
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)


Added on  2020-10-22

14 Pages4073 Words145 Views
Disease and DisordersNutrition and WellnessHealthcare and Research
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................REFERENCES................................................................................................................................Books and journals...........................................................................................................................
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)_2

INTRODUCTIONAttention Deficit Hyperactivitydisorder is a mental disorder in which anindividual has difficulty in paying attentionand inability to control behaviour. It is oneof the major reasons for health inequalitiesamong young adults and children.Symptoms of this disorder can start seeingfrom childhood and move throughadolescence and adulthood. Children oryoung adults suffering from them becomerestless or inactive. There are number of factors thatcontributes to this disorder like genes,smoking, consumption of alcohol, low birthweight, exposure to pollutant environment,brain injury etc. Essay includes anexplanation about health inequalities inchildren and young adults and reasons forexistence of these inequalities among them.It will also include initiatives taken toimprove health inequalities among childrenand implementation of it(Visser and et.al.,2014).Health inequalities and experiences ofpeople suffering from ADHDHealth inequalities can be termed asthose differences in people's health, whichare unavoidable and do not occur randomlyor by chance in individuals. They arediscovered by situations which are largelybeyond the control of people. Theseinequalities are caused by influence of manyfactors like work, economic conditions,education, lifestyle, family background etc.They can also be caused due to poor incomeof family, discrimination and inability toaccess to basic health services(Thomas, andet.al.,2015). ADHD can also be termed as healthinequality, which is being faced by youngpeople and children. This health relatedissue makes a person hyperactive andimpulsive that forces them to do workwithout thinking. Health inequalities can bereduced by providing equal opportunities toall young people and children to lead ahealthy and successful life regardless oftheir differences. Attention deficit disordercan include symptoms like easily distractedby useless things, not listening to otherswhile talking, failing in following1
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)_3

instructions, making careless mistakes atwork(hat are health inequalities?2017,).ADHD can be caused due topersonal factors like smoking, alcoholconsumption, gene disorder etc. Biologicalfactors like injury of brain, any shock tomind, mental disorder and psychologicalfactors like inferiority complex, feeling ofjealousy, low self esteem etc have also animpact (Attention Deficit HyperactivityDisorder 2017,). Poverty can also influencea child's mind that makes them inefficient tolearn new things and methods. Individualscan experience disorders due to economiclifestyle, social and environmental factors.These inequalities in children or youngadults can be diagnosed by medication,treatment by doctors, attention given byparents, teachers or feedback from friends orrelatives(Shaw and et.al.,2014.).People who are suffering fromADHD have a problem in creating socialrelations with people and are unable tointeract socially and build relationships withother people and unable to relate to theirpeers. Common issues faced by personsuffering from ADHD are anxiety, sleepingdisorders, impatience, and difficulty inlearning in social skills and have weirdattitude towards every other person. Social and environmental factors canalso be reason for these inequalities likesmoking during pregnancy, stress in family,feeling of depression, living in an unhealthyarea, feeling low, depression, failure in lifeetc. These disorders can also be diagnosedby behavioural therapy, physical exercisethat includes yoga, running, aerobics,learning social skills, and taking feedbacksfrom parents, peers or teachers (Barbaresiand et.al.,2014).Needs of children suffering from healthinequalities.Children and young adult needs supervisionand support from their mentors, parents orteachers which help them in improving theirmental health condition and also gives themability to fight against inequalities and alsohelp them in reducing depression andanxieties.Children need support from their familiesand teachers to be successful in life withoutany fear. Mental health doctors can alsoteach parents of child suffering from thisdisorder, which can help them to learn newtalents, skills or methods. Improving sociallifestyle can also help in improving mentalconditions of children they will feel moremotivated and happy to do perform any task(Coghill and et.al., 2014). Parents also havean impact on child’s brain as their learning2
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)_4

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