
Understanding the World of Tourism: Adventure Tourism Type


Added on  2023-06-12

1 Pages2499 Words448 Views
Introduction (include a
definition 50 words)
Tourism is defined as the social, cultural and economic phenomena where
people move from one place to another for different purposes (Kazandzhieva and
Santana, 2019).
Adventure tourism type will be taken for the tourism to ensure that the aspects
of the poster are fulfilled which will be SWOT analysis, its customer profile, future
trends, activities and destinations.
Destinations/ activities/ sub-types (250
Conclusion (100 words)
Thus, it is concluded from poster that adventure tourism was taken as one
specific tourism type which helped in understanding key providers and organizations
of adventure tourism. Further, key facts, statistics and impacts related to adventure
tourism are drawn upon at large scale. Customer profile was being maintained which
helped in noting demographic, geographic and other factors related to customers scale.
Future trends were also noted which helped in addressing major factors and changes
which are required for future in adventure tourism. SWOT analysis was also being
done which helped in analysing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of
adventure tourism.
Future trends (200 words)
Key providers/ organisations (200 words)
The key organization for the tourism type which is chosen is Adventure. The organizations
which provides the tourism are Raw Adventure, Dazam, Adventure Tours UK, Ultimate Trail
Adventures, Racquety Farm Campsite etc. With the help of these organizations, people are
engaged in more travelling as the organizations are providing all types of facilities to the people
for enjoying the adventure. These organizations are the key provider of the adventures which
provides people best of the services and the trips to adventure as per the facilities of the people.
These provide the opportunity to the people for mountaineering (Beames, Mackenzie and
Raymond, 2022).
The organizations provide the professional activities in UK for mountaineering which is
based on skills and facing the challenges at large scale which are being faced by people while
they are having adventures. The organization thrives on seeking the new adventures regardless of
age and experience in the new environment. These organizations help in providing climbers as to
how the adventures are designed for the people which helps in improving their skills and abilities
while mountaineering and extra activities. These organizations professionally provide run
mountain activities which helps people to take challenges while they are climbing mountains and
seeking adventure at large scale.
The key activities which are majorly provided by the adventure tourism
organizations are - backpacking, free-falling, rafting, mountain biking, day
hiking, snowboarding, mountain biking etc. These are some activities which
provides the customers or people who are travelling and involved and engaged in
the adventure tourism. With the providence of such activities there are aspects as
to how the adventures are being planned for the people enjoying them and helps
in addressing the aspects as to how the planning of the activities is being done.
There are various destinations which promotes adventures at large scale (Jenkins,
The destination in UK for adventure tourism are — Swim with seals, Lundy
Island, Zip Down Velocity 2, Wales, Cycle Giant's Causeway, Northern Ireland,
Bungee Jump, Scotland. These are some destinations which helps in addressing
the aspects as to how the adventures are being built here and are engaging and
attracting large number of people in providing their services at large scale
(Pomfret, 2021). With the help of these activities and destinations there are
certain aspects as to how the adventure companies and organizations are focused
on providing the services to the customers and people who are attracted towards
such destination places where there are adventures made available for them and
fulfilling their needs and requirements to enjoy these activities which are being
undertaken effectively and in proper manner. Therefore, there is increase in the
tourism industry which is being created and this helps in addressing the positive
aspect of tourism industry effectively and at large scale.
References ATSIZ, O., 2021. Virtual reality technology and physical distancing: A review on limiting human interaction in tourism. Journal of multidisciplinary academic tourism. 6(1).
Beames, S., Mackenzie, S.H. and Raymond, E., 2022. How can we adventure sustainably? A systematized review of sustainability guidance for adventure tourism
operators. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management. 50. pp.223-231.
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Çetinkaya, G. and Özçelik, M.A., 2021. Death anxiety in outdoor-adventure recreation: study of demographic variables and experience. Kinesiology. 53(1). pp.65-70.
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Moharramzadeh, M. and Imanzadeh, M., 2019. Presentation of a qualitative model for developing strategies for adventurous sports tourism. Sport Management and Development.
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Pellešová, P., 2020. Globalization and perception of tourism trends by supply and demand. In SHS Web of Conferences(Vol. 74, p. 04019). EDP Sciences.
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Pramanik, P.D. and Ingkadijaya, R., 2018, April. The impact of tourism on village society and its environmental. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol.
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Shedenov, U., Litvishko, O. and et.al., 2019. Improvement of ecological tourism on the principles of sustainable economic development. In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 135, p.
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Sofronov, B., 2018. The development of the travel and tourism industry in the world. Annals of Spiru Haret University. Economic Series. 18(4). pp.123-137.
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There is threat of incidences of terrorism
(Moharramzadeh and Imanzadeh, 2019).
Due to political change in the country there may
be fluctuations in the tourism industry.
There may be threat of any accidents happening
in the adventure tourism.
Attracts all types of people for seeking the adventures at
large scale.
Adventure tourism engages in providing the adventure
activities such as mountaineering, hill climbing etc
(Madsen and Stenheim, 2022).
Different experiences of people are known while having
the adventures of their own.
Adventure tourism helps in offering the careers and job
opportunities at large scale.
There is growth and opportunity for the community to
draw maximum number of people and engage them
into the activities related to adventure by fulfilling their
needs and requirements.
High level of economic impact which is high for the
cost of community.
There is environment al damage while seeking to the
adventure tourism.
The social norms of the community are impacts during
the peak season of the adventure tourism.
SWOT Analysis (150 words)
Key facts, statistics and
impacts (300 words)
Customer profile (250
Demographic (age, gender etc)
The demographic scale of customers which has been taken is that the age of the customers
while having adventurous activities of adventure tourism is from age 20 – 47. This is the age
group of people seeking adventure. The gender of the people seeking adventure is — both male
and female. There is no specific cultural background which tourism organizations has set for the
travellers to be specific (Çetinkaya and Özçelik, 2021). There are certain aspects as to how the
people are treated similar when they are seeking the adventures provided by adventure
Geographic (where do they come from?)
The people who are seeking adventure and activities of the adventure tourism come from
different backgrounds and different cities and countries to experience the adventures of
mountaineering at large scale. There is no specific geographic area for the people who are coming
to enjoy the adventures provided to the customers or the people by Adventure organizations
(Bourlon, Gale and et.al., 2021). There are aspects as to how there are certain aspects of how there
are variety of people seeking the experience of adventure at large scale.
Other (motivations and behaviour)
Customers are behaving positively and are engaged in seeking the products and services of
Adventure organizations for mountaineering and adventuring. The customers are also motivated
towards the services which are being rendered by the Adventure organizations. There is higher
level of satisfaction to the customers are behaving positively in seeking services while having the
adventures at large scale. They are motivated and engaged in seeking the services while
mountaineering and having other adventurous activities inn an effective and efficient manner.
Environmental impacts (for example impact on
local natural or animal habitats)
Adventures created by tourism industry for people causes number of environmental issues such as loss
of biodiversity, negative impacts on local, natural or animal habitats. Trampling is also the issue which the
environment faces at large scale. There is also disruption of wildlife due to adventures which have been taken
place due to environment (Huddart and Stott, 2019). The economic impacts have been of consideration for the
adventures which are being seek by the people.
Economic impacts (for example revenue generated for local community)
The economic impacts of adventures help in knowing that how much is the revenue generated for
local community (Thommandru, Espinoza-Maguiña and et.al., 2021). It helps in creating job creation
opportunities for the people. There is injection of money into the local economy as this is how the adventure
impacts the local communities. With the help of Raw Adventure providing the adventures to the people, it
helps in growing the economy.
Socio-cultural impacts (for example impact on local culture
or society)
Adventure has impact on the local culture or society as it has identified the interactions between cross culture,
maintaining and keeping the local culture, crafts, arts and tradition which helps in addressing the cultural values
(Pramanik and Ingkadijaya, 2018). Adventure impacts the society and the local culture of UK helps in addressing the
aspects as to how strengthening of the cultural values is being done at large scale and this also focuses and encourages
the adventurous activities to be undertaken by the people. Adventure of adventure tourism have impacted the society in
both positive and negative aspects at large scale.
Market size (revenue generated, number of tourists per year)
The revenue generated of Adventure tourism is $ < 1M. The number of customers per year of Adventure
tourism are — 1.8 million. These are the number of tourists which have visited UK for Adventure tourism. There are
aspects as to how there has been increase and decrease in the number of people who are seeking adventures based on the
adventure activities (ATSIZ, 2021).
Title and Student names/ID/ Tutor name Environmental (new destinations, new sub-types)
New destinations will be taking concern of the environment and will create
sustainable environment for the customers at large scale. Travelling sustainably will
be the major aspect for the travellers and the tours which are providing adventures to
the people are concerning that new destinations of providing the adventures to the
people are providing the safer and sustainable environment to the people (Pellešová,
Economic (forecast growth)
There is economic growth in the adventure tourism market which is
estimated to reach the market value $1,169,095 million by 2028 which is growing at
a CAGR of 20.1% to from 2021-2028. This is the major forecast growth which is
being considered for the economic growth and development at large scale (Hanna,
Wijesinghe and et.al., 2019). The adventure organizations are helping in the
economic growth of the adventure and tourism industry.
Social (new types of tourist and customer
There are some major types of tourists which are mentioned as – business
tourists, adventure tourists, food tourists, leisure tourists etc (Sofronov, 2018). The
customer behaviour has been changed with respect to the tourism and the services
provided to them in the aspect of adventure have also been changes as per their
requirements and needs so that they are comfortable in seeking the services of the
adventures provided by the adventure tourism industries.
Future trends within technology will be taken into consideration at large scale as it
helps in addressing and understanding the growth as to how the social media and
web based information have engaged and attracted the customers to seek the
adventures such as mountaineering and adventure activities (Shedenov, Litvishko
and et.al., 2019). Contactless payments have been the major factor which addresses
technology helping the customers to travel easily with health safety keeping in
Understanding the World of Tourism: Adventure Tourism Type_1

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