
Hospitality Industry Experience and Competitive Advantage


Added on  2020-07-23

11 Pages3227 Words45 Views
Hospitality Industry Experience and Competitive Advantage_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1Definition of experience..............................................................................................................1Elements of experience...............................................................................................................1Hospitality Experiences are unique from other product and service experiences.......................3Hospitality Experience begins and ends. ...................................................................................4The extent to which management influences experience through designs.................................5The relationship between experience design and competitive advantage...................................6CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................7REFERENCES................................................................................................................................9
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INTRODUCTIONHospitality industry in the country plays a vital role as it aims at providing severalproducts, services and various necessary amenities needed by travellers. The ultimate motive ofthe industry is to deliver best living experience to tourist across the globe. There are varioussmall, medium and large enterprises in the Australian Hospitality industry serving best guestexperience. The report will analyse elements involved in hospitality experience and will identifythe uniqueness of services. Further, it will identify the link between experience design ofindustry and how it is related to competitive advantage. Thus, the report outlines the overallperformance of services provided in Australian Hospitality industry order to serve customersatisfaction. Definition of experienceExperience of guest in Hospitality act as tonic for the organisation which comprisesseveral basic features such as, generous reception services, comfortable accommodation,availability of basic amenities, entertainment, quality food and appropriate behaviour of staffmembers. Generally, there are two types of experience faced by guest Positive and negative (Wu,Robson and Hollis 2013). In Positive experience the industry attain success in delivering services according to therequirement of guest at affordable prices.In negative experience, either the organisation fails to deliver services per therequirement of guest or the services are not affordable for every type of tourist. Experience is termed as when the individual is involved in, affected by, or go through with somekind of activity. It is stated as active participation of individual in some kind of event or activityaccording to interests (Shahin, and Pourhamidi 2011). Besides, it is direct participation or directobservation over anything. Experience over anything helps the person in various types oflearning like, motivation, interests, competition, challenges, satisfaction, multiple outcomes,gathering information and attaining determined objectives. Elements of experienceThe ultimate aim of Australian Hospitality industry is to deliver ephemeral andeverlasting guest experience for which it basically focuses on elements of industry which are asfollows:1
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Vision and Clarity: In order to deliver the best customer experience, the industry firstfocus on determining its vision and clarity between function and goals. Defining thevision statement helps the hospitality organisation in understanding over guest needs andvalues.Physical environment: This environment includes, decoration, aesthetics, layout andoverall design used by the organisation to serve satisfactory experience to tourist.Physical environment of the industry is man made in which actual process of deliveringservices takes place (Yoo, Lee and Bai 2011). It is important for the business to createattractive and innovative atmosphere at it helps the company in attracting travellers.Apart from this, this helps visitors in differentiating between services provided by severalfirm under same industry. The physical environment of hospitality industry is developedand is based according to customer expectations. The changing behaviours of travellerstowards the services provided by the industry assist the organisation is determiningcustomer expectations and need of changes. Further, the analysis is done by collectingfeedback, consumer behaviour and emotions. Human Interaction: The findings about service and experience can be found by directlyinteracting wit the travellers. Communication with customers assist the companies inidentifying various loopholes and shortcomings in hospitality services. Tourist plays vitalrole in hospitality industry therefore it is important for the firm to collect informationfrom visitors about experience (Harrington and Ottenbacher 2011). In order to maintainthis, the Australian hotels train staff to treat guest with respect and kindness. Listening and learning: In this, the employees of hospitality company learns from theirmistakes which are analysed by guest. Therefore, the industry provides direct interactionof customer and employees in which employees are trained to respect the client whetherthe individual is rude or arrogant.For instance, the largest Australian hotel chain “The Towers of Chevron Renaissance” ave welldefined structure and amenities to serve the smooth flow of services to travellers. The majoradvantage with the hotel is that it has highly skilled and qualified staff members to whom regulartraining and development sessions are provided to enhance their level of understanding customerbehaviour. The employees posses strong listening, learning, communicating skills which is themajor advantage that helps the company in standing out in competition of Hospitality industry. 2
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