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Impact of Structural Change on Organizational Culture


Added on  2023/01/11

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This report examines the potential impact of structural change on the culture of an organization. It discusses the importance of structure in communicating goals and assigning roles to employees. The report also explores different ideas for implementing change, such as dividing the organization based on functions and installing new technology. Recommendations for securing funds and improving performance are provided as well.

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Table of Contents
Explain potential impact of any structural change on culture of organisation............................3
Explain ideas for change .............................................................................................................3
CONCLUSION ...............................................................................................................................3
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Organisation structure is a hierarchical framework in which show flow of authorities and
responsibilities. Therefore, it is necessary to bring changes in structure so that goals and
objectives are achieved. Besides that, there is high impact on culture due to change in structure.
But it is necessary for organization to do so on order to gain competitive advantage.
As I am a health care in Cawthrone children centre I am responsible for securing of funds to
achieve goals and objectives. It will help in acquiring of resources (Gu, Ambra,. and Stevens,
This report will describe about how impact of change in organization structure on its culture.
Besides that, it will be explained about ideas for change to obtain funding. Also,
recommendations will be given at last.
Explain potential impact of any structural change on culture of organisation
In every business there is proper structure which is followed. It describe flow of authority from
top to bottom. Without structure it is difficult to communicate goal and assign role to employee.
Basically, there are three types of organisation structure that are functional, divisional and
matrix. However, it depends on size and scale of business operations that what type of structure
is suitable. This is because there is great impact of it on culture. It has been analysed that
organization structure and culture are interrelated to each other. This is because on basis of
structure. Culture depends. So, of there is any change in structure it highly impact of culture. The
impact is based on what type of change has occurred and at which level. For example, change at
high level will affect the middle and low level whereas change in lower level will impact on
middle. However, it is evaluated that middle level plays vital role as it coordinate between both.
In addition to it, it has been evaluated that impact on culture also depends on which type of
structural model is applied (Long 2018). Similarly, as Cawthrone children centre is a small
organization and having a Small structure. So, by changing it this will also impact on culture of
centre in following ways
Sub structure- when any change occur in structure it leads to sub structure. There is formation of
either mid level management who is responsible for maintaining balance between middle and
lower level. So, they highly focus on small issues and solve them. Apart from it, they act as
strong mediator between both level and create strong relations between them. Therefore, this
change will in positive way in children centre as it emphasis on value and ethics of staff. They
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work in effective way as a feeling of satisfaction is developed among them. Along with it, some
highly skilled and qualified people are assigned high roles and responsibilities. Thus, they
perform it in effective way. Thus, it leads to encouraging among other staff as well (Brown,
Bullock, and Little, , 2019)
Focus on value and ethics – there is change in structure which focus on employee value and
ethics. Here, management consider employee value and ethics as priority and reflect on their
roles and responsibilities. So, in Cawthrone children centre as well in critical cases the decision
are taken in favor of employees. In this way staff value are respected so it create a feeling of
belongingness. They work with more loyalty and try to inspire others as well to consider
organization as priority. In this way, their performance is improved. However, it leads it team
work and maintaining diversified culture. Employee will respect and maintain dignity of each
other and resolve issues themselves within centre (Accou, 2017)
Change in role and responsibilities- In this there is change in role and responsibilities of people
at various levels within organization structure. It enables in promoting middle level staff to
higher level and lower to middle. This type of change in structure is generally done to bring
positive change in culture. When it occurs employee feel motivated as they see it positive sign in
their growth and development. But on contrary is there is chance in role at high levels and
manager does not like it then it impact in negative way on culture. It is because this reflects on
ineffective responsibility and performing of roles by people. They do now work in effective way
and influence other as well.
If the new organizational structure implies a behaviour of organization members which is in
accordance with the existing cultural values, then the organizational structure will have a
positive impact on the existing organizational culture it will strengthen its values. Every
organizational structure induces specific behaviour in organization members regarding tasks they
conduct daily and the manner in which they perform them. On the other hand, such behaviour of
organization members has certain symbolic and cognitive implications. Thus, it can be analyzed
that there is great impact of change in organization structure on culture of Cawthrone children
centre (Franken,. and Wattenberg, 2019,). The impact is based on what type of change has
occurred and at which level. For example, change at high level will affect the middle and low
level whereas change in lower level will impact on middle. However, it is evaluated that middle
level plays vital role as it coordinate between both. In addition to it, it has been evaluated that

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impact on culture also depends on which type of structural model is applied. This because if
there is flexibility within structure then it will create a positive impact whereas a strict structure
will make staff rigid to work in the environment. They will not be able to work freely and
communicate with others regarding any issue or problem. Thus, it will affect om center culture in
negative way.
Explain ideas for change
As I am a health care manager in Cawthrone children centre I am responsible for securing of
funds. So, I think that there are several ideas which can be executed in it. They are as follows
First is that the structure can be formed on basis of functions. Here, on basis of functions such as
care services, quality management, finance, etc the organization can be divided. It will be easy
fir management to secure funds easily. They will get insight that how many units are within
centre and estimating funds. Along with it, the funds that are obtained can be allocated on basis
of needs of functions. This will give a clarity on roles of each function as well (Madanayake,
Cidik, . and Adamu, 2019).
Second is that Cawthrone children centre can secure funds For installing new technology in their
business operations. In that new system and software can be installed. This will led to change in
way of working for staff and manager. Furthermore, use of technology can enable in improving
performance of staff and achieving goals and objectives. Also, it will provide new resources for
company to provide services to more people. Apart from it, the use of advance and new software
and tool can help in proper and effective monitoring. With that, structure can be formed along
with its goals and objectives.
The centre can start its operations in other cities as well and for that they can secure funds. This
will enable them to provide care services to more people in UK. So, for that they can develop
strategies and expand in other areas.
Cawthrone children centre can install management information system such as TPS, ESS, etc
where all info is stored. This will change way of accessing data and communication within staff.
Moreover, patient medical history and all records can be saved easily in it. Besides, database and
servers can be used to store data in segregated and effective way.
they can hire and recruit leader and manager at lower level. For that they require funds. So, it
will make it easy for both of them to communicate effectively with lower and top management.
This will result in efficient working with both level and maintaining balance within them. The
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manager and leader will directly monitor and handle operations of Cawthrone children centre .
They will act mediator and guide and direct. Moreover, plan and strategies will be developed
properly. They will train staff in effective way and this led to attaining of goals and objectives
(Sinha, , Gar Dhall, , 2016).
The centre can provide new healthcare services to people. In this they can treat those who are
suffering from mental illness. For that they can collaborate with hospital and care homes. Hence,
funds will be required for it.
In order to develop an organization structure, Cawthrone children centre can involve
stakeholders as well. This will be useful in providing them ideas and suggestions on who will be
responsible for what role. Furthermore, the stakeholders can also be a part of organisation
structure. So, in case of any changes in it they will get involve. Besides, stakeholders will be
responsible for delivering health care services as well. In this way, entire goals can be
So, in my view these are some changes which can be executed by center which will help in
securing funds from CCG (Accou, 2017)
As a health care manager i think there are some recommendations which can be followed by
Cawthrone children centre in order to secure funding. Also, it will help them in improving
performance and culture. They are as follows
Cawthrone children centre should make changes in structure as per their needs. They can do in
after particular time period so that it becomes easy for them to maintain positive culture and
allow lower level staff to engage.
They must follow a effective leadership style which will make it easy to lead employee. In this
they can follow participate style which will allow staff to engage in decision making.
They should form policy and guidelines on basis of organisation structure. It will give insight to
people that to whom They are accountable and what is their place in structure. This will make it
easy to communicate policy to all regarding structure.
The changes in structure must be made by communicating with stakeholders. This is because it
will be useful in giving insight of their needs (Long 2018).
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The financial need can be identified by evaluating financial performance of company. It will be
useful in giving data and info about how much funds are required an where they are incurred.
This will be easy to make secure funds accordingly.
Hereby, it is concluded that organization structure is a hierarchy of roles and
responsibilities of people within organization. It is linked with culture of organization as
employee work as per it. There is both negative and positive impact of structure on culture. The
forming of sub culture led to maintaining balance and strong relations with top and low level.
This motivate staff. Similar, focusing on value and ethics result in creating a feeling of trust and
satisfaction among them. Also, some changes can be followed by Cawthrone children centre
such as forming of structure on basis of functions, use of technology in it, involving
stakeholders, etc however, certain recommendations are forming of policy, changing structure,
and other.

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Books and journals
Gu, H., D’Ambra, J. and Stevens, K., 2017. Organisation culture and business process
management success. In Australasian Conference on Information Systems.
Long, S., 2018. The perverse organisation and its deadly sins. Routledge.
Brown, E., Bullock, R.,. and Little, M., 2019. Making residential care work: structure and
culture in children's homes. Taylor & Francis.
Accou, B., 2017. Beyond the organisation: identifying further contributors to Railway Safety
Franken, S. and Wattenberg, M., 2019, October. The Impact of AI on Employment and
Organisation in the Industrial Working Environment of the Future. In ECIAIR 2019
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Academic Conferences and publishing limited.
Behaviour of Bank Officers and the Culture of Learning Organisation. ASBM Journal of
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Madanayake, U., Cidik, M.. and Adamu, Z., 2019, November. The impact of organisation culture
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internet of things (BBI) for competitive advantage in construction organisations.
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Sinha, N., Garg, A.K., and Dhall, N., 2016. Mapping the linkage between Organizational Culture
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