This report details a data analysis conducted using SPSS software. The analysis focuses on two main objectives: 1) Examining the relationship between Aberrant Behavior Checklist (ABC) scores and mean Vineland scores using a bivariate correlation test. The results revealed a significant negative correlation, indicating that higher ABC scores are associated with lower Vineland scores. 2) Comparing QABF attention and demand scores between individuals with a diagnosis of Fragile X Syndrome (FXS) and those without, using chi-square tests. The analysis found no significant association between QABF attention or demand scores and an FXS diagnosis. The report includes detailed explanations of the statistical methods employed, interpretations of the results, and relevant references. The findings suggest that the ABC may not be a suitable measure for assessing the challenging behaviors of children in relation to the Vineland screener, and that QABF scores do not differ significantly between individuals with and without FXS.