
The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Changing Customer Attitude in UK


Added on  2022-12-05

45 Pages13313 Words474 Views
(The impact of social media marketing on changing
customer attitude in UK market)
The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Changing Customer Attitude in UK_1

Organisations throughout the world always seek better ways to reach towards their customers
and target audiences in a wide manner. In early time, print advertisement and television for the
fundamental factors for marketing strategies and promoting is suitable commodities which are
offered by company to their potential customers. Meanwhile, in present time these traditional
marketing strategies only target a small segment of the market whereas the organisations
continuously focus on social media in order to promote their products and most of the companies
shift there marketing in order to interact with their target group. As a result, the suitable use of
social media become an important part for maintaining and creating a competitive advantage
within the dynamic business environment. Most of the organisations are on their way to use
social media in order to save their customer base and undertake the brand perception to influence
their buying intentions. Organisations integrate the strategic factors in order to consider the
social media by having advantages over it and also assess the impact of social media over the
marketing and branding approaches because it helps in identifying the successful and emerging
Strategies for the enhancement of customer segment with the help of social media.
The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Changing Customer Attitude in UK_2

Table of Contents
Title: The impact of social media marketing on changing customer attitude in UK.......................5
Background of study....................................................................................................................5
Overall coherence/justification....................................................................................................5
Clear aims and objectives............................................................................................................6
Rationale of the study..................................................................................................................6
Structure of the project................................................................................................................7
LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................................8
To identify how customer attitude has been affected by social media influencers.....................8
To determine the key demographic for each social media platform as a potential target market
for different brands....................................................................................................................10
To analyse the relationship between social media and customer attitude.................................12
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY..................................................................................................13
Research Onion..........................................................................................................................14
DATA ANALYSIS.......................................................................................................................18
Frequency table..........................................................................................................................18
Interpretation of research results...............................................................................................21
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION....................................................................................................36
The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Changing Customer Attitude in UK_3

The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Changing Customer Attitude in UK_4

Title: The impact of social media marketing on changing customer attitude in
Background of study
Increasing Emphasis over the Global development and the effective use of technology in
marketing promotion and branding leads to shift organisations in a way by which the focus on
consumers prominently. For this researcher identified that Technology has become the major
factor in order to expand markets and also define entire marketing strategies across the Global
access to technology (Ahn and Back, 2018). Moreover, promotion and Advertising please to
focus on the emotional psychological and social factors that influence the behaviour of
customers and their buying perspective as these are the elements that must be studied into the
technology-based marketing. In order to have global expansion new technologies are plays an
important role and for which organisations need to consider the factors of marketing mix
Most of the researchers said that instead of focusing on the short-term advertisement with
the help of technology organisations need to adopt integrating social media mechanism to
enhance the relationship with their customers. Organisations from an entry focus on the social
media platforms in order to promote and market their product including Facebook, Instagram,
Twitter, YouTube and so on (Mahoney and Tang, 2016). Companies effectively recognise the
suitable value for having the proper use of methods in order to involve their customers to re-
introduce and again launching their product that increase the appeal of their product and also
identify social components considering the experience of products from the side of customers.
Overall coherence/justification
Considering the Early Times, most of the organisations recognise the suitable value to use
the methods in order to engage their customers in an effective manner to re-introduce their
product with the help of social media websites which have become the centre of information
distribution for products including the introduction of new product lines and having the suitable
creation of brand awareness undertaking the methods to shape the behaviour of customers. Social
media also provide an innovative opportunity to use the word of mouth marketing in order to
The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Changing Customer Attitude in UK_5

widespread their audience advancing brand awareness and supporting customer to customer
communication at the large level of social network (Hamilton, Kaltcheva and Rohm, 2016).
Social media is considered for having the effective marketing and changing the perspective
of customers because it is considered as the customer generated media that cover the wide range
of new sources of online information which is being used by the customers to share information
with others regarding their interest. Therefore, it is considered as the paradigmatic shift in which
organisations market their products as the prominent rely on customers regarding to direct the
marketing process and create the discourse around marketing. For this, customers also participate
in the discussion that impact the branding process at the time of paying very less attention to the
participation in the marketing process.
Clear aims and objectives
Research aim
The aim of this research is “to examine the impact of social media marketing on consumer’s
shopping habits and loyalty towards preferred brands”.
Research objectives
To identify how customer attitude has been affected by social media influencers.
To determine the key demographic for each social media platform as a potential target
market for different brands.
To analyse the relationship between social media and customer attitude.
Research questions
Explain how customer attitude has been affected by social media influencers?
Describe the key demographic for each social media platform as a potential target market
for different brands?
Explain the relationship between social media and customer attitude?
Rationale of the study
The reason behind conducting this research in order to develop and analyse the effect of
social media platforms including YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and many more over
the buying behaviour and habits and their loyalty towards the preferable brands. Social media
marketing is undertaken as the important factor for the successful marketing strategies in the
modern time as a directly impact the relationship with customers that permit the proper
engagement with customers and motivate the sharing of information among the customers. It
The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Changing Customer Attitude in UK_6

leads to impact in positive manner over the brand image and also boost the decision making of
customers. Meanwhile the proper use of social media marketing leads to increase the exposition
of customers towards the other brand that negatively impact the loyalty of customers. Due to this
the switching cost of customers towards the alternative product with the competitive price
become more common as customers become price sensitive specifically during the pandemic of
It has been analysed to that 62% of the customers in UK are non brand loyal and for this it
is advised to the companies to increase their loyalty schemes with suitable considerations
towards the functional factors that include effective choice quality and price which are the key
drivers for brand loyalty. Despite from this the negative reviews over the social media platforms
can majorly impact the brand image as the approximately 67% of the customers needs to change
their attitude towards the product and services after reading the reviews of company on the social
media. Therefore, this research highlights the impact of social media strategies over the buying
behaviour of customers.
Structure of the project
It is considered as the detail research paper that prominently focus on primary research as
it represents the research in the chapter structure by considering the suitable outlines which are
being required for the completion of chapter of dissertation. In terms of this, several chapters of
dissertation are discussed as underneath:
Introduction: It is the primary part of research that include the background of rational
regarding the study for research identification of problem research aims and objectives and
questions. It tends to discuss several research factors regarding the subject and also depict the
importance of work in wild manner (Dewnarain, Ramkissoon and Mavondo, 2019). It is
important to make sure the analysis problems which are clear and accurate.
Literature review: It is the second chapter of vegetation that represent what it has been
published in the subject matter of research. It is the backup for the theoretical viewpoint in which
author understand the important findings and thoughts which are related with the subject matter
of research and dissertation. In this context the basic objective of literature review is to
effectively use the secondary approaches in order to achieve the research objectives. Moving on
the secondary method represent various sources like internet sources articles journals books and
many more.
The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Changing Customer Attitude in UK_7

Methodology: It suitable undertake the information considering the methodology that leads
to analyse and validate regarding the subject matter (Gainsbury and et. al., 2016). It has been
discussed that how the research is going to conduct and the suitability which is offered to The
Reader in order to analyse its authenticity. Apart from this the research is discussed considering
the suitable framework in this chapter as it includes various layers of study considering the
research onion Framework which include research philosophy design choice approaches
strategies data analysis sampling etc.
Data analysis: It is another chapter of dissertation which represent that the research should
be collected in an effective manner in order to get some findings. It leads to analyse the data in
the suitable information which is being collected by undertaking the several sources. It leads to
use various research questions in order to represent the result of study. In this the findings should
be interpreted without any other functions and the discussion chapter is reserved for the subject
Results and discussion: Another chapter of dissertation is the result and discussion that
include information about the findings of the research and discussion over the topic which is
based on secondary method and also considered as the effective part of literature review.
Conclusion and limitation: It is the last chapter of dissertation that include Conclusion and
limitations in the topic as it is based on the overall information of research and the limitations
which are faced by the researcher at the time of conducting the research that include shortage of
time and resources.
To identify how customer attitude has been affected by social media influencers
According to the viewpoint of Sharp, (2017), The behaviour of customers refers to the
psychological part of individual that undertake the purchasing decision making as it not only
includes the motive of purchasing but also analysed the proper frequency of buying and how
well customers consume the product. It undertakes the study regarding the behaviour of
customers to embrace every stage for the consumption process including before purchase during
the Purchase and after purchase of the product. Social media marketing leads to impact
prominently by the brands in order to generate the requirements and demands of customers and
The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Changing Customer Attitude in UK_8

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