
Value and Importance of Employee Relations in the Workplace


Added on  2023-01-06

15 Pages3457 Words60 Views
Work and the Employment
Value and Importance of Employee Relations in the Workplace_1

MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................3
Value and Importance of Employee Relations in the Workplace_2

Employment relationship refer to workers relation with company and it impacts on
growth of the firm too. Tesco is one of rising retail company In UK and sells product such as
grocery, electronics etc. Employee's relationship with the organization increase efficiency,
quality and productivity of work. There are multiple law that protect and help workers in the
firm. There are many Rights, duty and obligation of employees and employers which they have
to follow in the procedure of work. Stakeholder analysis help firm to understand way in which
workers relation impact stakeholder and firm. Report discuss value and importance of
employee's relationship and micro and macro level context and it also discuss impact of
employment relationship on stakeholder.
Value and Importance of Employee relations
Employees relations plays important role in organization growth and it increases quality,
efficiency and productivity of work and workforce. For this company use various method such as
giving award, reward, promotion, incentives etc. and it increases personal growth and in return
increase their loyalty and quality of work (Alam and Raut-Roy, 2019). Tesco HRM use various
practices to build strong employees relationship and able to gain support of them in achieving
higher goals.
Growth and development
Organisation growth and development depend on strong employees' relation for example
Tesco emphasize on personal growth of the employees and in return workers support firm in
achieving higher goals timely. For this they motivate worker in different form such as giving
opportunity, promotion etc. Harmonious relationships at workplace help firm in gaining
competitive advantage and also it increases productivity of work.
Reduction in Turnover
Strong relations between workers and bosses decrease employee turnover. If the
organization give good salary with lots of benefits then they will not think to opt to another firm
in any condition as they feel this is the right place to grow and develop skills (Nguyen and et.al.,
2017). Good environment at workplace improve morale and motivation of the workers and hence
Value and Importance of Employee Relations in the Workplace_3

Tesco focus in gaining loyalty of employees by providing wages with good environment and also
reward their skill and talent.
Employees Have Extensive Knowledge of Company Practices
As turnover reduce in the firm then workers stay and their knowledge increases with time
and helps in understanding policies, practices, and processes of the work. Trained and skilled
workforce are important resource for the Tesco as they help in gaining higher goals on time and
taking competitive advantage in the market. This workforce help in training new employees and
also it reduces expenditure of the firm to give training to new workers.
Enhanced Motivation
Demotivated employees effect on efficiency, quality and productivity of work and hence
company lost image and market control in the country. Tesco motivate workers by giving
increment, incentives, opportunities, premotion, recognition, reward and award hence company
able to take higher output and gain their loyalty.
Increase in Revenue
Employees relation has multi level benefits for example it increases quality of work and
product and which positively impact on increasing customer satisfaction level. Engage and
motivate employees are important resource for the Tesco and it increases customer satisfaction
level and productivity which ultimately improve financial condition of the firm.
Conflict Reduction
Workplace Conflicts are one of the factor that affect growth of the firm and there are
multiple reason behind it for example discrimination between workers in giving opportunities at
firm. Tesco HRM and Seniors emphasize in building friendly atmosphere at the workplace for
example promotion and opportunity is based on performance that are analysed and evaluate by
HRM and hence all will get equal chances for growth. Feedback and suggestion at workplace is
another game changer that increase in building strong employee relation and decrease difference
between workers and management.
Key employee legislation at workplace
Employment laws are important as it helps protect workers in the firm. These laws are
framed by governments to help workers and also monitor & control the firm. Tesco use different
employment law as given below.
Employment Rights Act 1996
Value and Importance of Employee Relations in the Workplace_4

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