
Exploring Materials and Methods Used in Construction


Added on  2019-09-30

33 Pages7809 Words139 Views
Answer: 1 The national construction code present about minimum technical requirement for newbuilding as well as existing building in Australia. The Australian building codes board isestablished by agreement between commonwealth government, every states and territory.That present about groups of building by present their function and use. The NCC group arehighlighted and classified about how the building should referred. This kind of informationis difficult for all groups and users of all NCC. The following are representation aboutbuilding classification through NCC. It depends on the national perspective and also presentabout state and territory variation. The building has been classified according to classes. Allclasses have different meaning and different objective. The NCC comprise the building code of Australia with different volume. The volume oneand two consist plumbing code of Australia. Also national construction code is the uniformset of technical provisions for the design and construction of building and other structurethroughout Australia. Answer: 2 The building are classified as per the classes as defined in NCC (national construction code).The classification have labelled in form of class1 to class 10. That also include classificationwith sub classification. The sub classification have mention through alphabetical order froma, b, c etc. the class 2 to class 9 building are mostly cover the entire volume of two of theNCC. The volume three of the national construction code contain plumbing code ofAustralia. The building have been classified as per user and public associate with thatbuilding and construction requirement. The construction of building have more than oneusers and classification done according to users, therefore classification assigned more thanone classification. 1 | Page
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There are total ten classes of structure have been classified within the NCC as commerciallow rise building. The classes brief explanation discuss as following: 1.Class 1 are contain building of houses. That are typically single dwell of domesticnature. They are attachment such as horizontally and building and houses consistingterrace houses, townhouses and row houses. The class 1a contain single dwellingwith detached house. Class 1b contain boarding house and guest house. Answer: 3 2.Class 2 are the building construction like apartment. That contain multi story ormutli-unit residential building. 3.The class 3 contain residential building apart from class 1 and class 2 they havecommon land or place e.g. included boarding house and guest house. 4.Class 4 building is dwelling or residence inside the building or non-residentialnature. E.g. caretaker residence in a storage facility. 5.Class 5 types building are the professional type and commercial type. The class 5also include class 6, 7, 8 and 9 building. 6.Class 6 types building are the shops, cafes and restaurants type building. They arebuilt for sales and service for public relationship.7. The class 7 building are carparks building. That typically warehouses, storagebuilding for present goods. 8.The class 8 building consist construction used for production, assembly, repair,packaging, food manufacturing or any other manufacturing. That contain sale also. 9.Class 9 classified in class 9a, 9b and 9c. The class 9a refer for hospitals and healthcare building. Class 9b consist construction for public and social activity that include2 | Page
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schools, universities, children care centre etc. the class 9c construction induce agecare buildings. That include residential accommodation for old peoples. 10.Class 10a buildings are shades, carpets and private premises, class 10b buildingconstruction for swimming pool or lakes. Class 10c buildings are private bushfireshelter. Answer: 4 Structural performance of a structure is described in terms of the effect of sectionproperties on various materials.Structural performance characteristics of slabs, floors, beams, columns and retainingwalls are explained and applied to the planning of the construction work.Demolition of existing structures is coordinated in accordance with legislative andplanning requirements, environmental standards, and safe work practices.Answer: 5 Unit of stress: Nm2MPaPressure unit: Pascal Answer: 6 Unit of force: Newton or Kilo-Newton Unit of pressure: Newton or Kilo-NewtonAnswer: 7 Structural member: it is support which is part of any structure or building or structuremember is a component used to build or develop entire construction. The structural member is the principal component of any building or structure. E.g. beam,plate, riser, support, tread, sill and bracing are the example of structural member. 3 | Page
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Beam is the long thick component or piece of metal, concreate used for construction, a beamprovide strength of the entire construction. Entire construction loaded and load distributedover the entire span of beam. Plate is a structural member used to consist horizontal beamwhich provide bearing and anchorage. Similarly, riser consist vertical part of stair or step.Support is a device that bears the weight of something else, that have no place to attachmentsupports for a shelf. Answer: 8Primary loads are classified into main two categories and as per they behaviour on thestructure and structural elements. The classification done as live loads and dead loads. Theloading of the construction structure can be put into different form. At different case theloading may not manage exactly as per individual category still it can classified as primaryor secondary loading. Primary loading are depends on the structural material, occupants etc.the primary loading also affected by surrounding medium and weather conditions as well.Also that affect by the external different loading condition which are apart from primaryloading. The primary loading also affect through extreme weather also. whereas secondaryloading are those loading which affect other properties such as change in temperature,construction eccentricities, shrinkage of structural member, foundation and other externalloading except primary loading. Live load: as define name of the loading, that loading are those loads which are transientand can be varies it magnitude as per external condition. The live load include allcomponent and part which consist ordinary building structure such as furniture, books, TV,sofas, machinery, stored materials etc. The live load also affect through externalenvironment such as loading due to sun, earth and change in weather. The natural disasterand natural activity which cannot control by human being such as earthquakes load and4 | Page
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Tsunami put into special category called lateral live loads due to its action and reaction.They are potential to cause of failure and disaster. Answer: 9Dead load on a structure is the total weight of the permanent components such as beams,floor slabs, walls and columns. These kind of components produce similar loading affectover the lifespan of the building. Dead loads are the loading exerted in the vertical plane. Inmathematical terms dead loads is equal to volume of member multiply by unit weight ofmaterial. Dead loads are those loads which affect permanently and they are stationary for long life. Itcannot movable, also unable to remove. The self-weight of the structural members areusually consider as the portion of dead load of building. The permanent non-structuralelements such roof, water pipe, gas –pipe, environmental control system and relatedmachinery such as solar penal, lift and all other construction system which may be place asrigid and may not move for long life called dead load. Dead load: Table.1 Dead load with different material and unit weightMaterialUnit weight kN/m3Glass 27.5Hardwood 12Mild steel 78Plain concrete 25Reinforced concreate 235 | Page
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Answer: 10 Force: a force is any interaction that will change the motion of object. The basic propertiesof all kind of forces are direction and magnitude. The force represent body with directionand magnitude of the objective. The force also classified as per fundamental properties of nature. 1.Gravitation2.Electromagnetic3.Fundamental and residual force of body. Answer: 11 Section modulus is the property of beam section. The section modulus is importantproperties while designing or selection beams. The section modulus directly affect thestrength of beam cross section. If the beam has large section modulus then it willstronger than other beam and capable to withstand at greatest loads. That section modulus react and work in bending is being done by the extreme fibre ofthe beam i.e. top and bottom fibre of the beam. The both section (top and bottom fibre)impact for strength of beam and used in calculation of section modulus. It denoted by Z.the calculation of section modulus consider distance to the extreme fibres from thecentroid or neutral axis must be observe as that point where maximum stress induce andcause failure of beam section. 6 | Page
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Section modulus Section modulus Z=IYI=momentofinertiaY=distance¿centreofgravity¿topmostextremepositionofbeamAnswer: 12 Vertical compression member: A structural elements which are subjected to axial compression force at vertical direction(positive or negative) called columns, the columns are subjected to axial load at the centroid.The columns can be represent as other terms of vertical compression member. The buckling is other properties represent as vertical compression member and its effectconsiderably, it cannot neglected. If length of beam is considerably large compare to thewidth of the beam and vertical axial force applied then buckling occur. The buckling occurwhen straight column subjected to axial compression load and beam undergoes bending asshown in figure. Buckling is axial compression load members. Answer: 13 Following professional persons are consult during planning and construction. 1.Architecture: the architecture play important role in construction, the new designand development of construction assist by architecture. The architecture decide thelayout of building, facility in building, aesthetic appearance with unitization of allspace and all assign area of construction. The architecture provide human life, andprovide suggestion about the different way of construction and possible outcome asgiven location and site. That provide guidance about the different suitable materialfor construction and suitable structure as per construction. They provide infinity7 | Page
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variety of design about the construction which must be sensible toward the nature.The cost of the construction also depends on the construction design, so designprepare cost effectively also decide by architecture. 2.Engineers :The engineer or groups of engineer must needed for construction. Without help ofthem consultancies, it was difficult to construct building or structure. All physicalactivities of construction have been done with the guidance of that engineering team.The profession and well experience team of mechanical, civil and electricalengineering team play important role for construction project. A smart and wellexperience engineer reduce human effort, time, and resource and save total cost ofconstruction project. During planning and construction process, there was uniqueplace for engineer in construction. The quality control, material selection andconstruction maintenance have been monitor and perform by engineering team. 3.Draftsman or design engineer : The design engineer is also play important role in construction. The building design wasthe prime requirement for construction project. The project planning, task allocation andtime line will be decide as per design of construction project. The work break downstructure have been decide through building design. The construction material selectionalso decide through design engineer and suitability of specific material decide throughdesign and design engineer. The geometry location and construction possible decidedthrough design engineer. Apart from physical work, all construction work have beenprepare draftsman or design engineer. the project planning and quantity of materialrequire for particular construction project have been decide by design engineer. Thereare many task have to perform by draftsman or design engineer. So it is essential toconsult design engineer for construction project. 8 | Page
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