
Analyse and Respond to Client Health Information Part A - Descriptive Questions: The Role of Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen in the Hum hum


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Disease and DisordersNutrition and WellnessHealthcare and ResearchBiology
Analyse And Respond
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Document: HLTAAP003 Candidate
Assessment Guide Date created: 4 July 2019 Version: 2.0
Date implemented: 4 July 2019 Next review: 4 July 2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)
Analyse and Respond to Client Health Information Part A - Descriptive Questions: The Role of Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen in the Hum hum_1

Assessment Guide
HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing
Unit of competency:
HLTAAP003 Analyse and respond to client health information
Part A – Descriptive questions:
1. Discuss the role of the elements carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and
nitrogen in the human body.
Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen all play very huge role
in human bodies. These gases are very essentials parts of our
ecosystem. Carbon is base of cells and carbon help in building
cells. Carbon is 18% part of human body. Our body have
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Document: HLTAAP003 Candidate
Assessment Guide Date created: 4 July 2019 Version: 2.0
Date implemented: 4 July 2019 Next review: 4 July 2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)
Analyse and Respond to Client Health Information Part A - Descriptive Questions: The Role of Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen in the Hum hum_2

glucose which is form of sugar and it is made up of carbon,
hydrogen and oxygen. Oxygen is needed as fire in the body, it
burn food and liquid into energy and oxidation. It helps to pump
regulate all the body parts function properly from contracting
and relaxation of muscles and nerves,
(wwww.sharecare.com, 2019)
2. Briefly describe homeostasis using an example. Discuss the
relationship between homeostatic imbalance and disease.
When someone is not getting enough nutrition and have
deficiency which cause imbalance in cell and leads to diseases.
When cells go through deficiency they may become toxic and
can leads to serious diseases such as diabetes, heart and
kidney failure.
(www.courses.lumelearning.com, 2019)
3. Discuss the following aspects of transport systems in our body.
Differentiate between active and passive transport
Passive transport is moves high to low concentration and it
doesn’t require energy to move. On the other hand active
transport move opposite side in the body as compared to the
passive energy it does need ATP and energy to move. It also
moves concentration from low to high molecules.
Differentiate between simple and facilitated diffusion: n
facilitated diffusion, molecules simplest move with
the aid of a protein within the membrane.
In simple diffusion, molecules circulate down
the attention gradient but in facilitated diffusion
molecules circulate up the awareness gradient and it is
passive but facilitated diffusion is an
active procedure that makes use of energy. Another
things is it requires molecules to
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Document: HLTAAP003 Candidate
Assessment Guide Date created: 4 July 2019 Version: 2.0
Date implemented: 4 July 2019 Next review: 4 July 2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)
Analyse and Respond to Client Health Information Part A - Descriptive Questions: The Role of Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen in the Hum hum_3

transport through unique doorways within
the cellular membrane.
(www.chegg.com, 2019)
Briefly describe osmosis with an example:- Osmosis is
movement of a solvent (inclusive of water) via a
membrane of a smaller particle in human body which is cell
into an answer of higher solute concentration that
tends to same as the concentrations of solute on the
two sides of the membrane.
Not Yet Satisfactory
4. Describe the difference between hypertrophy and atrophy with
two examples for each.
Hypertrophy is enlargement of cells and tissues. Best example
is using particular muscles in gym and over the period of time.
Its enlargement is good example of hypertrophy. Another
example is hypertrophy enlargement of heart muscles due to
hypertension. Atrophy is reducing the volume of cells and
tissues. Best example is somebody got sick and spending more
than 20 hours on bed will lead to atrophy because of not using
tendons, tissues of muscles and not eating very well. Second
example can be a disease such ad tooth decay where there can
be harm for the tooth. (www.britannica.com,2019)
Not Yet Satisfactory
5. Describe the difference between hyperplasia and metaplasia
with an example for each.
Hyperplasia can be condition where a organ can be getting
bigger or there is more production of the cell in the human body
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Document: HLTAAP003 Candidate
Assessment Guide Date created: 4 July 2019 Version: 2.0
Date implemented: 4 July 2019 Next review: 4 July 2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)
Analyse and Respond to Client Health Information Part A - Descriptive Questions: The Role of Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen in the Hum hum_4

than the normal level which can be defined as cancer first stage. For
example increase in the size of the breast during pregnancy can be
good example of hyperplasia. In case of metaplasia where can be
abnormal changes in structure of tissue may the production can be
higher or can be lower. It is not known as cancer every scenario it
can be the forming of the small growth in tissues on esophagus
which can become hazard in pathway of food.
Not Yet Satisfactory
6. What is the difference between blunt and penetrating trauma?
Discuss the impact of trauma (penetrating, blunt) and a nurse’s
role in managing these impacts.
In blunt trauma, there is injury on the skin, but there is no
major impact or wound on the skin. On other hand, penetrating
trauma can be when there is object which pierces the skins and
creates a wound and damages the tissues inside the skin and
need wound dressing. In both cases nurse need to verify the
skin and need to follow up. In case penetrating trauma there is
need of regular dressing which can changed on regular basis. In
case of blunt there may not need of dressing and just a visit of
doctor to needed. To check any damages which cannot be
opened with open eyes.
(www.emedicine.medscape.com, 2019)
Not Yet Satisfactory
7. Define what diabetes is. Your answer should include the burden
of disease, types of diabetes, and pathophysiology.
Diabetes can be defined as health condition happens when your
blood glucose, additionally called glucose, is excessively high.
Blood glucose is your fundamental wellspring of vitality and
originates from the nourishment you eat. Insulin, a hormone
made by the pancreas, enables glucose from nourishment to get
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Document: HLTAAP003 Candidate
Assessment Guide Date created: 4 July 2019 Version: 2.0
Date implemented: 4 July 2019 Next review: 4 July 2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)
Analyse and Respond to Client Health Information Part A - Descriptive Questions: The Role of Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen in the Hum hum_5

into your cells to be utilized for vitality. There is different types of
diabetes such as type 1 diabetes, your body doesn't make insulin.
Type 1 diabetes is normally analyzed in youngsters and youthful
grown-ups, in spite of the fact that it can show up at any age.
Individuals with type 1 diabetes need to take insulin consistently
to remain alive and keep their body glucose level healthy. If you
have type 2 diabetes, your body doesn't make or utilize insulin
well. You can create type 2 diabetes at any age, in any event,
during adolescence. In any case, this sort of diabetes happens
regularly in moderately aged and more established individuals.
Type 2 is the most well-known kind of diabetes. Gestational
diabetes creates in certain ladies when they are pregnant. More
often than not, this sort of diabetes leaves after the child is
conceived. In any case, on the off chance that you've had
gestational diabetes, you have a more prominent possibility of
creating type 2 diabetes sometime down the road. Here and there
diabetes analyzed during pregnancy is really type 2 diabetes.
(www.nidkk.nih.gov, 2019)
8. Discuss the pathophysiology, signs and treatment of Herpes
Zoster (shingles).
Signs of Herper can be lot of pain which can be described as
stabbing pain, headaches, high body temperature, nausea,
tiredness, body aches and tingling at the place of rash. The
treatment for shingles is planned for reducing the impacts of
the infection, just as torment the board. There are a few
prescriptions that can be utilized, and your PCP will examine the
best treatment alternatives for your specific circumstance. By
far most of instances of shingles can be overseen at home. At
times, individuals with a hindered resistant framework or
people with serious side effects as well as entanglements may
require emergency clinic confirmation.
Antiviral medications (meds used to battle viral contaminations)
are utilized against the varicella zoster infection. These
prescriptions help abbreviate the course of the ailment, decline
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Document: HLTAAP003 Candidate
Assessment Guide Date created: 4 July 2019 Version: 2.0
Date implemented: 4 July 2019 Next review: 4 July 2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)
Analyse and Respond to Client Health Information Part A - Descriptive Questions: The Role of Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen in the Hum hum_6

the seriousness of the disease, and rush the mending of the
skin sores. They may likewise help forestall the potential
confusions in some cases experienced with shingles. Antiviral
meds are best when begun inside 72 hours of the main
appearance of the rash, be that as it may, in select instances of
shingles (for instance, in an immunocompromised individual), it
tends to be begun following 72 hours. There are a few antiviral
drugs that can be utilized, including acyclovir (Zovirax),
famciclovir (Famvir), and valacyclovir (Valtrex). In specific
circumstances, intravenous (IV) antiviral prescription may
should be managed
Not Yet Satisfactory
9. Define what COPD is. Discuss the pathophysiology and key
focus of the management of COPD.
Interminable obstructive pneumonic ailment (COPD) is an
incessant incendiary lung malady that causes discouraged wind
current from the lungs. Side effects incorporate breathing trouble,
hack, bodily fluid (sputum) creation and wheezing. It's brought
about by long haul introduction to bothering gases or particulate
issue, regularly from tobacco smoke. Individuals with COPD are at
expanded danger of creating coronary illness, lung disease and
an assortment of different conditions. In contrast to certain
maladies, COPD has an away from and a make way of
counteraction. Most of cases are straightforwardly identified with
cigarette smoking, and the most ideal approach to forestall COPD
is to never smoke — or to quit smoking at this point.
In case you're a long-lasting smoker, these straightforward
articulations may not appear to be so basic, particularly on the off
chance that you've taken a stab at stopping — once, twice or
ordinarily previously. Be that as it may, continue attempting to
stop. It's basic to discover a tobacco discontinuance program that
can assist you with stopping for good. It's your most obvious
opportunity for forestalling harm to your lungs.
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Document: HLTAAP003 Candidate
Assessment Guide Date created: 4 July 2019 Version: 2.0
Date implemented: 4 July 2019 Next review: 4 July 2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)
Analyse and Respond to Client Health Information Part A - Descriptive Questions: The Role of Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen in the Hum hum_7

Word related presentation to concoction exhaust and residue is
another hazard factor for COPD. On the off chance that you work
with this kind of lung aggravation, converse with your chief about
the most ideal approaches to secure yourself, for example,
utilizing respiratory defensive gear.
10. Define what Myocardial Infarction is. Discuss the
pathophysiology of Myocardial Infarction.
Intense myocardial localized necrosis is the restorative name
for a cardiovascular failure. A cardiovascular failure is a
dangerous condition that happens when blood stream to the
heart muscle is suddenly cut off, causing tissue harm. This is
normally the consequence of a blockage in at least one of the
coronary arteries. Your heart is the fundamental organ in your
cardiovascular framework, which likewise incorporates various
sorts of veins. Probably the most significant vessels are the
supply routes. They take oxygen-rich blood to your body and
the entirety of your organs. The coronary conduits take oxygen
rich blood explicitly to your heart muscle. At the point when
these supply routes become blocked or limited because of a
development of plaque, the blood stream to your heart can
diminish essentially or stop totally. This can cause a coronary
failure. A few components may prompt a blockage in the
coronary arteries. The main reason behind the myocardial
infraction is low density Lipoprotein, Fats such as saturated fats,
and Tran’s fats. These things which we get from our diet causes
high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels and most major one
is diabetes. Heart assaults require quick treatment, so most
medicines start in the crisis room. A negligibly obtrusive system
called angioplasty might be utilized to unblock the courses that
supply blood to the heart. During an angioplasty, your specialist
will embed a long, dainty cylinder called a catheter through
your course to arrive at the blockage. They will at that point
swell a little inflatable joined to the catheter so as to revive the
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Document: HLTAAP003 Candidate
Assessment Guide Date created: 4 July 2019 Version: 2.0
Date implemented: 4 July 2019 Next review: 4 July 2022 Responsibility: Academic Manager (VET)
Analyse and Respond to Client Health Information Part A - Descriptive Questions: The Role of Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen in the Hum hum_8

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