
Transformational Leadership & Development


Added on  2020-01-07

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Management and Operations1
Transformational Leadership & Development_1

Table of ContentsLO 1: Differentiating between role of leader and functions of a manager......................................3P1: Comparing and differentiating between role of leader and function of manager.....................3LO 2: Applying the role of leader and managerial functions within a given situation...................4P2: Examining cases where role of leader and function of manager has been applied...................4P3: Applying theories and models of approach including situational leadership, systemleadership and contingency leadership............................................................................................6LO 3: Demonstrating value of the role of leaders and managers in operational management ofcompany...........................................................................................................................................7P4: Describing key approaches towards operations management and role of leaders andmanagers in an organisation............................................................................................................7P5: Explaining the importance of operations management in achieving business objectives.........8LO 4: Demonstrating the relationship between leadership and management in a complexbusiness environment.......................................................................................................................9P6: Assessing various factors that affect operational management and decision making in anorganisation......................................................................................................................................9Reference List................................................................................................................................112
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LO 1: Differentiating between role of leader and functions of a managerP1: Comparing and differentiating between role of leader and function of managerAs per Bass and Avolio (2015), every organisation comprises of an effective leader that requirescapable assistance of dynamic managers who can execute daily operational activities of theorganisation in order to achieve desired objectives. Leadership is a very important responsibilityas it is capable of guiding the business in achieving pre-determined goals. Managers are capablemotivators that acknowledge the needs of the company and capably use the available resourcesto achieve company targets. A clear identification of the differences can help in makingdistinction among the two.LeadersManagersBrocato (2013) opined that leaders are theinnovators who are responsible for devisingnew plans and operational strategies that canmake the business successful. Cacioppe (2015) argued that managers aresolely concerned with the execution of theoperations within the organisation as per thedecided policies and procedures. They aredevoid of any strategy developmentoperations and must solely focus onimproving the teamwork within theorganisation.The strategic vision that leaders possessallows them to make clear distinction betweenthe types of goals that is best suited for thebusiness. It is their responsibility to devisestrategies, plans and policies that can suiteither long-term goals or short-termobligations.Managers mostly undertake majoradministrative operations that govern how thecompany is run towards achieving companyobjectives set by leaders.Establishing work policies that take care andbenefit employees makes leaders verydetrimental in the boosting of motivation ofemployees. The responsibility and liability area formanagers is based on short-term objectives asopposed to long-term objectives focused byleaders.Risk taking is another pivotal difference thatseparates leaders from managers. As perFulmer and Wagner (2014), vital decisionmaking and quick reactions from leadersensure that no favourable situation is missedfor the benefit of the organisation.The managers carefully monitor and measureperformance of employees regularly throughperformance reviews so that the level ofprogress can be easily monitored and theextent of objective achievement can beaddressed.Being proactive in nature allows the leaders tobe optimistic and trust their decision makingskills. This allows dynamic decision makingand assessing condition of business.The decision making power that managerspossess are limited to departmental aspects.They have authority to motivate, alter anddeduce plans that can make the departments3
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work efficiently and achieve company goalsfaster.Table 1: Differentiating points between leaders and managersThe fact that leaders are specifically important to a company does not hide the fact that managersalso play a vital role in the overall success of the business. A leader’s strategies and plans areineffective if the execution of the plans and policies are not done as per orders. Gregersen et al.(2014) suggested that even though the operational and functional duties of managers and leadersmay be different, they both need to function simultaneously if a business hopes to succeed infuture. The definition of success is not guaranteed unless the formulation of policies are not doneas per objectives and man management is not done properly by the managerial staff.LO 2: Applying the role of leader and managerial functions within a given situationP2: Examining cases where role of leader and function of manager has been appliedAccording to Harris and Cullen (2014), the reason behind the success of any organisation is thevisionary mind of leaders and dynamism of its managers to chalk out strategies that can help thebusiness in achieving its goals even during situations of crisis. A vital example of the companyFord can be used to understand the role of leaders and managers in making the business asuccess even during difficult situations. The company stock prices had fallen drastically and thecompany faced a loss of around $12.7 billion. The company was literally filing for bankruptcy,until the effective leadership of their CEO Alan Mulally turned things around.The inspiring leadership and decision making attributes of Alan Mulally helped the company indeveloping a comprehensive plan of action and transformed the organisational culture to a morevalue-based organisation. The incorporation of a best-team approach simplified the leadershipstructure in the company and it fostered the employees to work as a single unit. Another decisionmaking aspect of Mulally regarding the agreement of the company with United Auto Workers(UAW). This partnership allows shift of responsibility to the UAW as they played a helpful rolein improving the profitability of Ford in return of bringing jobs back to USA. Regainingcredibility of suppliers and investors was the next step as it was necessary to regain trust toensure business stability. Considering these actions conducted by the leadership qualities of4
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