
Importance of Personal and Professional Development Plan


Added on  2022-11-30

8 Pages1893 Words73 Views
Professional DevelopmentHigher Education
Academic Skills and
Assessment 1
Written Report Plan and
Evaluation of Sources
Importance of Personal and Professional Development Plan_1

Table of Contents
TASK 1............................................................................................................................................3
Definition of the concept of personal and professional development.........................................3
Description and discussion of the value of short term goals identifying at least 3 personal
Description and discussion of the value of medium term goals identifying at least 3 personal
Description and discussion of the value of long term goals identifying at least 3 personal
Description and discussion of the value of a Personal Development Plan and construction of
an example using my goal...........................................................................................................4
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................5
Description and discussion of how ‘Author, Purpose, Reliability and Relevance’ affect the use
of a source....................................................................................................................................5
TASK 3............................................................................................................................................5
Ann evaluation of eight sources I have used in the report plan...................................................5
Importance of Personal and Professional Development Plan_2

The success of students’ career is depending on their personal and professional development.
That’s why it becomes very necessary for his students that they should focus on personal
professional development plan which helps to find their future career option. It becomes
necessary as it provides best possible opportunities if students focusing on developing their skills
and knowledge (Watson, 2019). It can be done with the help of making a short term, medium
term and long term plan in which they include the objectives. This is report focusing on
importance of short term, medium term and long term objectives in the career.
Definition of the concept of personal and professional development
Students should understand the personal and professional development concept so that they can
formulate better plan for their career opportunities. It is analysed that personal development is
concerned with skills and knowledge which not only helps in current job but also so it becomes
very helpful in finding future career opportunities (Burge and et. al., 2017). Personal
development is very necessary for students because it improves their skills and knowledge for
current as well as future opportunities. In the case of professional development, it is analysed
that this is also very important for the student as it helps in performing best practices in the
current job opportunity. It also assist in receiving rewards and recognition because student they
apply their professional knowledge (Daniels, 2019). For that purpose, they need to set the short,
medium and long term goals.
Description and discussion of the value of short term goals identifying at least 3 personal
Short term goals are concerned with small duration which can be attained in less than 1 year. It is
very important for students as they can develop some important skills and knowledge for
immediate purpose (Gumus, 2019). For making short term goals, students need to identify their
weakness so that they can form action plan for small time of period. With the help of training
short-term goals they can improve their skills and knowledge. Some short term goals are
mentioned below:
Importance of Personal and Professional Development Plan_3

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