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Understanding sales tactics in an Apple store


Added on  2023/03/30

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This article explores the sales tactics used in an Apple store, focusing on the trust-based selling approach, creating customer value, and the use of product expertise and communication skills. It also discusses the ADAPT questioning system and the SIER hierarchy in sales interactions. The article concludes with the importance of effective communication and soft skills in establishing business networks.

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Memo to:
Subject: Understanding sales tactics in an Apple store
The process of developing sales through various marketing strategies and communication is
known as sales management. Sales management involves adequate product and customer
information. This memo will help the reader to get the insight of a selling experience after
entering an Apple store in Washington State.
Product information
I visited an Apple store of Washington named Apple Washington Square on 12th of May 2019.
The store is situated in Washington square Road. Being a music lover I checked store during the
morning for a few headphones. A sales staff of the store named……………….
encountered me and approached for my requirements. The sales staff recommended me a
recently launched headphone among a wide range of music accessories. The newly launched
model, Head phones- Neymar Jr. Custom edition by Apple, dismisses all the cons of the other
existing models.
Trust based selling
The sales person used the trust based selling approach that is more customer centered. It values
emotions over hardcore transactions (Terho et al. 2015). Other than aiming at the profit, the sales
person prioritizes the actual requirement of the buyer. When the staff came to know about the
musical purpose he instantly recommended about the model.
Creating customer value
The sales person created customer value by interaction to understand the exact requirement. He
recommended me the product demonstrating its latest features and user friendly comfort. The
model was sleek in design, wireless and phone receiving features. Unlike the other headphones,
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it retains charge for 22 hours with premium sound and fine acoustics. I felt myself valued when
he encouraged me to raise further questions. Selling a newly launched product would surely
benefit him as well and will serve customer purpose (Sharma & Syam, 2018).
Selling approach
Consistency: The salesperson was successful in gaining trust through the selling approach. He
was consistent on his claims in a professional manner. He disclosed the disadvantages of the
existing headphone models (Allen et al. 2017). He has a clear depth idea of all the products that I
found great to select the appropriate product.
Intimacy: He responded to my every question in a gentle manner with demonstration of every
similar product that gave a clear vision to choose from many. He shared customer feedback as
“proof provider” that represented his professional integrity and honor commitments.
2 knowledge bases used in selling
During the interaction I observed that the sales staff relied mostly on two of the knowledge bases
of selling
Product expertise: No doubt the sales person was efficient in his profession with abundant
knowledge on all the product range of apple. Having great product knowledge gives impression
of enthusiasm to the customer and acts as an effective sales tool (Liu, Leach, & Chugh, 2015).
There was no trace of uncertainty or for the product claims in the salesman that grew more
confidence in him.
Communication skills: the communication skill of the person was very attentive. He had soft
skills with a good listening capability. He has a good market knowledge that he reciprocates to
his customer in comparative analysis of homogeneous product. Moreover a good communication
skill encourages the urge to know more about the product (Mullikin & Borin, 2017).
ADAPT questioning system used during sell interaction
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Discovery question: Discovery questions asked by the seller helped the buyer to look deep
inside the issue. It helped the seller to investigate the issue buyer is facing and make appropriate
solution to it. For instance, the sales staff assured me for the battery life of the headphone.
Transition question: Through transition question the seller helped me to fix issue associated
with selecting the product. It helped to evaluate the purpose of my interest (Boyer et al. 2016).
SIER hierarchy
The sales personnel used all the 4 components of active listening skills.
Sensing: The sales person concentrated more on hearing and seeing verbal aspects of customer.
Without interrupting much, he encouraged the buyer to raise questions.
Interpreting: After listening to customer, the sales staff interpreted customer requirement in a
meaningful context. Interpretation depends on buyer’s verbal message.
Evaluating: After buyer has finished the communication, the sales staff evaluated the cause for
the interaction (Gabrielsson, Gabrielsson, & Seppala, 2015). The seller judges the message and
place opinion of logical components.
Responding: The sales process is a two way communication. For instance after the sales person
identified the need of the customer, he recommended a specific product that was response to the
information sender.
Encouraging buyer feedback
The sales person of the apple store makes customer survey after 7 days of every purchase made.
The feedback questions are:
1. How is the product working?
2. Did it meet your expectations?
3. How was the sales service provided?
4. Will you recommend the product to your peer?

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The sales person used effective sales aid by graphically depicting product information and
building pitch around large population. It attracted mass and colorful brochures seeked more
Objections to sales person
I objected the claim that assures battery life for the headphone for 22 hrs. it was little weird to
belief for me. He was well versed in product knowledge for the particular product range as well
as similar products from its competitors. He countered every question sportingly with more
detailed information of the particular cell used inside the gadget that brings the longevity. The
sales person was effective in demonstrating and gaining trust (Pantano et al. 2018).
Personal experience
I noticed the person not trying to convince for the expensive one. Instead the new product has
better features in a reasonable price. The product is launched in market as per customer demand
since the last range of headphones had some issues with their battery life.
Sales training
The sales person revealed that during the training process, they were trained about soft skills and
customer engagement. Their performance is often evaluated based on customer feedback.
The tactics used to close a sale is assumptive close. Assumptive close occurs when there is
saturation in a product growth.
The selling process becomes successful when the sales person is able to meet customer
requirement. Meeting customer requirement also involves clearing doubts and objections that
peep in customer’s mind after getting introduced to a new product. However, effective
communication and soft skills can be considered the key factors for establishing business
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Reference list
Allen, C. K., Dugan, R. G., Popa, E. M., & Tarasi, C. O. (2017). Helping students find their
sweet spot: A teaching approach using the sales process to find jobs that fit. Marketing
Education Review, 27(3), 187-201.
Boyer, S. L., Rodriguez, M., Artis, A., & Garcia, M. E. (2016). Assessing sales training
effectiveness: why goal-setting strategy matters. International Journal of Management
and Human Resources, 4(1), 94-103.
Gabrielsson, M., Gabrielsson, P., & Seppälä, T. (2015). Multiple Sales Channel Strategy and
Performance: The Moderating Role of International Experience and Globalization
Potential. In Ideas in Marketing: Finding the New and Polishing the Old . Springer,
Lindsey-Mullikin, J., & Borin, N. (2017). Why strategy is key for successful social media
sales. Business horizons, 60(4), 473-482.
Liu, A., Leach, M., & Chugh, R. (2015). A sales process framework to regain B2B
customers. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 30(8), 906-914.
Pantano, E., Passavanti, R., Priporas, C. V., &Verteramo, S. (2018). To what extent luxury
retailing can be smart?. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 43, 94-100.
Sharma, A., & Syam, N. (2018).Sales and customer development: An agenda for
inquiry. Industrial Marketing Management, 69, 133-134.
Terho, H., Eggert, A., Haas, A., &Ulaga, W. (2015). How sales strategy translates into
performance: The role of salesperson customer orientation and value-based
selling. Industrial Marketing Management, 45, 12-21.
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