
Business Development Plan for HECH Company in India


Added on  2023-06-11

17 Pages6485 Words131 Views
Languages and CultureReligionEconomicsPolitical Science
Creating a Business
development plan for HECH
company in India
Business Development Plan for HECH Company in India_1

1.1 Objectives of the work..........................................................................................................3
1.2 Delimitation of the topic.......................................................................................................3
1.3 Procedure (course of action).................................................................................................4
2 BACKGROUND (FUNDAMENTALS)......................................................................................4
2.1 The business development plan from an international perspective......................................4
2.2 India 2022: General overview...............................................................................................5
2.3 HECH Company...................................................................................................................6
2.3.1 The history (20xx-20xx) and the organizational structure.................................................6
2.3.2 The corporate philosophy and culture................................................................................7
ENVIRONMENT AND COMPANY ANALYSIS.........................................................................7
3.1 The company external analysis.............................................................................................7
Business Development Plan for HECH Company in India_2

1.1 Objectives of the work
In order to get successful, it is necessary for the business to continuously look for
opportunity for growth and development. This is pertaining to the fact that the company cannot
work in isolation and also all the changes need to be adopted by the company for growing. Also,
the companies exist in external environment and there are many different changes that takes
place within the working of the company (Pal, Panda and Mukkamala, 2020). Hence, for getting
successful it is necessary for the company that they comply with all these changes and adapt
within their working such that they get successful. The current plan relates to HECH which was
established in 1970 at the time when Gertrud Heidrich and Eberhard combined their family
heritage within the farming and manufacturing. At the initial level the company was established
in Rhineland Palatinate within the region of Westerwald and it is known for extensive
The company provides for different types of the products to the consumer and this help
them in satisfying the need of them. The company continuously work on developing the
innovative nutrient product which includes vitamin, mineral supplement and others. Also, it
includes the special dietary requirement and plant protein based formulations. In the year 2020,
the company was leading team within the in- house nutrition scientist and also was having
culturally diverse staff. With the good business strategies over 1 million of HECH beauty and
nutrition products have been reaching to consumers in Asia, Europe, USA and Middle East.
Hence, now the company is planning to expand the business in India. This is pertaining to the
fact that India is a developing country and now the trend is changing towards focusing in
personal wellness and development. More people are getting attracted towards the use of
personal wellness products which can assist them in their better life and living standard.
1.2 Delimitation of the topic
The delimitation is being defined as the boundaries of the research on the basis of which
researchers decide that what should be included within the study and what should be excluded.
This is very necessary for the company to set the delimitation such that the goals of company do
not become impossible large to attain (Shroff, Diedrichs and Craddock, 2018). Hence, for this
Business Development Plan for HECH Company in India_3

the objectives set for the present business expansion plan for expanding the business in India are
as follows-
Research objectives
To analyse the environmental condition of India before expanding the business in the
To evaluate the resources which the company can use in India for the effective expansion
of the business.
To examine the different competitors, present in India before entering within the country.
1.3 Procedure (course of action)
The expansion of the company within any new country is not an easy task and a lot of
hard work need to be done. This is particularly because of the reason that it involves a low of
research to be conducted and also high amount of investment, cost and resources will also be
applied (Ruhela and et.al., 2018). Thus this involves a proper process to be followed in case of
expanding the business in India. For this business plan development of HECH need to be
undertaken in structured manner.
The process or the course of action which will be followed by HECH for the expansion in
India will first include the intense market research. This is particularly because of the reason that
when the company will be conducting in- depth research then this will improve the base for
expansion more strong. The reason underlying this fact is that when the company will conduct a
detailed research then this will be improving the working efficiency in better and effective
manner (Mohammed, Medina and Romo, 2018). After the research, cost benefit analysis will be
conducted that is whether it is beneficial for company to expand its business in India or not. In
case the cost will be much higher than the benefits then it will be affecting the working
efficiency to a great extent. after this the resource planning will be undertaken in order to ensure
that what resources are present in India and what need to be brought by the company. Further the
competitor analysis is also required to be undertaken as it will help company in analysing the
existing competition within the industry in India.
2.1 The business development plan from an international perspective
Business plan refers to formulating the document that provides guidance & instructions
regarding the starting and managing the overall functioning (Cant, 2018). There are different
Business Development Plan for HECH Company in India_4

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