


Added on  2022-12-14

20 Pages4177 Words36 Views
Data Science and Big Data

Table of Contents
MAIN BODY..................................................................................................................................3
Overview of the topic..................................................................................................................3
DATA ANALYSIS.........................................................................................................................5
Theme 1: Both the options have been chosen by the selected number of employees.................6
Theme 2: Every employee has different view about the selection of the motivational
Theme 3: These strategies affects the employee’s performance very strongly...........................9
Theme 4: From the given options, the employees have selected suitable alternatives..............10
Theme 5: Positively, The chosen method satisfies the needs of the employees........................12
Theme 6: Motivation is of utmost necessity to an organization to meet its objectives.............13

The topic that will be covered under this research study is “MOTIVATION”. A detailed
research will be done on the topic as to how motivation affects an employee working in an
organisation with the help of primary and secondary data collection methods (Koster, 2017).
Under this, a research will be conducted in which the employees will be selected from a
particular organisation and question them according to the concerned topic. After the data is
collected, an analysis will be made and the answers will be interpreted in relation to the
questions asked during the survey. After the primary research, the researcher will move down
and prepare a model questionnaire for the employees of an organization to know what their own
thoughts are and therewith it will include the researcher’s point of view at the time of
interpretation to the responses given by the chosen employees.Motivation is all about boosting
up the morale of employees with the help of some rewards or benefits so they can work
efficiently towards the fulfilment of organisational goals and objectives. To understand it more
clearly, a questionnaire will be prepared to know the impact of motivation on the employees.
Overview of the topic
The management of any organisation can’t control the interest of an employee in job.
Though they can help to develop an individual’s interest towards his work. Here arises the need
of motivation. Employees motivated possess a positive behaviour, they know what they want to
do and what they are doing. They have a clear perspective for every work they do. They do their
jobs at ease and performs at their best level. The leaders always want to accomplish the targets
with great efficiency and productivity (Mustafa and Domniku, 2018). This can only be achieved
with the help of a motivated workforce. Employees who are motivated also does not create
hurdles in the adoption of changes in the organisation. They know the need of the situation and
are flexible enough to adapt to the new changes at the workplace.
Motivation is just not limited to be provided by the leaders or superiors. It can come from
within also. Motivation has been categorised in two ways: extrinsic motivation that comes from
the outside sources (management) and intrinsic motivation that is completely internal. Some
employees have a strong belief that they should work for their own personal interest and
development and some may have strong values attached towards the work. This type totally

depends upon the individual. Motivation can be in monetary as well as non- monetary form.
Take for example- Bonuses, incentives, commission, appraisal & recognition from superiors,
promotions etc. Every employee needs different forms of motivation. Motivation ensures the
commitment of an individual towards his job that will directly contribute to the company’s
overall market position and success
There are many researches that have been done on the need of motivation for different
companies highlighting the importance of motivation in a company that helps a company focus
on maximizing its profitability and improving their performance as well. In this study, the need
for adopting motivational practices by organizations and in particular with the UK based
company will be discussed (Kanfer, Frese and Johnson, 2017). The researcher will take up a case
of UK based retailer, TESCO PLC and look at the ways how it motivates its employees with the
help of various methods.
The aim of the research is to assess the extent to which motivation plays an important
role in largest grocery merchandise retail supermarket chain UK. It also aims to identify various
practices to be followed in order to develop motivation in a company, so that it could be
proposed by the retail sector company of UK (Alam and Raut-Roy 2019).The research aims to
focus on various motivational strategies followed by Tesco PLC in order to recognize important
elements of motivation in a firm. The more specific aims and objectives of this study are
mentioned as follows:
Aim: The aim of this study is to highlight the importance of motivation with regards to Tesco
PLC of UK.
To identify issues related to motivation which can affect the productivity of a company.
To identify the factors that affects the practices of motivation in a company.
To analyze the impact of motivation on the performance of UK organization both as a
negative or positive impact.
To propose measures in order to enhance the effectiveness of motivational strategies in a
Company background
TESCO PLC is a third largest merchandise grocery store in the world situated in England
providing its customers the best quality products at an affordable price. Tesco has always been a

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