
Effectiveness of HRM Practices


Added on  2020-06-06

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Effectiveness of HRM Practices_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1P1. Major purpose and functions of HRM in respect of workforce planning and resourcing1P2. Major strengths and weaknesses of various recruitment approaches...............................2TASK 2............................................................................................................................................3P3. Benefits of different HRM practices for employer as well as for employees..................3P4. Effectiveness of different HRM practices in terms of raising organisational profit andproductivity.............................................................................................................................4TASK 3............................................................................................................................................5P5. Importance of employee relation in relation to influence HRM decision making...........5P6. Key elements of employment legislation and its major impact on HRM decision making................................................................................................................................................6TASK 4............................................................................................................................................7P7. Application of HRM in work-related context with specific example..............................7CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................8REFERENCES................................................................................................................................9
Effectiveness of HRM Practices_2

INTRODUCTIONHuman resource can be defined as one of the most important assets of any organisation.This is because; an organisation consists of some major departments. These departments havedistinct tasks to be performed. For this purpose, workforce will be needed and this is the reason;human resources are important in any business unit (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). In thiscontext, human resource management is the way by which all aspects of workforce have beenmonitored. This concept plays the major role in order to improve performance of an employee.Organisation chosen in the present report is Aldi which is one of the most famous brands in thename of grocery retailers. They have currently 7,000 stores in 70 different countries. Originationof this company is in Germany. This report will provide an overview about different humanresource activities and their major strengths and weaknesses. The importance of employeerelations can be easily visible by the effectiveness of company’s activities. This will improve theproductivity as well as performance of employees. TASK 1P1. Major purpose and functions of HRM in respect of workforce planning and resourcing As discussed above, HRM is one of the key factors that determines the success of anyorganisation. All the functions performed under human resource management plays a major rolein order to improve the efficiency of work . Given below are the major purpose and functions ofhuman resource management in relation to workforce planning in context of Aldi.Purpose of HRMIt is essential for every organisation to keep a tract on their workforce requirements. Forthis purpose, workforce planning takes place. This will ensure smooth running of all activities inthe area of Aldi. Its purposes are as follows:It helps in ensuring correct number of workforce in the organisation- HRM plays avital role in determining and ensuring the right number of human resource requirementsin organisation. This will help in taking right decisions so as to maintain the workforce insuch a manner that productivity of company will not be hampered. Fill the vacancy- Human resource management is also very important in order to fulfilthe vacant seats of employees in company. Its purpose is to make availability of humanresources in order to ensure the best performance of company in market.1
Effectiveness of HRM Practices_3

Functions of HRMWorkforce planning is one of the most crucial tasks of an organisation (Armstrong andTaylor, 2014). As Aldi is having a great commend over the market in context of groceryretailers, this is the reason, it becomes their foremost responsibility to conduct workforceplanning. Its major functions are as follows:Evaluate the current human resource requirement- With respect to workforceplanning, one of the major roles of HRM is to determine the present human resourcerequirement of company. This can be evaluated by seeing the current position ofworking. If mentioned company does not have adequate number of workers in order toperform each and every activity then it means that there is an urgent requirement to hirenew employees in the organisation. Conduct recruitment and selection process- By evaluating the present requirement ofhuman resources, next major role of HRM is to conduct recruitment and selectionprocess. This has been followed by estimating and performing the recruitment process.This consists of several steps and at last, suitable candidates who are matching with thejob profile are hired by Aldi.P2. Major strengths and weaknesses of various recruitment approaches Recruitment and selection are the key areas where company needs to work. Aldi asmentioned in this report is the major market player. They need to have a command over theirrecruitment and selection process in order to ensure the smooth running of business. For thispurpose, it is important to choose the best approach for same. Given below are the majorstrengths and weaknesses of different approaches to recruitment and selection.Recruitment can bedonewith the help of two methods. First is known as internal process and thesecond one is the external process. Internal recruitment- This can be understood by the means of recruiting people fromthe existing employee in the organisation. This is so far the most efficient way of recruitment.This is because company's existing employees are already aware about the culture and target ofthe company. Therefore, recruiting them will be beneficial for the company.External recruitment- This can be defined as the way by which company hire peopleoutside the organisation. There can be various methods used for this purpose. Job posting andskill inventory is one of those method. 2
Effectiveness of HRM Practices_4

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