
Organizational Behavior Name of the Student Name of the University Authors note


Added on  2020-04-07

6 Pages1902 Words486 Views
Leadership ManagementDesign and Creativity
Running head: ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOROrganizational BehaviorName of the StudentName of the UniversityAuthor’s note
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1ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR Behavior and personality of a person heavily depends on the cultural and societalbackground that person is from. A business organization operates on human resource and whentwo or more people come together there are certain ways of mannerisms and globally acceptedprinciples that have to be followed to maintain respect, honesty and a sense of professionalism.The study that deals with the human behavior in an institutional or organizational setting iscalled organizational behavior. It is the process of analyzing the interaction, communication. It isimportant to understand the trends of organizational behavior to motivate the employees and helpthem to increase high efficiency. There are two divisions to organizational behavior firstly itdeals with the nature of human beings and secondly the nature of an institution. The concept thatare studied under organizational behavior have significant impact on improving the productivityand ensuring high performance of the employees of the organization, it also helps in increasingthe level of job satisfaction, encouraging leadership and promoting innovation and creativity.Several ideas and planning of policies and decision making takes place in an organization so thatpositive outcomes are achieved from the work force of the company in order to generate highperformance. It is not only important for the general aim and objective of the company it alsoplays a significant role in achieving smooth day to day operations (Christina et al. 2014).Common policies and decisions taken by the management owing to the concept of organizationalbehavior are: reorganization a group so that people get more opportunity to work with each otherrather than adjusting to a group which he or she may be unhappy with, improving and executionof employee friendly method of performance assessment, improving the remuneration andcompensation policies etc. In order to understand the importance of organizational behavior hereis an example, differences in the cultural background of the people working together is good forthe organization but a kiss on the check as a way of appreciation is a western culture where as itis regarded as offensive in some eastern cultures. Organizational behavior study offers themanagement insights about the diverse cultural background of the resources employed inorganization. It provides the management with an opportunity to identify the challenges andissues faced by the resources and help the management find a solution to the problems and issues(Christina et al. 2014). Together with the human resource department, the management and the executives of anorganization are able to formulate policies and take decisions to make the work culture of theorganization more efficient for the employees. One of the significant aspects of organizational
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2ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIORbehavior is motivation. Motivation is very important to make the employees feel that the workthey are doing for the company is valuable and that the company is happy to have them. It is seenthat motivation increases the work efficiency and appreciation gives an individual a boost ofconfidence. Maslow’s needs theory works in an organization as it give the management an ideaabout what can motivate an individual. It is easy to think that monetary increment behaves as anincentive, but it is always not the case (Wood et al. 2016). The next theory is the ABC model ofattitude describes that there are three basic elements that affect the attitude of an individual:affective, behavioral and cognitive. A certain situation, circumstance, thought, idea or any otherindividual might impact the attitude of an individual this is called the affective attitude. Forexample, two associates in an organization have an argument over a certain topic thereforerefusing to work as a team with each other. When an individual interacts or counter acts with anattitude it’s called behavior. Example: An employee offers a resignation because he or she had anargument or a disagreement with the senior or a fellow employee. Cognitive element is thethought that is associated with an attitude. Example: A person bows down to represent hour andrespect and the other person appreciates the effort and reciprocates (Christina et al. 2014). For a business organization it is very common to face a crisis situation on a daily basis.For example: health and safety of the employees are a common issue when it comes to oil andgas industry. There are several incidents of falls, explosions and exposure to hazardous gas andchemicals. The industry has received a lot of criticism and complaints regarding the ethical standpoint of the industry in these cases. In order to combat the situation and reducing the incidents ofoccupational dangers that are associated with the industry several technological and innovationsare in the pipeline for the management of these companies to implement. Guideline and rules thatare set by third party authorities are strictly followed in order to reduce accidents and healthhazards. Another ethical issue that is commonly faced by organization is the genderdiscrimination. Women and men being treated in a different way is one of the most commonissues of the society since ages. It is seen that some companies offer night shifts only to menworkers to safeguard the women employees from various problems that can occur due t nightshifts. But it is debatable how fair it is for the male employees. Rotational shifts can beintroduced and a choice can be offered to both the male and the female employees to opt fornight shifts. Special compensation for people working in the night shifts can be introduced inorder to motivate the workers (Wood et al. 2016).
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