The assignment content provides financial data for a company over three years (Year 1, Year 2, and Year 3). The data includes expenses such as payroll, sales and marketing, depreciation, rent, maintenance, utilities, and other operating expenses. The total operating expenses are GBP 272,863.00 in Year 1, GBP 307,717.30 in Year 2, and GBP 337,317.43 in Year 3. The profit before interest and taxes is GBP 145,637.00 in Year 1, GBP 152,632.70 in Year 2, and GBP 169,067.57 in Year 3. The net profit is GBP 107,111.25 in Year 1, GBP 112,500.00 in Year 2, and GBP 125,250.00 in Year 3. Additionally, the assignment includes projected financial data such as break-even point, balance sheet, and references to financial planning and valuation of financial companies.