
Business Information Technology System Report


Added on  2020-06-05

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Business InformationTechnology System
Business Information Technology System Report_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3P1 Identify the use of Information Technology..........................................................................3P2 IT system that bring achievement of the objectives in Johnson Supermarket.....................4TASK 2............................................................................................................................................6LO2..................................................................................................................................................6P3 Different IT system store and process data for different aspects...........................................6TASK 3............................................................................................................................................7LO3..................................................................................................................................................7P4 How It system utilized to influence value added modification and better businessoperations....................................................................................................................................7TASK 4............................................................................................................................................8LO 4.................................................................................................................................................8P5 Recommendations for IT solutions........................................................................................8CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................10REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................11
Business Information Technology System Report_2

INTRODUCTIONIn order to achieve effective outcomes, Information Technology plays a huge role in theorganisation. This report is based on the IT system and will describes its role in the Johnsonsupermarket. As cited firm is famous retailer enterprise and presently operating more than threelarge outlets. Furthermore, report will describe the use of IT system with the different functionsof firm. Furthermore, it also focuses on the role of information technology in the communicationmanagement, data management etc. at the end report will explains that How It system used tosupport value added change and improve business operations. TASK 1LO1P1 Identify the use of Information TechnologyIn present situation, information technology plays a huge role in the success oforganisation as it operate different activities and function within the corporations. It helps smalland large business manage daily operations, controls production costs and compete withestablished enterprises. In this context, Johnson supermarket have followed several IT systemwith functions in their business(Laudon and Laudon, 2015). Use of information technology inorganisation are as followingCommunication: with the help of IT, employees of Johnson supermarket are able to stayin touch with their subordinates. Information technology offers various facilities such asemail, internet calling that allows workers to communicate easily in all over the world.For example through the video calling and other system, employer and other workers areable to communicate with supplier of different countries. Along with this they are able tomake a contact with customers of different countries and nation. This process improvethe productivity of business and benefits of chosen company. Another example is thatemployer of company can give the message at same time to all employees through theemail(Laudon and Laudon, 2016). Data management: Cited supermarket are able to store their important data likecustomer's informations their contact numbers, employees files, financial documents,inventory record etc. with the help of data management.
Business Information Technology System Report_3

Marketing: Information technology helps every organisation to promote their business indiffer net sectors with the help of internet, social media etc. chosen company are able toadvertise their good and services online( La Rosa and Santoro, 2016). To attract morecustomers, chosen company is promoting their business on social media such asFacebook, Instagram etc. as number of customers increase productivity and benefits willincrease automatically. IT offers SEO system which is very useful for small business thisis because mini business person can use online search engines to research user purchasingtrends and determine profitable selling opportunities. Along with this customers are alsoable to give feedback about the companies on their official web pages. Through thefeedback system, companies will be able to provide the services and products accordingto customer's needs and interest. Process improvement: in this context, company can also use information technology toimprove process and to accomplish cost savings. For an example, cited company can usepaperless communication inside the business to save on printing and duplication costs.Moreover, IT also reduce the time and give security for an example if manager ofmentioned firm wants to give some instruction to particular person then he can drop aemail or message to employee's id after that he will get a deliver message which is sign ofthat his message is sent successfully to employee. This is best technique ofcommunication as compare to paper communication( Hu and Bu, 2014). In past managerwrote the instructions and message on the paper and hire a peon to circulate that messagein the business this took a long time and was not secure. Enterprise Resource Planning: it is the use of software system which helps in operationaland strategic decision making. P2 IT system that bring achievement of the objectives in Johnson SupermarketAs it system offers various facilities such as data management, communication at globallevel etc. all these factors helps an organisation to achieve the success in desire manner. Alongwith this, outcomes accomplish and maintain to run and grow performance of Johnsonsupermarket(Straub and Liang,2015). Information technology system offers variousadvantageous which contributes in the achievement are give as below
Business Information Technology System Report_4

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