
Organizational Change Management: A Case Study of Aldi Stores UK


Added on  2023-06-10

31 Pages7220 Words352 Views
Business DevelopmentLeadership ManagementProfessional Development
STUDENT NO. 1553030
Organizational Change Management: A Case Study of Aldi Stores UK_1

Executive Summary
Organizational change can be described as a crucial aspect of the organization and it is
important for all the companies to ensure that they change with respect to the external
environment in order to maintain a competitive positioning. The given report follows a
structured format whereby the case of the Aldi Stores in the UK has been considered and
their issues have been analyzed. The report begins with a brief introduction which is then
followed by the brief about the company. The external and internal environment of the
organization has been analyzed to understand the problems as well as opportunities being
faced by the firm. This is followed by a proposal of the situations where the firm can
implement change. One of the problems related to the digitalization of the stores has been
selected followed by the procedure to change.
Lastly, the organizational structure which is necessary to incorporate the change has been
depicted followed by recommendations on the same.
Organizational Change Management: A Case Study of Aldi Stores UK_2

Table of Contents
About the organization...............................................................................................................5
Research into the internal and external environment.................................................................5
PESTLE Analysis...................................................................................................................5
Porters Five forces analysis of ALDI.....................................................................................7
Balanced Scorecard Analysis.................................................................................................9
McKinsey 7s.........................................................................................................................12
SWOT analysis.....................................................................................................................14
Identification of issues and opportunities................................................................................15
Technological advancements...............................................................................................15
People Management relationship.........................................................................................16
Supermarket- low utilization of resources...........................................................................16
Choosing one problem and elaboration....................................................................................17
Recommendations on the change.............................................................................................18
The procedure of change..........................................................................................................20
Gantt chart and action plan......................................................................................................22
Before and after organizational structure analysis...................................................................23
Other recommendations...........................................................................................................25
Slow change.........................................................................................................................25
Organizational Change Management: A Case Study of Aldi Stores UK_3

Organizational Change Management: A Case Study of Aldi Stores UK_4

Strategic Management plays a key role in the organization whereby the scanning of
the external environment, as well as the internal environment of a business, is very important
as it is assists in the identification of problems (Abushova, Burova and Suloeva 2016). These
problems might be related to the internal management of the organization or to the presence
of an external factor in an organization which might lead to issues for the organization.
Strategic Management not only helps a firm to analyze these problems but also helps to
figure out solutions for them so that the company can come on track.
Organizational behavior tends to play a key role in the given scenario whereby the
employees are greatly affected by the change which the company aims to bring into the
organization and hence, the study of both individual performance and the activity within an
organization is crucial in order to determine the impact of such changes in this organization
and how to manage them (Alkhafaji and Nelson 2013). The organizational behavior tends to
study human behavior at work and topics like communication and performance.
Hence the primary aim of the report is to analyze the problems which are being faced
by a company and recommend the changes which can be made in order to solve the stated
problem. The report will be following a structured format whereby the brief overview of the
company will be provided which will then be followed by the external and internal
environmental analysis of the same (Barney 2014). Using this external and internal
environmental analysis, certain problems faced by the organization will be figured out and
solutions for the same shall also be provided. Moreover, the change in the organizational
management structure before and after the change shall also be provided and certain relevant
recommendations shall also be provided. The organization which has been chosen for the
given assignment is the ALDI Stores in the United Kingdom.
Organizational Change Management: A Case Study of Aldi Stores UK_5

About the organization
ALDI is a German supermarket chain which covers more than 10000 stores in more
than 20 countries. The company was found by brothers Theo and Karl Albrecht in the year
1946 after taking over the store from their mother. The organization is formerly known as a
low cost and efficient supermarket retail which has various stores and is one of the most
popular company’s functioning in the retail industry. In the United Kingdom, the company
came into the establishment I the year 1990 and comprises of the 7 percent of the market
share (Aldi.co.uk. 2018). There are around 726 ALDI stores in the UK each of them having
the latest technology in place and has been performing considerably well. The stores sell
goods at the cheapest price available and also tends to function on a system of faster checkout
which will enable faster and efficient operations in the organization. This creates a
competitive advantage for the firm over its competitors.
Research into the internal and external environment
For ALDI UK, the five major tools which shall be used which are PESTLE Analysis ,
Porters Five forces, Balanced Scorecard Analysis, McKinsey 7S and the SWOT Analysis
(Bettis et al. 2014).
PESTLE Analysis
The PESTLE Analysis is a useful tool to analyze the external environment.
There exists high levels of conflict as well as political vulnerability which exists in the
United Kingdom currently and pose a threat to the different firms which function in the
respective countries. Although in different countries like China, Australia, and other
companies, Aldi does not face much of a threat but in the United Kingdom, it might face
Organizational Change Management: A Case Study of Aldi Stores UK_6

problems as there exists uncertainty after the Brexit (Bolino et al. 2013). This will be mainly
due to the regulation and legislative laws and relationships which exist due to the political
relations which exist between the UK and Germany.
As the Brexit took place earlier this year, an after effect of this has been the rising
prices in the United Kingdom. The pound has dropped considerably and this has impacted the
operations of ALDI which has helped the company to grow the fastest in the last two years.
The cost of imports has increased and this has impacted the functioning (Aldi-nord.de. 2018).
The inflation rate in the grocery market has also increased considerably, shoppers have to pay
extra for the goods which then makes them attracted to ALDI where they can avail to larger
Moreover, the grocery market in the United Kingdom has grown to an average of
3.8% and this indicates that the demands have been increasing and so are the sales of the
firms. As ALDI has followed the law and has increased its wage from £7.20 to £9.75, the
employees will be attracted to the firm.
At present, Aldi one of the highest paying supermarket in the United Kingdom and
there are more than 5000 employees working in the United Kingdom (Bratton and Gold
2017). Additionally, the ALDI Company has come up with the Get Set to Eat Fresh
Initiatives program which will further help the company to improve the operations of the
Organizational Change Management: A Case Study of Aldi Stores UK_7

With the advent of technological advancements, the Supermarkets are increasingly
making use of the access to Technology and are utilizing it to aid their service propositions
whereby consumers tend to have an access to self-service checkouts in the grocery provider
store (Brewster 2017). The company has not yet adopted such a technology.
ALDI tends to increase their stock sourcing from British producers and the different
farmers which further tends to support the local producers and helps in ensuring the
sustainability of the local areas in which they tend to function inefficiently. With regard to the
conservation of the environment, the food norms need to be abided by regularly in the
business environment.
The grocery industry in the United Kingdom has been greatly affected by the scandals
which have taken place due to the content of food having been provided. This was very
relevant with respect to the horse meat scandal. With time, even Aldi has found itself amidst
legal disputes as it had misrepresented the sales of herbs (Brewster, Chung and Sparrow
2016). For this reason, the company needs to ensure that it abides by all legislative
requirements in order to ensure success in the long run.
Porters Five forces analysis of ALDI
The Porters Five forces tool can be described as an industry analysis tool which is
generally used by the companies in order to understand the different forces which operate in
the external environment or the industry environment. The forces have been examined as
Organizational Change Management: A Case Study of Aldi Stores UK_8

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