
Working Relationships in Care Settings


Added on  2022-12-27

21 Pages7293 Words37 Views
Working Relationships in Care Settings_1

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................4
TASK 1............................................................................................................................................4
Explain how a working relationship is different from a personal relationship......................4
Describe different working relationships in care settings......................................................6
Describe why it is important to adhere to the agreed scope of the job role...........................8
Explain why it is important to work in partnership with others.............................................9
Identify skills and approaches needed for resolving conflicts..............................................10
TASK 2..........................................................................................................................................11
Define the term ‘duty of care’..............................................................................................11
Describe how duty of care relates to duty of candour .........................................................12
Describe how the duty of care affects own work role .........................................................13
Describe dilemmas that may arise between the duty of care and an individual’s rights .....15
Explain where to get additional support and advice about how to resolve such dilemmas. 16
Describe the process to follow when responding to complaints .........................................17
Identify the main points of agreed procedures for handling complaints..............................17
CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................17
Books and Journals...............................................................................................................18
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Care worker is that category of workers which involves those tasks which has direct
involvement within the care process that is been shown in relation to services. Further these
workers refer over those occupations that provides services by making development with
capabilities and ability over different aspects to be covered of lives which is valued by them.
These are mainly related towards care that is shown in relation over working within an
organization or at any place. Care workers also involved within social activities related to society
and covers various aspects that is related to it. Further this part of file is based upon personal
relationship,care settings, agreed scope of the job role and important to work in partnership with
others. In the end skills and approaches needed for resolving conflicts requires to be discussed.
Explain how a working relationship is different from a personal relationship
Workplace relationship: This is one of the most unique kind of relationship that is
important as it makes implication of various kinds of things which deal over those individual
which enter into relationship and organization within which relationship exists through
developing it. Workplace relationship has been directly impacting worker's ability over driving
success. Such connection is mainly multifaceted that exists in an organization. This can have
both positive and negative impact upon an organization. In this determination of non existence of
workplace relationship. This makes feelings and loneliness and social isolation removed.
Workplace relationship is not related only to friendship which includes superior-subordinate,
romantic and family relationship developed. Such relation has been divided into various parts
that is related to workplace and it has been explained as follows:
Personal relationship
This concept is mainly relates to social associations, connection and affiliation which
exists between more than two individuals. Such interpersonal relationship develops trust and
emotion within an individual (Sosa-Hernández and et. al., 2019.). These relationship is based
over understanding within individual's through developing connection in smooth and effective
manner. Such relationship is also known as interpersonal relationship and may vary as per the
environment individual is living in. Under it the concept of reciprocity and power distribution is
covered according to role played by a person in individual's life. Also various dimensions like
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family, friends and relations belonging to individuals life is covered. Then in such relationship
work, club and place of worship is also considered. Personal relationship regulated by law,
custom, mutual agreement and needs that an social group or society possess.
The association of personal relationship is mainly based upon interference, love,
solidarity, support and interaction within business. It covers social connection with commitment
and deals over factors that influence individual's life. Study of such relationship is based upon
branches related to social science which involves discipline, communication and psychological
perspective. Further it makes comparison made in individual's life over different aspects which
can impact functions of life in more effective manner. Also the study is mainly evolved during
19th century when various kinds of philosopher understood about social relationship of an
individual and made it part of social sciences. Then an important aspect was added within it that
is ''relationship science”. It mainly based over making an individual part of society through
analysing behavioural patterns, degree of seriousness and emotional stability of an individual's
life. Philosopher realized that need upon studying it as part of social science which makes
stability attained within society(Saraswat, 2016).
The difference between working and personal relationship is dependent upon situation
which exists at the time of act conducted. In personal relationship mainly family, friends and
person meeting with individual is related. In this kinds of relationship family and individual is
concerned. Under work place relationship office and work related issues has been covered which
makes employer and employee develop professional relationship in better manner. Key
difference within working and personal relationship is mainly dependent over environment and
relationship that exists between individuals. Under personal relationship aspects like emotions,
social status and relation focused upon. Whereas in workplace relation employer and employee,
boss and staff members covered. Personal relationship are those relations which is unofficial in
nature and workplace relationship are those which is related to working environment. In personal
relationship restrictions are less and in professional relationship restriction are there as per the
post hold by an individual. Working or professional relationships between employers, employees
and clients have boundaries. Also work relation requires to make rules and regulation formed
within professionals. Personal relation can be chosen and working relationship is formed through
professional conduct.
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Further there are various kinds of laws which is related to both personal and workplace
relationship. These laws related to discrimination and equality, contract laws, fundamental rights
and labour law. All the laws helps in developing strong framework for such relations developed
in more effective manner (Sammons and et. al., 2019).
Describe different working relationships in care settings
Working relation is very wider concept and covers lot of aspects within it. These contains
various kinds of relation within it and they have been discussed as follows:
Targeted Relationships: Such relationship mainly focuses upon people working within an
organization. That can be peers or competitors which helps in maintaining stability in an
organization. Also benefit is been generated through competition that is been given by
competitors to an organization. This makes targeting of customer possible which helps in
developing relationship in terms of professionalism in healthy manner. Further such relationship
makes various business attain growth in positive manner. In this relationship both organizations
compete with each other that makes benefits attained in proper manner.
Tentative Relationships: This is that kind of relationship which exists between employer and
employee. Such relationship occur on the basis of a conversation which has taken place only
once between an employer or employee. In such relationship depth is not there only tentativeness
exists which makes work related activities to be done properly. Such relations can be based
through social media or any other internet source. It is mainly focused official work or any kind
of work that has to be accomplished (Peate and Lane, 2017).
Transactional Relationships: These are that kind of relationship which is based upon achieving
of specific objectives related to business. Such relationships are temporary in existence which
makes near-term objectives achieved through out the working time period. Further relationship
formed till the goals and objective is achieved in relation to career and professional objectives.
This can be understood with the help of example that is relationships with customers and
supplier is based upon providing resources and selling of products. This is an important
relationship which makes professional achieves all task which is related to particular objective
needed to be achieved by an organization (Laxer and et. al., 2016).
Trusted Relationships: It is another part of relationship which exists within an organization
between employer and employee. Such relations makes various kinds of goals and objectives
achieved which helps in making relation of professionalism more effective in nature. Trusted
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