
Resource Planning for BBQ Fun E-commerce Strategy


Added on  2022-12-27

29 Pages6141 Words84 Views
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Candidate Instructions
Purpose of this Assessment task
This assessment task is designed to test your skills
in managing resources as required by the unit
BSBMGT622 Manage resources. Your
trainer/assessor will be assessing your work and
provide you with constructive feedback on Canvas.
This task will assess your skills to:
Analyse resource requirements
Develop resource plans to support
achievement of business unit objectives
Allocate resources to achieve stated
business objectives
Review and report on resource usage.
What are you required to do to undertake this
Case Study?
To successfully undertake this assessment, you
should be doing the following:
Read the provided case study, questions,
and appendices couple of times
Clarify the requirements with your trainer
and assessor if you are not sure
Research appropriate websites as directed
by your trainer/assessor
Discuss with your trainer/assessor the
contents of the report you will be
Context and conditions of undertaking the tasks?
The prescribed tasks will be undertaken by you
after carefully analysing the questions and
scenarios. Your trainer/assessor will provide you a
context to the presentation scenario. Your trainer
will also provide you guidance on the websites to
be researched. Your trainer/assessor may also set
certain conditions under which you will perform
the tasks required by this assessment. For example,
your trainer may set a time limit to perform a task
or, ask you to repeat a task or, ask you to give
additional information about the performance by
asking you some verbal questions or, they may
prescribe you some new conditions to undertake
certain tasks.
Resource Planning for BBQ Fun E-commerce Strategy_2

Given your personal conditions, your
trainer/assessor should also be able to make some
reasonable adjustments in undertaking the tasks of
this assessment. You should check with your
trainer/assessor about the conditions under which
the tasks should be completed, and the possible
adjustment they can make in undertaking these
What specific WHS requirements may be involved?
This assessment will require you to be aware of the
standard Workplace Health and Safety
requirements e.g. Workplace Health and Safety Act
and Workplace Health and Safety Legislation Your
trainer/assessor will advise you on these and other
legislative requirements.
Tasks and frequency of performance
Details of the tasks to be undertaken in this
assessment are provided in the attached Case
Study. The tasks listed in that document must be
performed at least once.
Getting Started
The assessment may be re-attempted on two
further occasions (maximum three attempts in
total). All assessments must be resubmitted 3 days
within receiving your unsatisfactory grade. You
must clearly indicate “Re-submission” on your
resubmitted work.
You must complete all questions unassisted by the
assessor or other personnel but may refer to
reference material as may be needed. All questions
must be answered satisfactorily for the assessment
to be completed satisfactorily.
For any assessment conducted that is incomplete,
or without satisfactory performance, the
assessment will need to be completed again after
further training support. This may be simply to
focus on question areas not achieved in the prior
Submitting your assessment
When you are ready to submit your assessments,
upload the files in Canvas via the submission tab. It
is important that you keep a copy of all electronic
assessments submitted to Canvas. Please submit all
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assessment components.
Word count
In this assessment some of the questions include a
word count. This is a guideline only, but your
answers should not vary substantially (i.e. +/- 10%)
from the word count provided. Microsoft Word
includes a word count tool.
Objective To test the required application skills in managing resources.
Assessment Cover Sheet
Candidate name:
Trainer’s Name:
Date Submitted:
Candidate declaration: I declare that:
I have read and understood all the information provided in relation to
the assessment requirements to complete this unit, the instructions
and the purpose and processes of undertaking this assessment task
This assessment is my own work and where other’s works or ideas have
been borrowed, I have appropriately referenced or acknowledged them
I understand that plagiarism is a serious offence that may lead to
disciplinary action.
Candidate signature:
Task 2 – Written Report
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The BBQ Fun Board of Directors and the CEO have decided to implement an e-commerce strategy to
maintain or increase market share and revenue and satisfy customer needs in line with company
strategic directions.
You have been hired as an external consultant to manage resource planning activities for BBQ Fun’s e-
commerce strategy.
Under the strategy, BBQ Fun would offer all products in an online store. Stock could be stored at no
extra cost at existing stores. Customers would cover delivery costs.
Currently, BBQ Fun has a website, but this website lacks e-commerce functionality. The website would
need to be redeveloped to incorporate this functionality in line with relevant technical specifications.
Existing infrastructure, such as office and store configurations, would need to be adapted to the new
strategy. Additionally, assets, such as delivery vehicles would need to be acquired. New staff would
need to be recruited and existing staff retrained or informed of the e-commerce strategy and
associated operational and performance targets.
All resourcing must be acquired in accordance with relevant internal and external standards –
legislation and codes of practice; intellectual property (IP) rights and responsibilities; and
organisational policies and procedures.
Preliminary approval has been given to amend existing budget to incorporate this strategy.
It is now 30 June 2020 and e-commerce operations are expected to be underway in one year and three
months, by 1 October 2021.
As the external consultant, you will need to determine physical and human resourcing requirements.
Review organisational documentation (Appendix 1 and BBQ Fun Simulated Business) and undertake
preliminary research on e-commerce. Consult with the following personnel to determine resourcing
Sales and Marketing Manager
Technology Consultant.
You will then need to plan physical and human resourcing and establish associated performance
measures and targets. You may consider the Management Team of BBQ Fun, including team leaders in
warehouses, to be resources for the implementation. Use description of their roles in operational
planning when assigning responsibilities.
Finally, you will need to propose resourcing and associated operational changes to the Operations
General Manager, who will, in consultation with the CEO and Board of Directors, provide approval.
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Part A
Resources Consultation
You are an independent consultant and have the responsibility to develop a resource plan and manage
resources for BBQ Fun. You organised a meeting with management staff at BBQ Fun and a technology
consultant to consult and analyse information to determine the nature and level of resource required
to achieve business objectives. During the meeting you decided on the name of the project, objectives
and scope of the project was agreed upon.
Name of the project
BBQ fun e-commerce
Objectives of Project
1. To improvise company website for doing e-commerce activities.
2. To shift organizational activities from offline market to online market.
3. To purchase the product delivery vehicles so that customers can achieve high level of
organizational services.
Scope of the Project
1. By improving organizational website to the e-commerce website organization will be able
to increase its reach to customers at different geographic locations and achieve high sales
in low expenditures.
2. E-commerces will empower customers to share the organizational products with each
other which will develop effective organizational promotional because it is being done
from the customer side.
Legislative and regulatory context relevant to e-commerce strategy
1. Copy Right, it is one of the prime considerations for the development of e-commerce
strategy because company has to make sure that its content is not being utilized by
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