
Components of Attitude


Added on  2022-12-15

14 Pages3065 Words398 Views
Attitude can be explained as the habitual ability to react negatively or positively towards
a definite idea, object, individual or a condition (Triandis,1971). A habit is a perpetual
behaviour developed through a person’s drives and routines as he worked and lived in
interaction with others. This may affect the very way one respond to ideas, objects,
situations and persons that comprises of beliefs, opinions and the biases. Attitudes
impact in such a manner that we develop preconceptions before encountering a
stimulus (Petty et al., 2003).
The attitude’s affective part is a way an individual becomes concerned about his own
personality and its elementary reaction with the present circumstances. Condition in
behaviour, represents the frame of mind and the emotions contained in it. Hence this
affective part consists of sentimental elements. For example, a few individuals may find
hillbilly music to be inspiring and thrilling (EduNote.com, 2019).
The behavioural facets of the attitude, involves a person’s personality, its objectives
and its responsiveness to a situation. For example, a person who senses hillibilly music
Components of Attitude_1

as delightful, will heart it repeatedly, purchase the albums and attend a hillibilly musical
show (Anon, 2019).
The attitude’s logical part is the manner an individual cogitates herself or himself, the
things and the situations. The reflections and consciousness (awareness) involves the
principles, thoughts that focuses on attitude. The patron of hillibilly music considers
hilibility music as the topmost genre of music and followed by people of fine taste
(Study.com, 2019).
An attitude is a compiled set of emotional reactions, credence, values and perception
around a person, thing or organization, even an issue or about an event. These
attitudes are developed over time by repetitively being exposed to some stimuli and
then, by making an evaluation. Hence, the attitudes can be esteemed, oriented, or
transformed based on experience and learning. This is vital to the marketers and these
attitudes can shift negatively or positively, on basis of market and profit understandings.
(McLintic, 2019).
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As we experience the outer world, the emotions are chaperoned gradually and habits,
behaviours transform to attitudes that affect the behaviours instead. For example, am
individual going to a shop for the very first time, would lack presumptions of what is
going to happen. Having experienced the incidents, having purchased something (after
bargaining for a reasonable price), one tend to feel good about these purchases (cool
brands, good quality) and this way, one can develop positive attitudes about it
(Gktoday.in, 2019). There is continuous adjustment and reinforcement always
It can be tempting to perceive attitudes as being structured, which one can freely
express. In polling season, there are certain pressing issues like colonization and gun
control. This is when one can easily expressive the attitudes and the reasons. As a
matter of fact, most of these attitudes are difficult to be opinionated. Attitudes are
changeable over time, they are not static, nor are they abstract from the sociocultural
context. (Psychology, 2019).
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Attitudes, either negatively or positively influence an individual’s behaviour, no matter
whether an individual is cognizant of its effects. There is a primary assumption of a link
that exists between behaviour and attitude and this assumption is of consistency.
Consistency allows behavioural scaffolding in an optimised way. This is known as the
principle of consistency that introspect the conception of rationality and attempt to have
behaved consistently with the attitude.
This principle is a significant one, yet people do not comply with it and sometimes, they
behaving in absurd ways. The action of smoking cigarettes, for example even after
knowing that smoking is dangerous and results in lung cancer and coronary syndromes.
(Slideshare.net, 2019).
Behaviour and attitude interact singularly on basis of the current ‘attitude’ in question.
Comprehension of behavioural patterns helps us to expect and predict behavioural
outcomes (Daniel Katz) and the same is classified as well.
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