
Business Development Assignment Solved


Added on  2020-10-22

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Executive SummaryBusiness plan proposal is made for the firm which will be engaged in the business oflogistics to provide huge variety of groceries and related items for customers for achievingprofits. The business will acquire 9000 square feet in Malta for starting its business operationalactivities in the best manner possible. Online order will be placed on mobile app by customers sothat they will be provided with ordered items within 3 days from order placed. This will providethem with higher level of satisfaction in effective manner. The headquarter of firm will be inBirgu which is the biggest city in Malta. In addition to this, since, Malta is the smallest countryin the world, nearly demand of all customers could be fulfilled without any difficulties. It can be said that Logistic Manager will be responsible for providing clarity toemployees with regards to duties and roles, they have to perform. Moreover, for impartingtraining also, all-round development programs would be organised so that desired productivitymay be accomplished in a better manner with ease. Training will also be provided to deliveryboys for getting familiar with local routes and how to provide deliveries within time formaximising satisfaction level of customers in the best manner possible. Moreover, chargescannot be fixed as it will be based on the distance travelled by delivery boys to offercommodities to customers on their doorstep. Thus, adequate services will be imparted for addingvalue to customers.The overall BDP (Business Development Proposal) has been made for evaluating thefactors and conducting market research which will be helpful for Beetel warehouse toaccomplish set objectives in a better manner. In relation to this, organisation feasibility, marketfeasibility, financial and product feasibility are being undertaken for assessing whether businesswill be able to enhance its position in the market of Malta and attain desired market share. On theother hand, risk assessment has been conducted which shows that Beetel warehouse would beable to mitigate risks of operations, financial, human resource and market risks in the bestmanner possible. Furthermore, critical success factors are being bifurcated into internal, externaland interactive which shows that firm will be able to survive for long in the market.The marketing mix has been produced in accordance to the nature of firm's products withthe help of which marketing strategy will provide greater amount of sales starting from earlyyears of operations. Moreover, it can be said that market penetrating strategy will be
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implemented in order to attain attention of customers for availing goods and services from firm.Due to lower prices of groceries, they will be attracted to firm and it can attain good customerbase. On the other hand, Business Model Canvas has been drawn showing elements of taskswhich will support business in accomplishing profits in effective manner. Thus, it can be saidthat business will be able to attain profits and desired market share as market seems to befeasible for it.
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Table of ContentsCHAPTER 1 - INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................1CHAPTER 2 - BUSINESS CONCEPT...........................................................................................4CHAPTER 3 - FEASIBILITY RESEARCH...................................................................................6THE BUSINESS MODEL.............................................................................................................16THE BUSINESS PLAN................................................................................................................21THE INDUSTRY, COMPANY & PRODUCTS..........................................................................21THE MARKET..............................................................................................................................21COST / VOLUME / PROFIT ANALYSIS...................................................................................22MARKETING PLAN....................................................................................................................24DEVELOPMENT PLAN...............................................................................................................32THE MANAGEMENT TEAM......................................................................................................34OPERATIONS PLAN...................................................................................................................34BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY & RISK ASSESSMENT..........................................................36IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE..............................................................................................39FINANCIAL PROJECTIONS.......................................................................................................40REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................47
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CHAPTER 1 - INTRODUCTIONThe logistics business is one of the higher revenue generating sector which is involved inproviding better services to customers. Logistic company offers storage and transportationservices to businesses. They specialise in providing services in international and nationaltransportation of services and goods via shipping, air freight, trucking etc. Furthermore, they alsooffer warehouse for storing of goods for short time prior to transportation to their finaldestinations in the best possible manner (Aperte and Baird, 2013). Logistic business is highlyprofitable sector and competitive one as anybody who imports goods into country ormanufacture any type of product requires services from a logistic company which provides themto transport their goods from one place to another in effective manner.Beetel warehouse containing huge variety of products in their storage area. It hasacquired new 9000 square feet in Malta for dealing in logistic sector in the best possible manner.In relation to this, grocery products required by people in daily life. Home delivery of goods willbe provided to customers on their online purchase. This means that online purchase ofcommodities can be done by customers with ease. The rationale of choosing logistic business isto provide goods to consumers in an timely manner to them and attain economic driver in thebest possible manner (Bogetic, Pejovic and Osorio-Rodarte, 2013). This means that people whowill make online order of grocery products will be provided with faster deliveries and reach on tothem within stipulated time. Maximum time of 3 days will be required to deliver to products to them after orderingMalta is one among the smallest country in the world. This is required to arrive at good quantumof profits and people will get satisfaction up to a high extent. The business concept will be takeninto consideration so that faster services may be provided to customers. Moreover, seed fundingfor the new venture has been taken. Terms of ReferenceBusiness development proposal for Beetel warehouse is designed to-Outline new business conceptAssessing existing Position and Readiness for new businessStating assumptions upon which business development proposals and projected financialstatements are based1
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Preparing adequate research for assessing the feasibility of business conceptProducing business model with well-defined resources requirements and constraintsCompleting business development plan for new venture and requirements of expectedfinancial outcomes for shareholders for next three yearsApproachThe proposal has been prepared for the business in carrying out new businessopportunities for Beetel warehouse so that it may be able to accomplish stated objectives.Essence of concept statement is taken and feasibility researcher is being undertaken. From thepositive findings of feasibility study completed, creation of a business model for showing howbusiness will create value and then produce sustainable cash flows and profits (Kryvinska andet.al., 2013). From this perspective, business plan has been developed and intended to work forthree years for giving higher and positive return to shareholders by generating good amount ofreturn on investment.Actionable AssumptionsDemand of market has been underlined for preparation of specific business model.Business environment in Malta's Birgu area where Beetel warehouse is located remainsgood despite of economic downturn.Investment and funds will be made available with budgets being prepared and overdraftfacilities from banks.Preparation of warehouse will be managed by appointed consultants and architects.TimescaleThe time scale is required so that business may be started and operations can beeffectively developed and designed for forthcoming periods. This proposal is made for newbusiness venture which is start-up and follow through for starting three years. Values and PrinciplesValues have vital role in accomplishing successful business launch and extract benefits inthe best possible manner. Teamwork is required so that objectives are achieved in a better way.The values for Beetel warehouse are-2
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Timeliness-Beetel warehouse has the main idea for starting business to provide delivery of grocerieswithin the three business days (Liu, Wei and Rodriguez, 2014.). Online order will be placed bycustomers and company will transport desired commodities within the stipulated time in order toenhance customer satisfaction. This will be possible as Malta is the smallest country andwarehouse location will be in Birgu.Reliability-Reliability of the products and services will be considered in order to provide betterquality of services in an quick manner. It means that reliable and fast services will be offered tocustomers so that business may be able to provide services to customers in the best possiblemanner. The reliable services at competitive prices will be offered to consumers so that they maybe able to enhance customer satisfaction with ease.Convenience-Convenience is provided to customers in order to provide them faster and efficientservices. It can be analysed that convenience will be provided to consumers as groceries will bedelivered to them in time. Furthermore, employees will be committed to work so as to impartfaster services to deliver goods to final destination (Augenstein and Ludwig, 2013). It is theconvenience by which Beetel warehouse will offer quick delivery to customers which will havebetter avenues to firm in form of increased sales growth.Customer satisfaction-Customer satisfaction is one of the key objective of Beetel warehouse so as to remain inthe market for long run. This means that when customers will be offered with faster deliveries,they will become satisfied. In this manner, satisfaction level will be effectively accomplished. Itis only the reason for which firm initiates operational activities so that organisation may offersuperior quality services to consumers in effective manner. This builds firm's good amount ofshare in the market when enough level of satisfaction to customers' is imparted.Trustworthiness-It is another principle which will be followed by business so that customers' may becomeloyal up to major extent. Trust will be accomplished within the shortest time period and business3
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will gain good share in the market. The trust is important element in the business by which isable to enhance satisfaction level of customers. It is essentially required that Beetel warehouseshould provide quality services within the time so that more and more customers may getattracted to it and sales may be up scaled. CHAPTER 2 - BUSINESS CONCEPTBusiness DescriptionInnovation is the key for understanding what customer's actually wants and how it can beserved to them in effective manner. Beetel warehouse will require paradigm shift in mindset ofpeople by achieving product innovation. This entrepreneurial business development proposal isfor new start-up which will be engaged in logistic business for delivering grocery products tocustomers on their online order with ease. The business is intended to be innovative in Birgu cityof Malta whereby customers will be provided with better services.Innovation is one of the way for enhancing level of business in effective manner. It isrequired that business should innovate the product and then supply the same to customers forattaining good quantum of profits with ease. Beetel warehouse will provide groceries ascustomers will place order on their mobile app and firm will receive notification of it. Afterreceiving notification alert, groceries will be provided within the period of 3 days. This meansthat company will impart faster services to consumers in effective manner in order to gainsatisfaction level up to a high extent.The business will offer groceries to customers in effectivemanner through which it will be able to serve customers within the period of three days.Moreover, with the help of such innovative services by ordering through mobile app, customerswill be satisfied quite effectually and Beetel warehouse will garner good market share in themarket. Moreover, with increased customer base, profits will be attained in a better manner.The Concept StatementThe Product / ServiceThe services will be offered by the business in order to attain customer satisfaction. Thewarehouse will be located in Birgu which is major city in Malta where online orders placed bycustomers would be provided within three days. Grocery products will be offered to customersand faster deliveries will be made leading to achievement of goals in the best possible manner. Itmeans that company will offer quick services to customers for increasing their satisfaction level.4
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