class- 3 (b) Dual occupancy Class- 2(c) 200 m2 (Hostel 6 person accommodated) Class- 1b (d) 400 m2 (Hostel 16 person accommodated) Class- 3 (e) Outer Plan of Residence Class- 3
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