
Relationship Between Brand Identity and Customer Retention: A Case Study on Louis Vuitton


Added on  2023-01-13

39 Pages10383 Words27 Views
Leadership ManagementMarketingData Science and Big DataHigher Education
A Critical Analysis to Evaluate the
Relationship Between Brand Identity and
Customer Retention Case study on Louis
Vuittons customer Retention Strategy
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Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................4
Overview of Research.............................................................................................................................4
Research Aim..........................................................................................................................................4
Research Objectives................................................................................................................................4
Research Questions.................................................................................................................................5
Rationale of Research..............................................................................................................................5
Research Structure...................................................................................................................................6
Research Significance..............................................................................................................................6
CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW.....................................................................................................8
Strategies adopted by Louis Vuittons for making relationship in between brand identity and customer
Core aspects related to the concepts of Brand Identity and its relationship with retention of customer...8
Challenges being faced by Louis Vuittons in maintaining relationship between retention of customer
and brand identity....................................................................................................................................9
Recommendation to Louis Vuittons for gaining competitive advantages in the market place with high
customer base........................................................................................................................................10
CHAPTER 3 - RESEARCH METHODOLOGY......................................................................................12
Research Source....................................................................................................................................12
Research Theories.................................................................................................................................12
Research methodology..........................................................................................................................13
Ethical Consideration............................................................................................................................14
Research Limitations.............................................................................................................................15
CHAPTER 4: DATA ANALYSIS............................................................................................................18
CHAPTER 4: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS................................................................33
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Title: To evaluate relationship in between brand identity and customer retention: A Case
study on Louis Vuittons.
Overview of Research
Brand identity provides the company with instant recognizable power among its customer
base in the market place. With the help of brand, a customer can meet its needs by consuming it
accordingly. Brand identity refers to visible components of the brand for an instance design,
logo, color which determine and differentiate brand in mind of customers. Brand identity helps
company with immediately identifiable strength at the market place among its customer base. By
developing a strong brand image, it helps company in making a distinct identity in the market
which aids to its success and growth in the near future. With the help of strong brand identity, it
helps targeted audience in differentiate from a competitor who influences purchasing decision
and thus directly impact profitability level (Ko and et. al., 2019). It results in building of
customer retention level and loyalty base as well. The present report is based on Louis Vuittons
which is a French fashion house dealing in luxury retail business. Its products include luxury
trunks, leather goods like shoes, watches, jewellery, accessories, sunglasses and books etc. Brand
identity helps customer in easy identification of products and thus build customer loyalty base. A
consumer can satisfy needs by consuming this accordingly with the aid of the brand. The strong
brand identity helps in enhance the reputation and image of company. It helps in attract the large
number of customers towards company and sustain them for long period of time. The customer
retention is ability of an organization to sustain its consumers over time period. It measures how
many consumers an organization keeps at end of decided period of time and number affected
through new consumers acquired. In order to retain the consumers, company makes its brand
identity strong so that it can attract them. Louis Vuittons is French fashion house and the luxury
retail organization founded in year 1854 through Louis Vuittons. Labels of this company appear
on many of its products such as watches, sunglasses, books, jewellery and some other leather
products. Brand of Louis Vuittons concerns quality, innovation, authenticity, concerns and
reliability. The symbol of this company defined sharply brand identity through mining
organization history and also design for express that.
Research Aim
To evaluate relationship in between brand identity and customer retention: A Case study
on Louis Vuittons.
Research Objectives
To examine strategies adopted by Louis Vuittons for making relationship in between
brand identity and customer relationship.
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To understand core aspects related to the concepts of Brand Identity and its relationship
with retention of customer.
To identify challenges being faced by Louis Vuittons in maintaining relationship between
retention of customer and brand identity.
To provide recommendation to Louis Vuittons for gaining competitive advantages in the
market place with high customer base.
Research Questions
Which strategies as adopted by Louis Vuittons will make relationship in between brand
identity and customer relationship better?
What are the core aspects of Brand Identity and how it affects relationship with retention
of customer?
What are the challenges being faced by Louis Vuittons in maintaining relationship
between retention of customer and brand identity?
Any recommendation to Louis Vuittons for gaining competitive advantages in the market
place with high customer base?
Rationale of Research
The term rationale refers to the reasons behind performing the study on a specific topic. It
is very important part of the research because it helps readers to evaluate the reasons due to
which researcher has conducted the study. Further, it justifies the significance of the study. The
reason of conducting study on analyzing the relationship between customer retention and brand
identity is that, it is the current buzzing topic in this business world (Abeysekera and Dawson,
2015). The research provides understanding that, a strong brand name of the business helps to
create positive image in the mind of clients. It helps to retain loyal customers in the company for
a long period. Another reason of choosing this topic is that, researcher has personal interest to
gain understanding of the strategies that help business to understand the relationship between
customer retention and brand identity. Further, researcher wants to enhance the knowledge in
respect of the chosen topic.
The researcher performs the study on identifying the barriers or challenges that are faced
by the organization for maintaining an effective relationship between brand identities and
retaining loyal customers in the business. Another major reason behind performing the study is
to gain an understanding of the concepts related with brand identity that is design, logo etc. and
its relationship with customer retention in the business. One of the major purposes behind
performing research on this topic is to provide recommendations and steps that will help
company to secure competitive advantage against competitors by developing large customer
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base. The rationale of research helps in provides the reason behind conducting an investigation.
Present report is taken into consideration on the evaluate relationship in between brand identity
and customer retention (Li and et. al., 2018). From performing the present investigation, learner
can able to get the knowledge regarding brand identity and also customer retention in detailed
manner. The brand identity helps in make the image of an organization strong and also retains
the consumers at market place. An investigator conducts a study to identify the obstacles or
difficulties which the company faces in order to establish an efficient partnership between brand
identity and retaining loyal customers in the sector. Other than this, for personal interest learner
conducts the investigation because from this it can able to gain the better understanding and
enhance knowledge base in a better manner.
Research Structure
As per the proposal made, following is the structure which has been followed for making
research proposal:
Chapter 1 – Introduction
In this chapter, a brief introduction about the relationship in between brand identity as
well as retention of customer group strategy in relation to Louis Vuittons will be defined.
Chapter 2 – Literature Review
As per the point of view of different authors, critical analysis will be done for evaluating
relationship in between brand identity and customer retention strategy of Louis Vuittons.
Chapter 3 – Research Methodology
This part of research proposal will define, that what type of research study is conducted
along with research approach, philosophy used. Also, it will define about sampling, data
collection as well as analysis process. Furthermore, explanation related to ethical consideration
and limitations being faced by researcher in completing this research study will be made
(Ciunova-Shuleska and et. al., 2017).
Chapter 4 – Time line
In this chapter, explanation related to the minimum time frame within with the whole
research study will be completed has been defined.
Research Significance
The term significance plays an important role in the context of research. The present
research is very important for the researcher because it helps to improve the knowledge of the
researcher in respect of the relationship between customer retention and brand identity. It also
helps the researcher in academic career. This research will also be helpful for the company that
are operating their business in similar industry to develop the strategies that helps to maintain
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relationship between brand identity and retaining loyal base of clients in the business. The
research will also assist in convincing other people in respect of the problem of the study.
Further, it also helps to convince the readers of research the importance of the study and also the
competence of researcher (Norris, 2015). Also, this research can be used by the competitors
within the same industry as they also have the same working, and they will also benefit from the
concepts of brand identity for attracting more and more customers. Major significance of
conducting the study on this topic is for other research scholars as this study will help them to
perform similar research studies in the future. Moreover, it will help to save time and cost of
other researchers. They can use this as a base for conducting own study and can continue with
their own research. The study will also help students to prepare projects on similar topics.
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