
Legislative Changes in Non-Medical Prescribing and its Impact on Practice


Added on  2023-01-04

8 Pages1858 Words51 Views
Short Course Programme in Prescribing Leader:
Title of Coursework: Legislative Essay
Coursework is receipted on the understanding that it is the student’s own and that it has not, in
whole or in part been presented elsewhere for assessment. Where material has been used from
other sources it has been properly acknowledged in accordance with the School of Pharmacy’s
Regulations regarding Cheating and Plagiarism.
Tutor’s comments
– you have a lot to do to get this to a pass.
You need to think about the structure of the essay in order for it to make sense and
flow logically. As you have not applied the criteria for a draft (see information on
how to submit a draft on moodle) I have not been able to feedback on this entirely.
You will see that I have only given feedback on the first section.
You must reference every claim. You need to improve your citation which is not
accurate. There is plenty of guidance on moodle so use it to get this right.
Have the essay question next to you to help you stay focussed and to make sure you
answer it.
Make sure that you write about what your job is and how it will change once you are
a prescriber. So explain how your patients get their medicines now and how that will
improve once you are a prescriber. Then you need to say how your responsibilities
and accountability will change once you are a prescriber and apply the points to
your own practice.
You need someone to proof read your essay because your grammar is weak. Try to
improve this before you submit.
Try to avoid arbitrary statements which do not answer the question and are not
analysed or applied to your own practice.
Your reference list also needs improvement – see my comments.
Use and apply the feedback from your case study, to this essay to help you improve.
Next time you submit a draft, please follow the guidance rather than submitting what
is almost a complete essay.
Legislative Changes in Non-Medical Prescribing and its Impact on Practice_1

Grade Awarded______
Tutor’s signature _____________________ Date___________
Moderation required: yes/no Moderator_____________ Date__________
Legislative Changes in Non-Medical Prescribing and its Impact on Practice_2

This is an essay report reviews the recent legislative changes in context of the
development of non-medical prescribing and its impact on practice with specific emphasis on
accountability and responsibility (Surratt, and et. al., 2014).
Recent legislative changes in relation to prescribing and the impact of these changes on
practice with a particular focus on accountability and responsibility
Louise, Aseel and Mary, (2016), In United Kingdom, the non-medical prescribers
currently involved nurses, pharmacist and some allied health professionals, who all are
registered with relevant professional regulatory body (Cope, Abuzour, and Tully, 2016). Since
1992, non-medical prescribing has been allowed, the types of professionals who are eligible to
become non-medical prescribers, the number of non-medical prescribers as well as range of
medicines they are able to prescribe legally has grown (Louise, Aseel and Mary, 2016). In
clinical commissioning program for National Health Services in United Kingdom, the non-
medical prescribers play a significant role (Nonmedical prescribing: where are we now? (2016).
According to the Cumberlege Report, it has been reviewed the care which was given to
patients by health visitors and district nurses in their homes. It has been suggested in the report
that the access of patients to treatment could be improved, the resources could be used more
effectively and the patient care could be enhanced if community-based nurse were allowing to
prescribe from some items like ointments and wound dressings. Previously, the community
nurses often wasted time waiting for prescriptions to be signed by general practitioners. There
are some changes which have been made to improve the situation. This enable community
nurses to prescribe medicine (Haegerich, and et. al., 2014).
After apparent success as well as acceptability of community nurse as prescribers in
year 1998, the health visitors and district nurses were also legally allowing to prescribe
Legislative Changes in Non-Medical Prescribing and its Impact on Practice_3

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