
Business Analysis Report for Medigood: A System for Medical Assistance


Added on  2024-06-03

17 Pages3904 Words396 Views
List of figures.........................................................................................................................................1
List of tables..........................................................................................................................................1
Work Breakdown Structure...................................................................................................................3
“To-be” design – activity diagram..........................................................................................................4
Organisational change...........................................................................................................................5
Screen design........................................................................................................................................7
Acceptance Criteria.............................................................................................................................10
Applications Architecture....................................................................................................................11
Report to Client...................................................................................................................................12
Agile and Waterfall differences...........................................................................................................13
List of figures
Figure 1 To-Be diagram..........................................................................................................................4
Figure 2 design story for patient’s registration......................................................................................7
Figure 3 design story for Specialists registration...................................................................................8
Figure 4 Application Architecture........................................................................................................11
List of tables
Table 1 work breakdown table..............................................................................................................3
Table 2 differences between To-Be and As-Is diagram..........................................................................5
Table 3 RFT table.................................................................................................................................12
Table 4 Difference between agile and waterfall model.......................................................................13
Table 5 Journal Table...........................................................................................................................17
Business Analysis Report for Medigood: A System for Medical Assistance_1

This report is prepared for determining the business analysis for “Medigood” case study and aim of
this report to describe the various strategies to accomplish the project and provide the best model
utilized for development this system by fulfilling all the requirements of the client. This report
includes the story designs of this case study which will help to understand the functionalities of this
software with acceptance criteria for those designs. The recommended model for client provides its
pros and cons with distinguishing the differences with other model and prepare a report for the
client to understand the whole summary of this project.
Business Analysis Report for Medigood: A System for Medical Assistance_2

Work Breakdown Structure
This structure is used for analyzing the time period required to designed this project using Gantt
chart and divide the work into small modules which will represent by hierarchical decomposition.
The below table is utilized to design hierarchical decomposition for this project (Tausworthe, 1979).
Table 1 work breakdown table
S. NO Task Name Number of Days Start date End date
1. Project 17 days 02/05/18 18/05/18
2. To-Be design 1 day 02/05/18 02/05/18
3. Organisational change 4 days 03/05/18 06/05/18
a. Comparison between As-Is
and To-Be
1 day 03/05/18 03/05/18
A brief note on Impact on
1 day 04/05/18 04/05/18
c. Recommendations 2 days 05/05/18 06/05/18
4. Screen Design 4 days 07/05/18 10/05/18
a. Design for two stories 2 days 07/05/18 08/05/18
Identify business rules 1 day 09/05/18 09/05/18
c. Justification of design 1 day 10/05/18 10/05/18
5. Acceptance criteria 1 day 11/05/18 11/05/18
6. Application Architecture 3 days 12/05/18 14/05/18
a. Interfaces of all systems 3 days 12/05/18 14/05/18
7. Report to client 1 day 15/05/18 15/05/18
a. Executive summary 1 day 15/05/18 15/05/18
8. Agile and Waterfall
2 days 16/05/18 17/05/18
a. Brief for listing differences,
pros, and cons
1 day 16/05/18 16/05/18
Recommendation Agile 1 day 17/05/18 17/05/18
9. Video 1 day 18/05/18 18/05/18
a. Brief of the report in the
video clip
1 day 18/05/18 18/05/18
Business Analysis Report for Medigood: A System for Medical Assistance_3

“To-be” design – activity diagram
The To-Be diagram is utilized for representing future states of the project which consist of the
process, organization culture, and required capabilities utilized in the proposed system to fulfill the
requirements of the project. The below diagram is designed for understanding the system future
aspects and how it’ll work for the organization.
Figure 1 To-Be diagram
Business Analysis Report for Medigood: A System for Medical Assistance_4

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