
Literature Review and Research Methodology


Added on  2020-07-23

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TABLE OF CONTENTSCHAPTER 2 : LITERATURE REVIEW........................................................................................1CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY..............................................................................4CHAPTER 4: DATA ANALYSIS..................................................................................................9CHAPTER 5 :CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION.....................................................25CHAPTER 6 REVIEW OF METHODOLOGIES........................................................................27CHAPTER 7 :REFLECTION........................................................................................................28REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................30
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CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTIONTourism industry is analysed as major industry which has achieved high growth andinnovation in the case study. It is plays an important role in increasing growth and developmentof economy by attracting large number of visitors. After increase of international visitors arrivalin UK, there are various important steps have been taken by tourist authorities to improve thefacilities and tourist attractions. These tourist attractions are analysed as those places whicjdirectly influence the visitors to arrive and stay at tourist destination. Statitics of world tourismreport provide clear information, current trends and development in tour operations industry haveincreased the growth and number of international immigrants in UK . There are various touristdestination in country that widely attracts visitors and other patients from different countries.Highly effective and important tourist destinations tends to provide major influence onperception of customers. Great influence have been occurred in the field of study and forinvestigation of those trends and development study is carried out researcher. In this researchproject, researcher has conducted analysis on top tourist attraction in London from theperspective of international visitors. Aim:“To evaluate the Top London tourist attraction from the perspective of recent immigrates; Studyon London eye”.Objective:To examine top tourist attraction of London; the London Eye. To evaluate the consumer's feedback on London eye as tourist destination.To suggest ways to attract more visitors towards the London eye.Research questionsIs London eye tourist attraction really the best capital has to offer?Are customers giving positive feedback for the London eye?CHAPTER 2 : LITERATURE REVIEW Effects of Tourism The author Gee (1989) have stated that tourism has both posivite asa well as negativeeffect. As per the opinion of Gilbert and Wanhill, (1993) who stated that any form of industrialdevelopment brings with it impacts upon social and physical environment.The author John(1992) has stated that tourism activity have impact on economy, society as well as environment.1
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As per the perception of Jenkins (1990)the uncontrolled expansion of tourism industry has givenrise to unfavourable impacts especially to the eco-fragile environments According to the view ofChoy (1989), who have said that tourism can be considered as economic tool which supportsnation in development (SwarbrookeandHorner,2012). As per the perception of Cohen (1989)Many financial or economic benefits associated with tourism can be measured objectively. Theauthor Pizam (1978) has stated that the social impacts of tourism is subjective as well asintangible. According to opinion of Gilber (1993) who have stated that tourism industry is multi-sector activity which has direct as well as significant influence on society,economy andenvironment.As per the study conducted by Rothman (1978) which revealed that domestic people inLondon have negative perception related development of tourism. As he stated that people in thesociety believes that increase in tourism give rise to several issues such as overcrowding ,crime, pollution etc. According to the opinion of belisle (1980), the positive impact of tourism isimprovements in local infrastructure As per the perception of Milman (1988) who have said thattourism industry generate maximum employment opportunities for local people. The authorDavis,( 1988) who perceives that increased recreational opportunities is positive impact oftourism on society (Moutinho,2011). As per the opinion of Liu (1984)Tourism helpsgovernment in generating more taxes and support other industries in increasing profitability. The author Peggy(1994) have stated that tourism always not bring advantages ordifferent benefits to host country. As per the view of Swinglehurst (1994) tourism has direct aswell as significant impact on culture. According to the opinion of Pandey (1994) tourism is theindustry which is contributing to the generation of foreign exchange as well as creating theemployment opportunities for the people in society. The authorAcharya Pradeep (2001) tourismcan be termed as socio-cultural institution with different economical,environmental,psychological, and political dimensions. According to the opinion of Herbert (1982) tourismhave direct as well as major effect on social – cultural life of people in the society. As per theview of Nigel (1998), he stated that tourism plays crucial role in transforming cultural as wellsocial characteristics. Charlie Cooper (1998) argues that tourism creates inherent pressure ofcommercialisation and increase in the number of visitors giver rise to many other concerns forpeople in society. The author Andereck states that positive as well as negative tourism impact2
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has direct influence on level of satisfaction gained by people in the society. According to theopinion of Vargas-Sanchez (2002) community satisfaction is directly link to perceived positiveeffect of tourism. The author Nunkoo (2007) services and conditions are the two factors whichinfluence people to support tourism. As per the view of Mason (2008) who stated that he impactsare also very important aspects for tourism planning and management in a destination(Mehmetoglu,2014.). According to the perception of Andereck, (2005) impact of tourism aremainly influenced by different factors such as number of tourist, time , seasonality, etc.The author Bujosa (2007) have stated that tourism contributes to overall regionaldevelopment. As per the view of Vogt (2002) tourism have positive effect on local business.This sector helps in improving the infrastructure as well as facilities provided to tourist.According to the opinion of Haralambopoulos (2006) believes that tourism give rise to theinflation. As per the perception of Cukier (1994) tourism is the business where an individual cangenerate high income as well as profit. According to the view of Ritchie (1978)Tourism alsopositively affects the community services and extends the range of leisure activities. The authorGarcía, (2015) the most crucial aspects of tourism, is that tourism activities leads to traffic andincrease in number of visitors give rise to overcrowding at destination(Christou,SigalaandGretzel,2012). As per the view of Courtney, (1999) who have stated thattourism has negative effect on routine life of people in the society. According to the opinion ofLew (2002) Tourism can also result in increased in serious crime.As per the view Swarbrooke (1999) who has stated that tourism have major impact onenvironment. According to the perception of Williams (1998) characteristics of the destinationinfluence the impact of tourism. He also stated that tourism has less impact on the destinationslocated at urban areas. The author McKercher, (1993) have said that tourism bring resourceswhich can be further utilised for protecting species. According to the view of Krippendorf,(1987)seasonality plays significant role in development of tourism (Volo, 2010). As per the opinion ofMusa (2008) the positive effect of tourism is that it lead to the increase in efforts to protect thenatural environment as well as heritage sites.conflicts between tourists and host3
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As per the view of Barke (1999), there are number of factors which has lead to theconflicts between tourists and host. These variables include economic significance of tourism.According to the opinion of Nyupane (2011) migration of people from one place to other haveeffect on tradition structure of domestic population.According to the view of Hoy (1980) who has said that there are several factors such asdemographic as well as geographical factor has influence on the choice of an individual relatedto travelling to specific destination. As per the opinion of Teye (2002) nature and value are thetwo important which have effect on the perception as well as tourist about particular touristplace. Study conducted by author Burns (1995) reveals that People are often in daily contact withtourists and this contact can have a positive or negative effect on the domestic people. Onepossible outcome of the encounters between the local residents and the tourists is thedemonstration effect (Kerzner and Kerzner, 2017). As per the perception of Wei (1989) there ishigh chances of cultural conflicts due to increase in number of visitors. According to theperception of Reisinger (2002) the significant reason for conflict is lack of knowledgeconcerning other cultures.As per the view of Hofstede (1990) other causes of conflicts are Poor quality of service,lack of understanding, differences in lifestyle, lack of understanding and trust. According to theopinion of Jahandideh (2014) the conflicts between hosts and tourist might occur due tomisunderstanding about the information exchange. Residents perception about impact of tourism According to the opinion of Nyupane (2011) people are the most crucial aspects of anytourist place. Domestic people plays important role in promoting the destination and aid travelcompanies in changing the perception of tourist about destination. As per the view ofCrompton(1993), there are mainly four different strategies are adopted by local people in orderto provide response to impact of tourism. These are tolerance, adjustment, withdrawal andembracer. According to the opinion of Brian (1993) who stated that people in society dependenton tourism clearly differentiated between its economic benefits and social costs. The studyconducted by Dyer, (2007) reveals that domestic people most preferably support thedevelopment of tourism in London (Jackson,2008). As per the view of Gursdoy (2007) domestic people can have negative attitude towards visitors visiting destination.4
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According to the opinion of Uysal (2002) who has stated that In tourism, social exchange occurson an economic, socio-cultural and environmental level.The author Jurowski (2004) states that economic benefits encourage domestic people tosupport development of tourist and have positive attitude towards visitors. According to thestudy conducted by Var (1986) who revealed that resident people have supportive attitude , onlyin case when tourism have positive effect on economy, society and environment.As per the view of Dan (1993) he stated that resident people support development of anindustry, if in case they have trust on companies involved in the procedure. According to theperception of Turner (2003) degree of power hold by local people has direct as well assignificant effect on growth of tourism in the country.According to the thinking of Andereck (2007) whether the resident supports' tourismcan be measured in terms of their attitudes as well as perception towards an industry. As per theview of Neto, (2003), increase in number of visitors globally has led to the recognition of therequirement of sustainable tourism development (Harrison and Lock, 2017). Study conducted byauthor Holden (1995) reveals that residents are not able to purchase the same goods as thetourists. According to the opinion of Braganza (1983) it is very important for travel companiesis to ensure sustainability, as this will assist tourism industry in gaining support from residentpeople in development procedure. As per the opinion of Nozawa, (1992) who said that hosts berespectful of the guests’ culture,in order influence visitors to make frequent visit at specificdestinations.CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research Methodology Research methods is refers to as several techniques used by researcher in order toexecute different activities during investigation procedure. It also includes the strategies adoptedby researcher in order to achieve desired aims and objectives. Selection of right method ortechnique is very important, as this factor can have negative effect on results. The techniquesused assist researcher in reaching to the conclusion and support researcher in making suitabledecision. Nature and type of research are the two factors which are considered by researcherwhile selecting the method for performing research activities (Johnson and Christensen, 2010).Selection of right method enables researcher to conduct research or survey in systematic manner.5
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Different methods are adopted by investigation for facilitating each activity during theinvestigation. As the present study is on topic To evaluate the Top London tourist attractionfrom the perspective of recent immigrates Study on “London eye”, there several effectivemethods have been used by researcher in order to draw some conclusion. All the methodologiesutilised by researcher in present research has been discussed below :Research approach:It is considered to be as a plan of action which provides the brief overview about theway different activities will be executed during the investigation process. Research approachenables researcher to conduct investigation process in systematic manner and help researcher ingenerating quality results. Different approaches are used by researcher for executing theactivities such as data collection, analysis and interpretation (Monsen and Horn, 2007). Natureof the problem is the important factor on the basis of which researcher select the approach(Rose, 2016). There are mainly three approaches which can be utilised by researcher forconducting investigation. These are Qualitative, quantitative and mixed.Qualitative research is the approach which supports researcher in exploring as well asassist them in developing the understanding about the issues faced by humans. The majoradvantage of qualitative research approach is that it allows researcher to evaluate subjectmaterial in detail.The major drawback of qualitative research approach is that there are high chances ofbiases which might have negative influence on decision made by researcher.Quantitative research is approach assist researcher in testing objective theoriesby examining the relationship among variables (Mackey and Gass, 2015). The main advantageof this approach is data numerical data can be analysed easily by utilising the statistical process.Other advantage of quantitative research approach is that Probabilistic inference as well asprediction permits sound implementation of procedure.The biggest advantage of using the quantitative research approach is that it requiresperiodic monitoring of performance which could be time consuming process. Other drawback ofthis method is that there are high chances of errors.Mixed research approach can be used by researcher for collecting quantitative as well asqualitative information.6
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