Impact of Blogging and Influencers on Digital Marketing
Added on 2019-09-30
4 Pages843 Words138 Views
Blog: Digital marketing strategyIn the twenty-first century, the social media has enabled people to share their opinions all aroundthe world. Until now, there were sections of society with uncommon interests who were isolatedfrom each other. But through blogging, the people are able to connect with each other and sharetheir common and uncommon interests. The impact that blogging has put on the people andsociety is huge!Nowadays, the traditional commercials are losing reach. The companies are cutting spending onmagazine print advertisements and commercials and putting it in digital marketing. The people,especially kids, used to get impressed by the celebrities and heroes who endorsed any brand andfollowed them but today, the kids want to be a famous blogger or a famous you-tuber. Peoplehave started blogging, and they follow ‘Instagram', and they buy whatever the influencers tellthem to buy. Blogging and digital marketing have gained enormous marketing power throughinfluencers. The influencers’ uses social media like Instagram, blogs, Facebook, YouTube andPinterest to influence people and consumers ("Blogging is More Important Today than Ever Before",2013). The companies in beauty sector, airline, etc. uses blogs and influencers for gaining theconfidence of customer these days. The main reason due to which people follow them is thatthey feel like ‘they are catching up with a friend.' In a report of Affilinet Trust Index, theconsumers were asked that whose opinion they trust the most, and it was found that consumerstrust family's opinion the most, then of friends, bloggers on number three and on the fourthnumber they trust the social media contacts. The celebrities were on a much lower rank whenthe trust was considered. Also, the top five followers on Instagram are not for brands, but forinfluencers. Influencers these days have become very powerful, and they are the ones who aresetting new trends ("Blogging Impact on Society | Persuade Me!", 2012). A manager is appointed to1
manage the influencers who takes care of what they wear, how they look, what they talk etc.Through blogging and influencers, the companies are generating more customers from lessbudget. They are continuously keeping a track of who is reading their content when they arereading, how frequently their link is getting clicked etc. Blogging helps in driving traffic to thewebsites of companies, and it also helps in establishing authority by answering the questions thatcustomers have. The influencers and blogging are not similar to advertisements. Ads talk at the customer, butblogs help in talking with the customer. In ads, the people cannot share their opinions with thecompany but by way of blogs or through influencers, the customer can easily share their opinionsabout the product. Ads are considered as commercials, but influencers give a more personalexperience to the customers.KFC published an ad in the print media in 2016 which was regarded as one of the best ads inAustralia ("Finger Lickin’ Good Cutlery, 1", 2016):2
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