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Applying Complex Problem-Solving Models in Organizational Change


Added on  2019/09/20

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The provided content discusses the author's personal approach to problem-solving, which involves a hands-on and sequential method. The author believes in considering multiple perspectives while making decisions and is open to new ideas and approaches. Additionally, the organization deployed the McWhinney model of problem-solving, which includes four phases: unitary, mythic, sensory, and social. This model is seen as going beyond traditional problem-solving techniques by incorporating various frames of reference or realities, leading to a working environment where individual views are respected.

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Subject: Applied problem solving in engineering workplace
Topic: Applied Problem solving in the workplace
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Applied Problem solving in the workplace 2
Table of Contents
Description- AMEY Plc..................................................................................................................4
Theme A- Approaches to problem solving..................................................................................4
Activity 1a: Identifying complex problems.............................................................................4
Activity 1b: Identifying complex problems in organization....................................................6
Activity 2: Summarise your understanding of systems thinking.............................................7
Activity 3: Summarise your ideas on the Model of problem solving......................................8
Activity 4: Innovative and unusual models...........................................................................10
Theme B.....................................................................................................................................12
Activity 5: Choosing your problem.......................................................................................12
Activity 6: Identifying the boundaries to the Problem..........................................................16
Activity 7: Identification of a range of potential solutions....................................................18
Activity 8: Identify the likely constraints..............................................................................20
Activity 9: Evaluation of potential solutions.........................................................................22
Theme C.....................................................................................................................................25
Activity 10: Implementation process.....................................................................................25
Activity 11: Risk Analysis and Management........................................................................27
Activity 12: An Evaluation of the External Environment.....................................................36
Activity 13: Producing a critical evaluation..........................................................................39
Theme D....................................................................................................................................42
Activity 14: Identifying values and their impact...................................................................42
Activity 15: Ethical Issues.....................................................................................................44
Activity 16: Applying ethical approaches.............................................................................46
Theme E.....................................................................................................................................47
Activity 17: Reviewing your thinking and decision-making strategies.................................47
Activity 18: Reviewing the complex problem solving models and their application............49
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Applied Problem solving in the workplace 3
For decades, various reports have been beneficial in validating the need for problem solving in
the workplace. The problem solving have been defined as a critical thinking skills for the
employees as per the SCANS Report “What Work Requires of Schools”. Managers, engineers
and physicians are hired, rewarded and retained for their problem solving skills in the workplace.
Especially in the case of engineering workplace where the employees are presented with a
challenge of integrating their workplace real-world problems and issues with their curriculum
studies. The engineers must stay abreast with the upcoming and new challenges along with their
changing roles in the workplace. The understanding of problem solving in workplace along with
educational and instructional strategies for utilizing problems is required.
With the emergence of competitive market in the industry and various businesses, the necessity
of creative problem-solving models has emerged with a requirement for creative processes in the
workplace (Van Gundy, 1987; Rickards, 1990). Various firms and businesses are experiencing
intense pressure for enhancing their products and systems so as to remain in the marketplace
along with the competition. With the emergence of competition, strategic planning, building
larger markets, team working etc., a need for new problem solving and related strategies has
emerged. Another reason for adoption of problem-solving methods especially for complex
problems is to discover efficient methods for solving the issues and problems. There are only
limited number of tested manners for approaching the issues so as to reach the estimated
outcome and employees and workplace must deal creatively with the problems by using various
proposed problem-solving models. Various structured, formal and highly efficient approaches
are used for ensuring that the employees serving in the organization are equipped with an
aptitude towards problem-solving and implementation in an optimal manner while maintaining
the ethical aspect of the organization. 3
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Applied Problem solving in the workplace 4
Description- AMEY Plc
Amey Plc was found in 1921 and is considered to be the leading public services providers,
supporting and managing vital public services and infrastructure across the United Kingdom.
The company employs over 11,000 employees and works with private and public sector clients
in defence, aviation, education, central government, rail, local government, strategic highway
and helps these sectors to deliver services in an efficient and effective manner. Amey works with
local authorities and aims to deliver highway infrastructure services to their clients which
includes the Highways Agency, local authorities, Transport Scotland and Transport for London.
Whole country is kept in track by Amey through whole-life asset and custom engineering
management of the underground and over ground rail networks. Also a plethora of facilities
management services to the private sector, agencies, government departments and estate and
non-departmental bodies.
Theme A- Approaches to problem solving
Activity 1a: Identifying complex problems
The value of a structurally controlled and efficient problem-solving is beneficial in organization
for promoting discipline and increasing the success percentage for the organization. The complex
problems can easily be characterized when a single team or expert does not have the expertise
and knowledge regarding its solution. The individuals have limited access to the information and
require different area of expertise (Andreas Fischer, Samuel Greiff, and Joachim Funke, 2011).
The various problems being faced by most of the organizations are listed below along with their
1. Surviving in a changing economy and marketplace: This issue leads to continuous
change in organization with repeated changing of tasks and missions so as to exist in the 4

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Applied Problem solving in the workplace 5
competitive environment. The information takes time to be shared widely and for
formulating the decisional alternatives. On deciding upon the change, implementation is
seen to proceed at high speed.
2. Emerging demands of the customers: With globalisation at its peak, the high demands
of customers are emerging. Therefore, the companies are in a pressure of designing new
services and products. There is a need to analyse the international cultures and markets
along with better gathering and analysis of the information.
3. Change in organizational culture: With the change in organizational structure or
culture the internal and external environment are impacted as it influences the effort
level, working hours, uniform, religious observance, and discipline acceptance. The
problem is seen to be at its highest level when the organization is located to other country
as it changes the concept of on group loyalty, employment security, intergroup
competition, emphasis on seniority, and group decision making.
The listed problems are complex in nature and can easily be characterised from the simple
problems due to existence of multiple perspective from the employees and stakeholders, multiple
actors for analysing the situation, accompanied by important intangibles and key uncertainties
and also include people with conflicting interests as opposed to simple problems which do not
require technical or expert support (Rosenhead and Mingers, 2001).
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Applied Problem solving in the workplace 6
Activity 1b: Identifying complex problems in organization
1. Implementation of new technology for increasing potential efficiency: The
organization shifted to the paperless technology due to issues of various inefficiencies in
the paper-based approaches like duplicative site visits, reporting inaccuracies,
inflexibility in the allocation of the job etc. Therefore, Amey deployed a mobile working
system for automating job allocation, standardising the process, safety checks, pre-work
assessments and reporting to the government based highway contracts which led to
confusion among the employees. Even in a simple technical issues, a familiarity with the
technical difficulties was seen to yield dividends.
2. Lack of staff morale in a large organisation: Amey has, in past, conducted various
engagement initiatives for their employees which included self-nomination talent process,
efforts towards retaining their people which led to reduction in loss of productivity hours,
low training costs. However, the company has been facing these issues lately and agrees
to the scope of improvement in employee engagement.
3. Lack of communication among management: Communication has been posing an
intense threat to Amey as more than 13,000 employees do not have any access to Amey
email address or internet limiting the communication process of the company. This might
lead to ignoring of a large number of employees while decision-making process and
discouragement amongst employee.
These problems are highly complex as they require multiple frame of reference and an abstract
reasoning. These are recurrent in nature and are well-structures with their resolutions being
subjected to the stable rules (McWhinney).
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Applied Problem solving in the workplace 7
Activity 2: Summarise your understanding of systems thinking.
System thinking has been defined as “a framework for seeing interrelationships rather than
things, for seeing patterns rather than static snapshots. It is a set of general principles spanning
fields as diverse as physical and social sciences, engineering and management“. (Fifth
Principles, 68-69). With the emergence of system thinking, various industries have adopted
system engineering methods but the construction industry precisely has been facing difficulties
to deal with various complex infrastructure projects involving system of systems and innovative
technologies. In the construction industry, the engineers are considered as a functional expert and
are provided with greater leadership responsibility for considering all the implications of the
designs and are recognizing the need for system thinking. It has been seen that when the
functional design is produced without any consideration, it leads to inferior results. Therefore,
the construction industry and its engineer leaders need to build shared vision with personal
mastery and mental models for realising the potential. In order to develop the company and to
sustain the increasing competitiveness among the complex world, there is a need for Amey to
leverage the engineering capabilities of their engineers and adopt to the following principles as
an application towards system thinking:
1. Revising, debating and defining the purpose;
2. Thinking in a holistic manner;
3. Following a systematic procedure;
4. Being highly creative;
5. Taking people into account
6. Managing relationships and construction projects

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Applied Problem solving in the workplace 8
A shared vision in construction projects will help in fostering commitment for long-term
purpose. And system thinking will help in integrating all the factors for the success of the project
and make the subtle aspects to be understandable by the learning organization. This will help the
employees and the companies to perceive themselves along with the competitive world. The
problems being present in the company will be identified with the integration of shared vision,
mind model, personal mastery and separate the industry from others.
The conventional style of construction projects are complemented by the systems thinking in
various manner. Initially it helps in analysis and synthesising for various issues being
encountered in the while handling the construction projects. It will complement the reductionism
by reducing the amount of work into individual sections, effect thinking, analysing and breaking
down complex construction projects into simpler part, circular casual effects by explaining the
environmental factors and their influence on the construction project and indeterminism where
probabilistic thinking for the work is required. Finally systems thinking will be beneficial in
setting up a framework for utilisation of various construction theories, techniques and tools in
order to employ contingent perspectives and holistic construction practices.
Activity 3: Summarise your ideas on the Model of problem solving
This problem solving process, looks into account the McWhinney model of problem solving
which refers to the identification and solving of problem by taking into account different views
and perspective and how to react on various techniques, problem solving and practices. The
model takes into account four phases namely, unitary, mythic, sensory and social. Unitary phase
in any organisation mainly defines the framework, policies, principles, theories, design,
assumptions, clarification etc. Mythic means the organisation vision, ideas, opportunities,
dreams, metaphors etc. Sensory refers to action, behaviours, resource, experience etc of the
employees and employers and social phase refers to values, feelings, purpose etc.
Figure 1 Model of McWhinney 8
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Applied Problem solving in the workplace 9
Every individual has their own perspective and preferences and the preferences and views are not
changed mostly. Distinction in the reality preference can be identified when any preference is
looked beneath the surface. Some individual preferred the unitary reality to be in comfort with
tools and techniques while some may prefer the social or other reality for their comfort.
McWhinney”s model offers that complex problem solving is based on the different perspectives
(McWhinney, 1997).
McWhinney describes six modes of change that depend on the problem solving of the individual.
Each mode has complete path of change, capable of making and executing the solution. In each
mode the solution is made using the tools and techniques of one phase to impact the situation in
second phase. Problems are defined in single mode, two mode or more mode depending upon the
inter parts. The summarise form of McWhinney’s mode of change:
Figure 2 Modes of change
McWhinney also finds and explain the directional method associated with each mode of change.
In easy cases, problems may be solved by using two directional method of one mode of change
to create a simple solution. The different mode of change is analytic, assertive, influential,
evaluative, inventive and emergent. This mode helps the organisation in problem solution. The
combination of taking the two models give a mode of change. In analytic mode the directional
method would be unitary to sensory that includes design and from sensory to unitary includes
test of the model. In this way the two models combines and give the mode with the directional
method (, 1997). Some of the directional method are: in assertive mode,
directional method is to establish and inspire the problem, in influential mode the directional
method would be to persuade and convert the problem, in evaluative mode the directional
method would be value and allocate the problem, in inventive mode the directional method
would be induce and realise the problem and last in emergent mode directional method would 9
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Applied Problem solving in the workplace
be to evoke and facilitate the problem. The tools that are applied in problem solving are: action
plans, causes and effect, SWOT, visioning, simple modelling, value synergizing, dialogue,
storytelling, brain storming, resource allocation, mind mapping, search conference etc are some
of the tools and technique that the organisation could applied in getting the solution to the
Activity 4: Innovative and unusual models
Identify three approaches to problem solving that are generally used within your
organisation or sector.
Cause and effect analysis is been considered to be the most common approach and is generally
used in organizations for solving their workplace issues. The approach helps in identifying the
problems occurred in the organization; identifying the aspect being involved, what is the
problem, and when and where it occurred. Another activity is to find out the factors which are
being involved in the problems. It may be equipments, materials, people, and external forces and
so on. Along with this SWOT analysis is also an important tool which is been used to direct the
strategy at the highest level. It is a business analytical technique that organization performs for
each of its products, services and markets to achieve future growth. It involves identifying the
strength and weakness of the organization (Russ & Wallace, 2013). Another techniques being
used by the organisation is interviews and questionnaire approach which provides with an
opportunity to learn an individual’s career choices, preferences and reactions to different kinds of
Explore and critically evaluate at least three of the approaches not commonly used in your

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Applied Problem solving in the workplace
It has been found that the Brainstorming is not been used by the organization. It enables to
associate metadata such as information category, search and recovery of information. It enables
to insert the brainstorming elements in the organization and connect them to data directly for
better efficiency. Mind mapping is another approach which should be used in organization for
better efficiency. This is a diagram which is used to represent concepts, ideas, tasks or other
items linked to a central theme. This approach is easy to create, easy to expand, easy to filter.
The techniques even help in bringing visualization, creativity, collaborative methods which
could be used in organization (Proctor, 2014). Force field analysis is also important for
organization. Force field analysis is a very useful decision making techniques which should be
used by the organization. It is very useful to make a decision and communicate to the
Write up your findings in a summary report
With the help of the evaluation it has been seen that, organization makes use of the cause and
effect analysis, swot analysis, interviews and questionnaires techniques to solve various
problems in organization. Organization identifies the problems and provides the solution to solve
the problems. If organization also use brainstorming activities, mind mapping activities, force
field analysis to solve the problems, then organization efficiency can be increased and this a very
effective approach to solve the problems. Without effective decisions action cannot be done
properly and resources can’t use properly. All that approaches are very helpful in planning,
organizing, staffing, coordinating and communicating. If organization takes correct decision, it
provides opportunities of growth and success. It also increases the commitment of the people
towards the setting goals (Russ & Wallace, 2013).
Reflect critically on all this work and check your report against the assessment criteria for
Theme A. 11
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Applied Problem solving in the workplace
In my opinion, organization should use the above mentioned all approaches for improving
overall productivity and efficiency by creating a helpful atmosphere for employees. An
organization can easily identify the problems and solve them very effectively. Swot analysis
highlights the opportunity according to organization strength. This is also used in developing a
strategy objective. It is also helpful in brainstorming; there is opportunity to verify statements. It
helps in examining the internal and external factors to achieve the objectives. It helps in enabling
unusual and non-conformist issues for discussion.
Theme B
Activity 5: Choosing your problem
Meeting the organisation objectives requires enhancing the operational efficiency of an
organisation which is been considered as a critical task. The major issues being identified at the
workplace is to improve the operational efficiency of the organisation. It has been commonly
found that the higher authorities face various issues in enhancing the efficiencies due to the
diversified working environment which needs to be modified as per the requirements. Therefore
Amey Plc has implemented a new technology in order to improve the operational efficiency.
1. Unitary: With respect to this approach, the operational efficiency is been hampered due to
the various aspects such as policies, rules, principles being levied within the
organisational framework. These factors limit the work force which also impacts the
performances of the employees along with the efficiencies.
2. Sensory: This approach is concerned with behaviours, actions, resources, facts, etc. which
influences the employees to either work dedicatedly or compete their task just as a job. 12
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Applied Problem solving in the workplace
It is very much important to fulfil the requirements of these aspects to improve the
efficiencies of the operation of an organization (Pickett, 2015).
3. Mythic: This approach includes the vision, inspiration, ideas, opportunities, etc. as
lacking in this would impact the efficiencies directly.
4. Social: This is the most important aspect as it has been usually seen that the operational
efficiencies are impacted due to the lacking in motivation, diversified values and
perceptions, appreciation, etc. which make an individual to work towards the
organisational goals.
Dominant team perspective
On the basis of the organisational perspective, it has been found that the unitary approach of
McWhinney model acquires critical issues as it states the regulations being levied within the
workplace. As per the perspectives of the organisation, the complex problem to improve the
operational efficiency of the organisation could be impacted extensively.
Internal context
Organisation strategy: The major issue found in the organisational strategy is the lack of proper
planning, development of the strategy for the operational activities. The issues related to the
strategic planning are the lack of innovative ideas and creativity towards the business.
Organisation structure: An organisational structure is been considered to be the most important
aspect which requires having a systematic flow of authorities and duties over the business. The
lack of communication and coordination among the higher and the lower level of employees is
the major issues in this respect.

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Applied Problem solving in the workplace
Organisation systems: The organisational system mainly consists of the systematic flow of the
overall planning of goals and values. There is a major issue of effective execution of the
strategies and planning which leads to the failure in the desired outcome.
Organisation skills: It is very much difficult to acquire the accurate skills that could match the set
values and goals that to be achieved for the success of the organisation (FARMER, 2012).
Organisation staff: The major issue within the staff of the organisation is the lack of motivation
and mutual understanding which leads to the decline in the operational efficiencies. It is very
much important to motivate the staff members effectively.
Organisation style: The key issues in the organisation styles regarding the values and goals of the
business are the manners in which actions are been taken and the behaviours being identified
towards any of the critical, situation.
External context
Technical environment: Adoption of the new technological advancements could be ineffective
and uncertain within the staff members. It is very important to make sure about the effectiveness
of the technology being used within the organisation.
Economic environment: The major issues related to the economic environment are the
fluctuation of financial aspects such as interest rates, exchange rates, etc.
Social environment: The changes in the preferences, taste, market trends, choices, etc, is been
identified as the most crucial issues in this types of environment.
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Applied Problem solving in the workplace
Political environment: The political environment includes the key issues of acquiring various
legislative constraints to the organisation and lays an effective impact on the same. The issues
being related to the political environment are the rules and regulation levied by the governmental
bodies on various activities of an organisation (Pickett, 2015).
National environment: It is very much important for the organisations to be well established
among the local market so that to gain the desired results out of it. It has been found that there
are various barriers at the national level which limits the organisation to expand its operations
Global environment: The legislations and regulation being levied at the global levels raises
various issues for the organisation and restrict in expanding the business to the great extent.
Key activities/parts/people of the organisation that are affected by this problem
There are various aspects which are been affected by this problem within an organisational
framework. It has been generally seen that the inefficiency of operations at the workplace
impacts the productivity, profitability and the interests of stakeholders and thus could even lead
to severe losses.
Key activities/parts/people of the organisation that affect this problem
The higher authorities and the rules and regulation being implied by them could affect this
problem. It has been even identified that the problem would be largely affected by the working
environment being provided to the employee at the workplace. In terms of activities which could
affect the problem are the operational activities which could contribute in the modification of the
problem. Even the employees would affect the problem by putting the relevant efforts in the
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Applied Problem solving in the workplace
Key activities/parts/people beyond the organisation that are affected by this problem
There are various activities or people that are being affected by the problem of improving the
operational inefficiency beyond the organisational framework. Some of the important people
such as suppliers, customers, investors, etc. would be largely affected by the problem as if the
operational inefficiency is not improved it would be a critical aspect to meet the expectations of
these external belongings of the business.
Key activities/parts/people beyond the organisation that affect this problem
The main part that could affect this problem beyond the organisation is the governmental bodies
as with the changes in organisational legislations or reforms for the business.
Identify briefly how the problem involves ‘unpredictable and unknown features’ and is
related to ‘new or previously unrecognised or unadvised goals’
In context to the current problem, it has been found that the most unpredictable features being
involved in it is the risk identification by the higher authorities which could lay an impact over
business to the great extent.
Activity 6: Identifying the boundaries to the Problem
Problem: To improve the operational efficiency of Amey Plc. The higher authorities are facing
various issues in the enhancement of the efficiencies (Proctor, T., 2014). Various issues were
found in the higher authorities for enhancement of the efficiencies based on the diversified
working environment.
1. Interview and Questionnaire
2. Quantitative statistics 16

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Applied Problem solving in the workplace
3. Metaphorical Thinking
Interview and Questionnaire
All the employees and part of management were questioned and interviewed and were asked the
factors that were hampering the functioning of the organization. The issues related to the
technology and innovation were also asked. The expense and time involved in interviewing the
management and other employees was reduced by using the questionnaire in the first place. All
the employees were given the same set of questions which helped to yield a more productive data
as compared to the other information which was produced from the interview of the managers
and the other leaders.
This analytical tool helped in collecting the data regarding the perspective of the employees and
the management and the reasons which are hampering the effective proficiency of the
Quantitative statistics
This tool was used by comparing the current experiences of the company with the past
experiences and the currents goals and objectives of the company. This helped the company to
compare the performance with various models of desirable outcomes. The organization was also
able to compare their performance with various sub-units of the company and also with its
contemporaries. This type of analysis helped to evaluate the economic, financial and business
analysis so as to predict the behaviour of the company using the mathematical calculations,
measurements and research. This measure also helps in predicting the growth rate of the
company. The data summary from recent years were collected across many various repetitions of
the participatory process like venn diagrams, seasonal calendars and focus group discussions etc.
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Applied Problem solving in the workplace
Therefore, the areas with low operational efficiency were evaluated and the areas that require
consideration can easily be estimated.
Metaphorical Thinking
It is a technique which connects the two very different universes of meaning. The management
of the organization told us that it was made of various departments and in order to work
effectively all the sub-units had to work accordingly and properly where the departments must
work in a harmonious manner. The departments like marketing and finance department are
highly important for proper and efficient working of the organization as compared to others and
therefore these were highly scrutinized. The survival of the organization is basically dependent
on these two departments. Therefore, all the operational functioning and issues of the concerned
departments were noted down in order to ensure smooth functioning. The level of comfort and
cooperation was evaluated within the departments and all the interdepartmental and departmental
issues were discussed. This helped in evaluating the factors which hampered the efficiency of the
Activity 7: Identification of a range of potential solutions
A range of potential solutions were identified. There are as followed (Proctor, T., 2014):
1. Morphological analysis and related techniques
2. Brainstorming and its variants
3. Lateral thinking and associated methods
A. Morphological analysis and related techniques: The tool used was component
detailing where the major components of the problems were listed where the attributes of
each component were identified and listed. These components were provided to the
various groups in the organization and were noted. The components to be studied were 18
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Applied Problem solving in the workplace
the issues due to diversified environment, planning and policies of the company,
communication channel of the organization which led to delaying of road project in
Amey Plc. The company then assessed a picture by overlapping these components and
collected as much data as it could. This process enabled everyone in the organization to
participate in the process of decision-making and logical ordering of the issues.
Solutions: Amey decided to employ a wireless network covering the mixtures of their street
cleaning services, horticultural and project management in the team. The new system will have
new policies and procedures which will accommodate the diversified nature of the organization
in an efficient manner. This will help the organization to be connected and have a proper and
clear communication among the employees. Further the issue of biased and non-functional
policies and planning of the company were discussed and the setbacks and humps within the
organization were discussed.
B. Brainstorming and its variants: ROUND-ROBIN BRAINSTORMING was used.
A classical brainstorming was conducted in the whole process but the only difference was
that the team leaders were asked to shout out their voices instead of the individual
participants as in the metaphorical analysis. The leader was responsible for incorporating
and contributing the ideas of his respective team member. The ‘round’ was repeated
several times until it appeared that ideas have dried up or until a fixed period of time has
Solutions: This process was separately performed for the people who were facing cultural issues
in the company. The team leader would have asked their team member regarding the issues being
faced by them. The names of the team members were kept under covers. The team leaders
suggested that all the relevant documents must be translated into primary language of the

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Applied Problem solving in the workplace
employees. And a language class will be provided to the employees so as to fit better in the
working environment.
C. Lateral thinking and associated methods: Distortion and exaggeration were used which
involved taking all the problem to high extremes. The company suggested on the methods
that will compile all the issues and integrate them into one final solution. The solution in
this process is aimed at solving the issues from the extreme end. A fairly radical solution
was searched throughout the process in order to solve all the issues.
Solutions: The organization thought of deploying a mobile working system so as to automate
and standardise job allocation, safety checks, pre-work assessments and reporting across the
highway contracts so as to improve the operational efficiency in all the sectors with better
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Applied Problem solving in the workplace
Activity 8: Identify the likely constraints
Various constraints related to the solutions are identified like time management, scope and cost
of the changes being implement in the organization.
Findings from literature
The forces which impact the change are highly pervasive and powerful in nature (Sikora, 1994).
Therefore it is important to conduct an analysis of various conditions which involve internal and
external conditions affecting the change strategies and their development (Kanter et al., 1992).
There has to be an interrelationship among the internal forces which must cooperate the change
process. (Witherspoon and Wohlert 1996; Levy and Merry, Somboon Kulvisaechana 1986). The
literatures suggests that the new technologies, market forces, political reasons, legislation etc.
have to be understood and the internal forces like reorganization, profitability, efficiency and
change in social environment have to be accessed.
Additionally, Dervitsiotis (1998) stated that all the major forces that associate with the
organizational change can be listed as:
Dissatisfaction among the employees regarding the status quo which has currently been
described by current performance levels;
Strong persuasion towards settling the organisation in a suitable and desirable condition
The strong sense of having a well-thought-out strategy towards realization of the vision.
If there is a lack of any of the mentioned forces, the organization and its employee will lacks
motivation for provoking the management to bring about the desirable change in the
Findings from workplace 21
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Applied Problem solving in the workplace
The solutions of morphological analysis stressed on implementing new policies and procedures
for accommodating the diversified nature of the organization in a very efficient manner. Further
the whole policies will be amended so as to remove the setbacks within the organization. This
solution will take a considerable amount of time to produce desirable efforts. As the amount of
time required in delivering the results will depend on the requirements along with the resources
available. Therefore, the process of changing the policies and procedures along with the change
in the communication channel take time.
While developing the solutions from the brainstorming tool, the organization can easily provide
the documents to their employees in their respective primary language for the time being and the
organization can start a language classes for the employees in order to fit better in the
environment. This process will take considerable cost, time and resource of the organization
leading to slow pace of the implementation of the solution. Further the use of a mobile working
system for automating and standardising the job allocation, pre-work assessments, safety checks
and reporting of the contracts would take the maximum time as the employees have to be trained.
The training will take a considerable amount of time and cost of the organization. The
employees were a bit resist to change and thought the change in communication channel,
organizational policies and procedures will take a considerable amount of energy. These
employees did not seem interested in the change and felt uneasy and had fear of the unknown.

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Applied Problem solving in the workplace
Activity 9: Evaluation of potential solutions
Solution 1. Changing the policies and procedures related to the communication channels
Evaluation Method A. WEIGHTING SYSTEMS
The top management will assign different weighting for all the setbacks and will set them as per
the priorities which will reflect the importance as per the problem to be considered first. Now the
organization will rate the idea on the degree to which it will solve the issues for the company.
Then the idea with highest number will be considered on the top list of ideas to be scrutinized
whereas the solutions with low number will not be satisfied. Therefore, the organization will
reflect on the various criterion that can make the solution work with better performance.
Evaluation Method B. CASTLE TECHNIQUE
The organization will evaluate the ideas of based on the acceptability (the extent to which it leads
to a satisfactory solution), originality (the extent to which it makes a significant improvement on
the status quo) and practicality (the extent to which it satisfies financial and time constraints).
The top management were asked the changes in policies and procedures, to diversified
environment, and communication channel of the organization. The ideas with largest votes will
be selected.
All the forces for as well as against the plan were selected and discussed so as to take into
account the interest of all the members of the top management. The pros and cons of all the three
components were measured and all these forces were looked upon with high interest. This also
helped in planning for the factors which can reduce the impact of the ill-effects of the opposing
forces (Proctor, 2014).
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Solution 2. Language class training for employees
Evaluation Method A. WEIGHTING SYSTEMS
The top management will assign different weighting for the issues due to cultural barriers and
will also review the team leaders and their team members regarding the transversal of the papers
and documents into primary language. Further, the impacts of language classes will also be
evaluated. The employees and the team leaders will rate these ideas and the weigh the impact
and benefits of this solution. Both the solutions will be weighed and the one with maximum
number will be implemented.
Evaluation Method B. CASTLE TECHNIQUE
The organization will evaluate the ideas of based on the acceptability (the extent to which it leads
to a satisfactory solution), originality (the extent to which it makes a significant improvement on
the status quo) and practicality (the extent to which it satisfies financial and time constraints). All
the employees and their team leaders will discuss the issue of cultural barriers and will evaluate
the importance of the language class.
All the forces for as well as against the plan were selected and discussed so as to take into
account the interest of all the members of the top management. The pros and cons of all the three
components were measured and all these forces were looked upon with high interest. This also
helped in planning for the factors which can reduce the impact of the ill-effects of the opposing
Solution 3. Deployment of a mobile working system 24
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Applied Problem solving in the workplace
Evaluation Method A. WEIGHTING SYSTEMS
The top management will assign different weighting for all the setbacks and will set them as per
the priorities which will reflect the importance as per the problem to be considered first. The
ideas related to the mobile working, innovation and training of the employees have to be
considered. Now the organization will rate the idea on the degree to which it will solve the issues
for the company. Then the idea with highest number will be considered on the top list of ideas to
be scrutinized whereas the solutions with low number will not be satisfied. Therefore, the
organization will reflect on the various criterion that can make the solution work with better
Evaluation Method B. CASTLE TECHNIQUE
The organization will evaluate the ideas of based on the acceptability (the extent to which it leads
to a satisfactory solution), originality (the extent to which it makes a significant improvement on
the status quo) and practicality (the extent to which it satisfies financial and time constraints).
The managers and associated teams will be asked regarding the development, the usage of
mobile app in improving the efficiency of the company will be evaluated. The ideas with largest
votes will be selected.
All the forces for as well as against the plan were selected and discussed so as to take into
account the interest of all the members of the top management. The pros and cons of all the three
components were measured and all these forces were looked upon with high interest. This also
helped in planning for the factors which can reduce the impact of the ill-effects of the opposing

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Theme C
Activity 10: Implementation process
The Project Plan will provide a definition of the project, including the project’s goals and
objectives. Additionally, the Plan will serve as an agreement between the following parties:
Project Sponsor, Steering Committee, Project Manager, Project Team, and other personnel
associated with and/or affected by the project. The Project Plan will define the following:
Project purpose
Business and project goals and objectives
Scope and expectations
Roles and responsibilities
Assumptions and constraints
Project management approach
Ground rules for the project
Project budget
Project timeline
The conceptual design of new technology
The business goals and objectives for this project will focus on implementing mobile technology
Facilitates coordination and information sharing both internal and external to the
participating organizations.
Enhances the ability and effectiveness of staff to perform their jobs.
Provides high levels of data security.
Provides an open, flexible, reliable technology base for the future.
Facilitates the electronic capture of data at its source. 26
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Is easy to use.
project goals and objectives:
Ensure that end users have input into the design process.
Accomplish project business goals and objectives within defined budget and time
Minimize impact to standard business operations within the affected units.
Craft a favorable and secure agreement between the Department and the selected vendor.
The Project will introduce new mobile technology; including the following:
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35 mobile devices
Digital CAD dispatch software
Car to car messaging
Internet access (?)
Automated field reporting software
GPS/AVL for automated dispatch
Including the following interfaces:
Activity 11: Risk Analysis and Management
The initial Risk Assessment attempts to identify, characterize, prioritize and document a
mitigation approach relative to those risks which can be identified prior to the start of the project.
The Risk Assessment will be continuously monitored and updated throughout the life of the
project, with monthly assessments included in the status report and open to amendment by the
Project Manager.
Because mitigation approaches must be agreed upon by project leadership (based on the assessed
impact of the risk, the project’s ability to accept the risk, and the feasibility of mitigating the
risk), it is necessary to allocate time into each Steering Committee meeting, dedicated to
identifying new risks and discussing mitigation strategies.

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The Project Manager will convey amendments and recommended contingencies to the Steering
Committee monthly, or more frequently, as conditions may warrant.
Risk Risk Level
of Event
Mitigation Strategy
Project Size
Person Hours H: Over 20,000 Certainty Assigned Project Manager,
engaged consultant,
comprehensive project
management approach and
communications plan
Estimated Project
H: Over 12 months Certainty Created comprehensive project
timeline with frequent baseline
Team Size at Peak H: Over 15 members Certainty Comprehensive
communications plan, frequent
meetings, tight project
management oversight
Number of Interfaces to
Existing Systems
H: Over 3 Certainty Develop interface control
document immediately
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Risk Risk Level
of Event
Mitigation Strategy
Project Definition
Narrow Knowledge
Level of Users
M: Knowledgeable
of user area only
Likely Assigned Project Manager(s) to
assess global implications
Available documentation
clouds establishment of
M: More than 75%
Likely Balance of information to be
gathered by consultant
Project Scope Creep L: Scope generally
defined, subject to
Unlikely Scope intially defined in
project plan, reviewed monthly
by three groups (Project
Manager and Steering
Committee) to prevent
undetected scope creep
Consultant Project
Deliverables unclear
L: Well defined Unlikely Included in project plan,
subject to amendment
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Risk Risk Level
of Event
Mitigation Strategy
Vendor Project
M: Estimated, not
clearly defined
Included in project plan,
subject to amendment
Cost Estimates
L: Thoroughly
predicted by industry
experts using proven
practices to 15%
margin of error
Unlikely Included in project plan,
subject to amendment as new
details regarding project scope
are revealed
Timeline Estimates
M: Timeline assumes
no derailment
Timeline reviewed monthly by
three groups (Project Manager
and Steering Committee) to
prevent undetected timeline

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Risk Risk Level
of Event
Mitigation Strategy
Number of Team
Unknowledgeable of
L: Team well versed
in business operations
impacted by
Unlikely Project Manager and consultant
to identify knowledge gaps and
provide training, as necessary
Project Leadership
Steering Committee
L: Identified and
Unlikely Frequently seek feedback to
ensure continued support
Absence of Commitment
Level/Attitude of
L: Understands value
& supports project
Unlikely Frequently seek feedback to
ensure continued support
Absence of Commitment
Level/Attitude of Users
L: Understands value
& supports project
Unlikely Frequently seek feedback to
ensure continued support
Absence of Mid-
L: Most understand
value & support
Unlikely Frequently seek feedback to
ensure continued support
Project Staffing
Project Team
M: Distributed team
makes availability
Somewhat Continuous review of project
momentum by all levels.
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Risk Risk Level
of Event
Mitigation Strategy
questionable likely Consultant to identify any
impacts caused by
unavailability. If necessary,
increase committmment by
participants to full time status
Physical Location of
Team prevents effective
M: Team is dispersed
among several sites
Likely Use of Intranet project website,
Communications Plan
Project Team’s Shared
Work Experience creates
poor working
M: Some have
worked together
Communications Plan
Weak User Participation
on Project Team
L: Users are part-
time team members
Unlikely User Group Participants
coordinated by full time
Project Management
Procurement L: Procurement
Methodology familiar
Unlikely N/A
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Risk Risk Level
of Event
Mitigation Strategy
Methodology Used
foreign to team
to team
Change Management
Procedures undefined
L: Well-defined Unlikely N/A
Quality Management
Procedures unclear
L: Well-defined and
Unlikely N/A
Software Vendor
Number of Times Team
Has Done Prior Work
with Vendor Creates
Foreign Relationship
H: Never Certainty A comprehensive vendor
evaluation and selection process
(incorporated into Project Plan)
will be employed to predict and
define the relationship between
the department and the vendor

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Risk Risk Level
of Event
Mitigation Strategy
Team’s Lack of
Knowledge of Package
M: Conceptual
Comprehensive vendor
evaluation and selection process
incorporated into Project Plan
will assist the team in better
understanding the package
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Risk Risk Level
of Event
Mitigation Strategy
Poor Functional Match
of Package to Initial
System Requirements
L: Minimal
Unlikely Although a package has not yet
been selected, the Consultant
has compared the initial
requirements with available
functionality and determined
that a functional match to the
initial requirements is very
likely. Vendor selection will be
based, in part, on how well the
proposed application matches
defined functional
Team’s Involvement in
Package Selection
Impacts Success of
L: High involvement
in selection
Unlikely Comprehensive vendor
evaluation and selection process
incorporated into Project Plan
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Activity 12: An Evaluation of the External Environment
PESTLE Analysis
Political factors
1. Politically stable environment;
2. Fair working environment;
3. Uncertainty in business after Brexit;
Economic factors
1. UK has 5th highest GDP (Gross Domestic Product) in the world
2. The country has a large population which allows even the small markets to be
3. Country has a diversified economy with private as well as public sector
4. Increasing Foreign Direct Investment
5. Challenging period of uncertainty and adjustment after Brexit
Social factors
1. High standard of living
2. Society allows all type of workers from every part of the world.
3. Social unrest due to some ethnic groups
Technological factors
1. The company is highly responsive to the technological changes
2. High competition among the companies regarding technological advances

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3. Quality innovation skills
Legal Factors
1. UK has been regarded as the 14th freest economy worldwide on the basis of Index of
Economic Freedom 2013.
2. Various territories of Britain like Anguilla, the Turks Montserrat, Bermuda and Caicos
Islands had signed a treaty with UK in order to share tax information so as to curb the
tax evasion.
3. Competition legislation in the United Kingdom are: Office of Fair Trading (OFT),
Competition Commission and Monopolies and Merger Commission (MMC).
Environmental factors
1. The key environmental regulations of Amey PLC, UK covers the following areas:
a.) Air
b.) Hazardous substances
c.) Packaging
d.) Land
e.) Water
f.) Waste and recycling
2. The environmental licences and permits for the handling and storage of hazardous waste,
discharge of the liquid waste and the emission of specific substances.
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While planning and implementing the solution, the organization will have to consider all the
legal and environmental factors. It will abide to all the legal and environmental related issues
and laws. Furthermore, the implementation will also evaluate the financial factors owing to
Brexit and other factors.
The implementation process will be impacted by the increasing number of technological
advances happening in them marketplace. The organization will make sure that the technology
being used is innovative and provides a competitive edge to the company. Further after the
Brexit, the political and social conditions have changed, thereby appropriate backup plan must be
prepared for correcting any variance. The rate of change process is intermediate with respect to
other changes but the organization needs to identify the time required for completing each and
every action. The implementation must be evaluated using the stages to be calculated along with
relative to the starting point and the total time for achieving the objectives must be assessed.
The implementation process must be evaluated keeping all the points from factors affecting the
external environment of the company. The political and financial turbulence owing to Brexit
must be evaluated carefully. Further the organization must strive to work together in order to
eliminate the chances of discrimination against the employees of other ethnic group.
Executive summary
The company is situated in United Kingdom, therefore it is directly influenced with the case of
Brexit. The political condition of the company has been stable but with the Brexit, it is facing a
challenging period of adjustment and uncertainty. Further with a highly responsive market
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towards the technological changes, the company is facing an intense competition among its rivals
and needs to come up with innovative ideas.
Activity 13: Producing a critical evaluation
The complex-problem-solving project: The organization identified the complex problem to be
enhancement of the operational efficiency organizational objectives. In order to do that
organization needed to improve the operational efficiency and to identify the needs of the much
diversified working environment. In order to do that the organization implemented a new
technology so as to improve the operational efficiency. The organization needs to handle the
diversified environment and implement new strategies and policies and implementation of a
communication channel of the organization which led to delaying of road project in Amey Plc.
so as to increase the efficiency (Cottrell, S., 2011).
Critical steps/processes:
For improving the communication among the employees, a proper and clear communication
channel was implemented among the employees. Further the issue of biased and non-functional
policies and planning of the company were discussed and the setbacks and humps within the
organization were discussed. In order to eliminate the case of discrimination among the
employees, all the relevant documents were decided to be translated into primary language of the
employees and a language class will be provided to the employees so as to fit better in the
working environment.

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Further, a mobile working system was deployed for automating and standardising the job
allocation, pre-work assessments, safety checks, and reporting across the highway contracts so as
to improve the operational efficiency in all the sectors with better communication.
What went well: The communication channel was implemented successfully but various issues
were faced initially with the change of grapevine method in the organization, which led to initial
chaos among the employees. The employees posed a resistance due to the mobile working
system and were trained for the same. The whole process took a considerable amount of time.
Improvement: The organization could have first trained the employees and told the employees
regarding the change being considered. This would have helped them to embrace the change
more gracefully and willingly. The organization must involve as much employees as possible
during the whole process of implementation, this will help in minimizing the resistance among
the employees regarding the subsequent change.
Key learning: The implementation must be given a considerable amount of time and a backup
action plan must be kept beforehand to deal with the related discrepancies. Further only a trust-
wide communication can led to successful implementation, therefore all the employees must be
told regarding the change being performed. Organization must further invest in the feedback
channels for implementing the solution in order to produce continuous monitoring and testing.
Evaluation of the success of the solution implementation: The organization first needs to change
their key performance indicators or the KPIs for monitoring the parts where the organization is
performing well so as to work towards fulfilment of the objective of the business. Further Amey,
Plc can set a baseline to determine the extent to which the change process was successful. For
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this, the organization needs to measure the operational efficiency before and after the change
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Theme D
Activity 14: Identifying values and their impact
Values and ethical behaviour are central to the companies all over the world. Values are those
things that are important for a particular person, thing or organisation and they govern the ways
in which things are done in that organization (Fisher, 2013). Some values are core to the
organization and they remain consistent throughout. Some of the values that are common in
almost all organisations includes: professionalism, integrity, teamwork etc. Values are
imperative for the problem solving process in the companies because it is embodiment of all
those things on which an organisation stands and it also forms a basis for the behaviour of the
members of the organization. With the well-established set of values, the organisation can solve
even its most complex problems because the values help in creating a connection between the
statements of the company and its applicability (Fisher, 2013). When the employees are aware of
such values, they understand that what is ‘acceptable’ and what is ‘unacceptable’ in the
Values of the people at the workplace
The people in the organization that are involved in the process of problem solving here are the
directors of the company, the managers and the colleagues. These people are found with a
specific set of values that includes integrity, equality, discipline, accountability, and
empowerment. These set of values help in solving the problems of the company as when the
employees are integral, they do everything with sincerity and dedication. Hence, the chances of
making mistakes reduce and the problems are solved in much effective way. Thus, the set of
values that they carry are directly related with the problem solving process. Again, when the

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employees value ‘equality’, they do not become biased, like the managers treat everyone equal
and this creates a positive culture in the company.
Thus, the problem solving process is determined by the values that the employees of the
company carry. All their actions during this process is influenced by what they believe in. In the
future too, these values must be retained and built so that the problems get solved easily.
Values of the organization
The organization that are involved in the process of problem solving here also carry a specific set
of values that includes teamwork, honesty, excellence, commitment, ownership, customer
service and professionalism. These set of values help in solving the problems of the company as
when the company is dedicated to serving the customers, it will create new ways to help them in
fulfilling their needs and wants. Hence, the chances of making mistakes with the customers
reduce and the problems are solved in much effective way. Thus, the set of values that they carry
are directly related with the problem solving process. Again, when company values ownership, it
will accept the tasks and activities that it performs and hence it will be able to give the required
Thus, the problem solving process is determined by the values that the company carries. All the
actions of the organization during this process are influenced by what they believe in. In the
future too, these values must be retained and built so that the problems get solved easily.
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Activity 15: Ethical Issues
Ethics are that discipline that helps in examining the moral standards that are practised by a
person or an employee or organisation or society (Mepham, 2008). Ethical behaviour or conduct
must happen in the organizations because it improves the image of the company in the public and
it helps the company in growing.
Key ethical issues at the levels of:
Individuals- The problem solving requires that the structure of the organization changes
because it is getting affected by the environment. So, the change in structure requires change in
the reporting relations, working hours, discipline rules etc. So, the individuals may show a
resistance to the change. This is an ethical issue because they may fear the unknown and the
changes that are to be made in the structure of organization. So, the company will have to deal
with this issue.
The organisation- With the emerging demands of the customers, the companies have to
design new products and services. But, in doing so, they transfer all the burden of increased costs
to the customers. This is another ethical issue. They must not transfer the entire burden of the
rise in costs to the people, they should sacrifice on the profits a bit and must charge reasonable
price to the customers. Also, the organization must take care that they are addressing to all the
needs of the customers in the market and they are making them happy in every possible way. The
organisation should not sell them products via incorrect advertising and must not misrepresent
the product in the eyes of the customers in the market.
The industry/profession- The industry must provide the companies adequate amount of
transparency so that they are able to operate in an open environment. In the present company, the
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ethical issue that it may face is the poor level of honesty and transparency that is maintained by
the industry due to miss-communication, when the companies operate in a particular industry, it
is the responsibility of the industry that it makes proper rules and laws so that the marketing
messages are not miss represented and the companies adhere to the policy of fully disclosing its
intentions to the public. No harm should be made to the small companies.
Society- For the society, the most common ethical issue that may arise here is the fair
working conditions provided by the company and the environment safety that it maintains. All
the companies are expected to give fair working conditions to the employees and they are also
expected to utilize the resources in an efficient manner. Also, the society expects the company to
reduce the wastage and if it is creating any wastage, then it is managed properly. Along with this,
the pollution related to the activities of the company should be minimized. If the company is not
doing all this, then it is an ethical issue.

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Activity 16: Applying ethical approaches
The two methods of ethical reasoning are:
1. The utilitarian approach- In this, the cost and the benefits associated with the particular
options are evaluated and then, the best one is chosen. This is a direct reasoning and a
very simple one to use in the ethical issues evaluation (Carman, 2013).
2. The Rights approach- In this, the rights is determined which any group of person is
entitled to get. For example, the share that one is entitled to receive, the profits, the
compensation etc. (Carman, 2013)
These methods can be applied to the above mentioned issues. But, only one issue will be taken
here which is the issue of resistance to change in the structure of the organization by the
individuals in the company. Here, there are two considerations; one is the retention and
satisfaction of the employees of the company. The other one is survival of the company in the
changing environment. As per the utilitarian approach, if the employees are kept happy, the
company may not survive in the long run. So, the costs are more than the benefits. But, if the
structure of the company is changed and the organization prospers in the long run, then the
employees will stay happy and they will not resist the change further. In this case, the benefits
are more than the costs. Therefore, as per the utilitarian approach, the second option must be
Then as per the rights approach, even if the organization changes its structure, tit must make sure
that the employees are given all their rights. For example, the right to take leaves, the right to
participate in the decision making etc. will be retained. So, these two methods will be applied in
the ethical issue.
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The decision making regarding choosing the best alternative also involves some ethics. The
decision should not be biased and it is fee from the personal bias. This is human nature that
personal bias comes into picture whenever any decision is taken. But, it needs to be controlled
and avoided. Then, the decision must be taken by considering each and every person involved
with it. The decision must not benefit only a few in the company. For example, if the structure of
the organization is getting changed, then changed must be discussed with everyone and must
take place in every part of the company. If some of the areas are avoided, then the people
working in those areas will also remain secluded which will harm their level of satisfaction and
commitment. In addition to this, the decision must not be subjective and random. based on the
facts and figures, the decision must be objective and validated. It should not be taken on the
basis of an opinion held. Finally, the decision must be sustainable. This is one of the most
important ethic of the decision making process. The company has to face various challenges in
the external environment. So, the decisions must take care of the future of the organization.
Theme E
Activity 17: Reviewing your thinking and decision-making strategies
While reviewing the Jensen Model, I realised that I am more comfortable making decisions
which are field independent and therefore I could contribute to almost all the complex problems
in the company. This provided me a competitive edge over other employees. Further, I realised
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that I can easily make decisions in almost every kind of environment be it a quiet or noisy place,
my office place or staff restaurant. Being a true team sport, I always take the decisions of my
team members into account and believing in sharing all our success and failures together.
Although I am independent, but I also find it important to take my team-member’s decision into
consideration. This aspect helps me to think about different perspective that can be inculcated in
the problem solving method. Using the Jensen Model, I realised that I am equally task-driven as I
am driven towards relationships. I keep both my work and team members at an equal priority as I
believe that best outcomes are found when team members help in any problem solving.
In terms of information input preferences, I believe I am visual and auditory external as I go
through all the data, information that can help me while solving the problem. Further, I discuss
such findings and analysis with my friends so as to discuss elaborate on the issue and to discuss
various other viewpoints and perceptions from the people. Further, I am used to take in the
information along with the various ideas and the problems associated with it. This hands-on
approach makes me a Kinaesthetic-tactile owning to my nature of analysing things before the
In terms of processing the solution, I believe to follow a detailed, sequential and conceptual-
concrete method. I first go through all the details in order to make a decision and then think
about solving the issues in a sequential manner, taking one step at a time. Finally, I take the
solutions in a practical hands-on way where I think about going through various examples and
then I try every step in a practical manner first.
Finally, I am externally-referenced and a mis-matcher, as I am very adamant about taking
people’s perception and thoughts into consideration while making a decision. Further, I try to do

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things in a creative manner and try to do them differently. Therefore, I am always up for new
ideas and approaches and always try to experiment.
Activity 18: Reviewing the complex problem solving models and their application
Our organization deployed the McWhinney model of problem solving which referred to the
solving as well as identification of various perspective. The model used four phases namely,
unitary, mythic, sensory and social. Unitary phase referred to the how the policies, framework,
theories and assumptions were defined during the change process. Followed by mythic where the
vision, dreams and metaphors were discussed and the sensory referred to as experience and
behaviour of the employees and finally the social phase which reflected the values and purpose
of the process.
This model was seen to go beyond the traditional problem solving techniques. This model was
seen to include various phases and processes which is seen to move through various thinking
frames (frames of reference) where all the processes had their own outcomes, language and rules.
This process is seen to include the perspective of all the individuals and most of them were seen
to include the perspective from the political arena while others were seen to map the reality while
using the figures. Some even included their perspective from ethical and social aspects. This way
a working environment where individual views are respected is created. The McWhinney model
was seen to include various frames of references or realities and helped in accompanying the
change process.
Therefore, it was seen that the individuals were having their own perspective and preferences
helped to shape the complex problem and its problem solving.
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