
Applied Business Research and Ethics


Added on  2020-06-04

13 Pages4386 Words61 Views
Professional DevelopmentData Science and Big Data
Applied Business Researchand EthicsTable of Contents
Applied Business Research and Ethics_1

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.............................................................................................................1INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................1LITERATURE REVIEW ...............................................................................................................1RESEARCH QUESTION AND OBJECTIVES ............................................................................3RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ....................................................................................................4RECOMMENDATIONS ABOUT SAMPLE UNIT ......................................................................6DISCUSSION ABOUT DATA ......................................................................................................7VALIDITY AND RELIABILITY ..................................................................................................7CONCLUSION ...............................................................................................................................8REFERENCES ...............................................................................................................................8
Applied Business Research and Ethics_2

EXECUTIVE SUMMARYAn applied business research is a kind of inquiry that is related to the particular businessfirm and some facilities required in the decision making at managerial level. Ethics is veryimportant factor in business. XYZ Social network company is a large and private organisation. Itprovides the online services to people from all over the world. This organisation conducts itsbusiness under the ethical considerations. In this research project some methodologicalapproaches like descriptive, inductive, random sampling has been used by researcher with theirproper justification so that research question can be resolved. INTRODUCTION Ethics are some set of standards which can direct the behaviour of people at workplace thathow they have to perform their operations in a specified boundary. There are some moraleprinciples that should be followed by a company so that they will be able to ensure the smoothfunctioning at their workplace. Business organization conducted ethical practices so that they canprotect the rights of every individual and their safety behaviour (Bryman and Bell, 2015). Thepresent report is based on some XYZ social network who wants to conduct a market survey inorder to identify different types of smells which can impact the users for updating their ownpage. In this context, a research design has been explained which should be followed by anindividual so that survey has been conducted and ethical practices can also be ensured. Further,some methodological approaches have been explained with their justification that how this willbe appropriate for this research. In this present research report mentions about the various kindsof ethical considerations and the issues such as safety, secure the details of data and informationof people, internet and privacy, protect data of participants etc.LITERATURE REVIEW According to the views of Eriksson and Kovalainen (2015) business ethics are the principlesor morale values which can direct the organization that in what manner they have to behave.Along with this, these principles can also be applied on the staff members who are working at anenterprise so that their operations can be performed in an ethical way. By performing such kindof practices, they will be able to distinguish between the right and wrong doing. After this, anindustry will be able to take the right choices which will help them in performing better and thiswill lead them towards success. On the other hand, companies have to perform some roles and1
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duties which will help them in minimising the harm to environment and damage to thecommunities so that they can perform corporate social responsibilities in more appropriatemanner. More businesses are there which set their own principles and standards which can beknown as their core values. By following these values, an entity will be able to make their uniqueidentity in the market as compare to any other competitors. Saunders (2011) explained that some organizations are there which conduct someexperiment on their users so that they will be able to change the needs of people. This is theresponsibility of company that they should have to follow some ethical practices at the time ofconducting any survey or experiment. As per the opinion of Fassin, Van Rossem andBuelens ,2011, pp.425-453. when Facebook experiment on their users to changes the emotions ofpeople and due to this they get many negative comments and after that it was criticised by manyresearchers that they didn’t follow an appropriate structure. So, in this way their research didn’tgive any advantage in the market as this was highly affected due to ethical practices. Sometimes,these kind of practices can also help an industry in order to change the perceptions of peopleregarding to their services and features of their social networking sites.Dalton and Ortegren, 2011, pp.73-93 explained that there are some ethical theories that canbe used by the company in order to perform within a given or specified boundary. Some of thesetheories are like descriptive and normative. Descriptive explain the morale behaviour of differentgroups or society. In this, some values, ethical ideas, morale virtue or system. By following this,an enterprise will be able to know that how they have to perform their actions in an appropriatemanner so that ethical objectives can be achieved. On the other hand, normative is based on aconcept that explain the correct way of doing any kind action. Through this, a manager will beable to figure out the options that will explain the right or wrong action. After analysing this,they can choose an option which is right so that they can perform well and their objectives can beachieved. So, in this way it can be evaluated that ethical theories are the way through whichcompanies will be able to know the correct action in a given situation. All normative theories areknowns as the traditional approaches which are based on traditional concepts. On the contrary, ithas been stated by Chabowski, Mena and Gonzalez-Padron 2011, pp.55-70 that traditionaltheories are also divided into two parts one is consequentialists and non-consequentialists. Thefirst one is based on the judgement which will be taken on the outcome that is achieved by an2
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